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China Corn & Corn Processing Products Market Review & Outlook Proposal 2007/2008
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1 Corn Production in 2007 and Forecast for 2008
1.1 Weather Conditions of Main Corn Producing Regions in 2007
1.2 Changes of Corn Acreage and Output in 2007
1.3 Analysis of Production in Major Corn Producing Provinces in 2007
1.3.1 Production in Jilin Province
1.3.2 Production in Shandong Province
1.3.3 Production in Henan Province
1.3.4 Production in Hebei Province
1.3.5 Production in Heilongjiang Province
1.4 Analysis of Production in Major Corn Producing Reagions in 2007
1.4.1 Analysis of Summer Corn Regions in the Yellow River, Huaihe River and Haihe River plain
1.4.2Analysis of Spring Corn Areas in the North
1.4.3 Analysis of Mountainous Corn Growing Areas in the Southwest
1.4.4 Analysis of the Hilly Corn Areas in the South
1.4.5Analysis of Irrigated Corn Growing Areas in the Northwest
1.5 Distribution of Main Corn Varieties in China (Zhengdan 958, Nongda 108, Ludan 981, etc)
1.6 Corn Seed Production in 2007 and Forecast for 2008
2. Corn Trade in 2007 and Projection for 2008 in China
2.1 Analysis of Corn Exportin 2007
2.1.1 Corn Export Amount & Price (FOB) in 2007
2.1.2Corn Export by Country in 2007
2.1.3 Corn Export by Port in 2007
2.1.4 Corn Export by Provinces in 2007
2.2 Analysis of Corn Import in 2007
2.2.1 Corn Import Amount & Price (CIF) in 2007
2.2.2 Corn Import by Country in 2007
2.2.3 Corn Import by Port in 2007
2.3 Analysis of Imp&Exp Enterprises in 2007
2.3.1 Major Export Enterprises in China
2.3.2 Major Import Enterprises in China
2.4 Forecast for Corn Trade in 2008
3 Supply and Demand Relation and Forecast of Hybird Corn Seed in China, 2007
3.1 Main characteristics of China's corn seed industry
3.2 Market Demand of Corn Seed in 2007
3.3 Analysis of market demands for main corn seeds in China
3.3.1 Analysis of Summer Corn Region in the Yellow River, Huaihe River and Haihe River plain
3.3.2 Analysis of Spring Corn Areas in the North
3.3.3 Analysis of Mountainous Corn Growing Areas in the Southwest
3.3.4 Analysis of the Hilly Corn Areas in the South
3.3.5 Analysis of Irrigated Corn Growing Areas in the Northwest
3.4 Analysis of Main Corn Seed Producing Areas in China
3.4.1 Total Supply from Corn Seed Production
3.4.2 Analysis of Seed Bases in Northwest China, inc. Gansu, Ningxia, Shaanxi and Xinjiang
3.4.3 Analysis of Seed Bases in Northeast China, inc. Liaoning, Jilini and Heilongjiang
3.4.4 Analysis of Seed Bases in North China, inc. Hebei, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia
3.5 Analysis & Forecast of the Supply-Demand Equilibrium of Corn Seeds in China, 2007-2008
4 Analysis & Forecast of the Supply-Demand Equilibrium of Corn in China, 2007-2008
4.1 Analysis & Forecast of the Total Supply of Corn in China, 2007-2008
4.1.1 Supply of Corn Output in 2007
4.1.2 Changes of Corn Storage in 2007
4.2 Analysis & Forecast of the Total Demand of Corn in China, 2007-2008
4.2.1 Analysis of Feed Corn Demand in 2007
4.2.2 Analysis of Further Processing Corn Demand in 2007
4.2.3 Analysis of Edible Corn Demand in 2007
4.2.4 Analysis of Seed-Used Corn Demand in 2007
4.3 Analysis & Forecast of the Supply-Demand Equilibrium of Corn in China, 2007-2008
5 Analysis & Forecast of Corn Market Price in China, 2007-2008
5.1. Analysis of Changes of Corn Futures Price in 2007
5.1.1 Analysis of Chicago Corn Futures Price and Forecast
5.1.2 Analysis of Dalian Corn Futures Price and Forecast
5.2 Analysis of Corn Spot Price in 2007
5.2.1 Price Analysis of Main Producing Regions
5.2.2 Price Analysis of Main Consuming Regions
5.2.3 Analysis of Main Port Prices
5.3. Comparison of Spot Price and Futures Price and Trend Forecast
5.4 Review of Primary Incidents of Corn Market in 2007
6. Analysis & Forecast of of Corn Further Processing Industry
6.1 Market Review of Corn Further Processing Industry in 2007
6.2 Review and Outlook of Corn Starch Market in 2007
6.2.1 Market Review of Corn Starch Market in 2007 Main Processed Varieties of Corn Starch and Their Market Prospects Analysis of Corn Starch Production Distribution Analysis of Concentration of Corn Starch Enterprises Main Features of Corn Starch Production
6.2.2 Analysis of Price Level of Corn Starch in 2007 and Forecast
6.2.3 Analysis of Corn Starch Import and Export in 2007 and Forecast
6.2.4 Trend of Corn Starch Further Processing in 2008 and Predictions Forecast for Corn Starch Production in 2008 Forecast for Corn Starch Consumption in 2008 Forecast for Corn Starch Trade in 2008
6.3. Analysis of Alcohol and Ethanol Industrial Development in 2007 and Forecast
6.3.1 Analysis of Corn Alcohol and Ethanol Production in 2007 Rising Output of Alcohol and Ethanol Characteristics of Alcohol and Ethanol Production in China Corn Consumption for Ethanol Production
6.3.2 Analysis of Import and Export Situation of Alcohol and
6.3.3 Development of Domestic Ethanol and National Grain Safety
6.3.4 Application of Alcohol and Ethanol in 2008 and Prospects Forecast for Corn Starch Production in 2008 Forecast for Corn Starch Consumption in 2008 Forecast for Corn Starch Trade in 2008
6.4 Review and Forecast of Disnatured Corn Starch Market
6.4.1 Analysis of Production of Disnatured Corn Starch in 2007 Review of Output of Disnatured Corn Starch Production Characteristics of Disnatured Corn Starch
6.4.2 Analysis of Import and Export of Disnatured Corn Starch
6.4.3 Forecast of Trend of Disnatured Corn Starch in 2008 Forecast for Disnatured Corn Starch Production in 2008 Forecast for Disnatured Corn Starch Consumption in 2008 Forecast for Disnatured Corn Starch Trade in 2008
6.5 Market Analysis and Forecast for Corn Starch Sugar
6.5.1 Analysis of Production of Corn Starch Sugar in 2007 Review of Output of Starch Sugar Characteristics of Corn Starch Sugar Production Consumption of Corn by Corn Starch Sugar Production
6.5.2 Import and Export Analysis of Corn Starch Sugar
6.5.3 Analysis of Trend of Corn Starch Sugar in 2007 Forecast for Corn Starch Sugar Production in 2008 Forecast for Corn Starch Sugar Consumption in 2008 Forecast for Corn Starch Sugar Trade in 2008
6.6 Review and Forecast for Gourmet Powder Industry
6.6.1 Analysis of Production of Corn Gourmet Powder in 2007 Overall Output of Gourmet Powder Characteristics of Corn Gourmet Powder Production Corn Consumption by Corn Gourmet Powder Production
6.6.2 Analysis of Import and Export of Gourmet Powder
6.6.3 Trend of Corn Gourmet Powder in 2008 Forecast for Corn Gourmet Powder Production in 2008 Forecast for Corn Gourmet Powder Consumption in 2008 Forecast for Corn Gourmet Powder Trade in 2008
6.7 Market Analysis of Other Further Processed Corn Products
6.7.1 Market Analysis and Forecast for Lysine in 2007 Market Structure of Corn Lysine in 2007 Analysis of Supply and Demand for Lysine in 2007 Price Analysis of Lysine in 2007
6.7.2 Market Analysis of Citric Acid in 2007 and Forecast Supply and Demand of Citric Acid in 2007 and Forecast Citric Acid Production in 2006 and Forecast Forecast for Citric Acid Production Consumption and Trade in 2008
6.7.3 Market Analysis of Corn Oil in 2007 and Forecast Corn Oil Production in 2007 and Analysis of Characteristics Analysis of Supply and Demand of Corn Oil in 2007 and Forecast Forecast for Corn Oil Production Consumption and Trade in 2008
6.8. Overall Analysis and Forecast of Corn Further Processing Industry
6.8.1 Industrial Structural Analysis of Corn Processing in 2007 Regional Distribution of Corn Further Processing in 2007 and Forecast Analysis of Concentration Level of Corn Further Processing Enterprises in 2007 and Forecast
6.8.2 Comparative Study of Corn Further Processing Industry in China and in USA in 2007
6.8.3 Development of Corn Further Processing Industry in 2007 and Forecast Analysis of Key Features of Corn Further Processing Industry Analysis of Features of Composition of Processed Products Strategies for Future Development of Corn Further Processing Industry
6.9. Primary Incidentes of Corn Further Processing Industry in 2007
Table 1, China’s Corn production (1995/96-2007/08)
Table 2, China’s Corn Planting Areas by Province (2000-2007)
Table 3, China’s Corn Yield by Province (2000-2007)
Table 4, China’s Corn Planting Areas by Region (2000-2007)
Table 5, China’s Corn Yield by Region (2000-2007)
Table 6, Distribution of Corn Hybird Varieties by Rigion in China (2006)
Table 7, Distribution of Corn Hybird Varieties by Rigion in China (2007)
Table 8, China’s Corn Consumption by Region (2002-2007)
Table 9, China’s Corn Import(1997-2007)
Table 10, China’s Corn Import of Crop Year(1997/98-2007/08)
Table 4, China’s Corn Import by Original Country(2007)
Table 5, China’s Corn Import by Custom(2007)
Table 6, Corn’s Feed Use of China(1997/98-2007/08)
Table 7, Industrial Consumption of Corn(1997/98-2007/08)
Table 8, Food Consumption of Corn(1997/98-2007/08)
Table 9, Seed Consumption of Corn(1997/98-2007/08)
Table 10, Chinese Corn Export of Crop Year(1996-2007)
Table 12, China’s Corn Export by Original Country(2007)
Table 13, China's Corn Exports by Custom(2007)
Table 14, China's Corn Exports by Province(2007)
Table 15, Balance of Supply and Demand of Corn(1995/96-2007/08)
Table 15, China’s Feed Output by Province(2007)
Table 16, Corn Starch Production with Total Starch Production(1996-2007)
Table 17, Main Enterprise’s Produce Ability of Corn Starch (2007)
Table 18, Import and Export of Corn Starch(1996-2007)
Table 19, Production of Disnatured Starch(1996-2007)
Table 20, Main Enterprise’s Produce Ability of Disnatured Corn Starch(2007)
Table 21, Production of Starch Sugar(1996-2007)
Table 22, Main Enterprise’s Produce Ability of Corn Starch Sugar(2007)
Table 23, Import & Export of Fructose and Fructose Syrup(1996-2007)
Table 24, Import & Export of Glucose and Glucose Syrup(1996-2007)
Table 25, Total Production of Gourmet Powder(1996-2007)
Table 26, Main Enterprise’s Produce Ability of Gourmet Powder(2007)
Table 27, Import & Export of Gourmet Powder by China(1996-2007)
Table 28, Production of Alcohol based on Fermentation Method(1996-2007)
Table 29, Main Enterprise’s Produce Ability of Corn Alcohol based on Fermentation Method (2007)
Table 30, Import & Export of Alcohol by China(1996-2007)
Table 31, Main Enterprise’s Produce Ability of Lysine(2007)
Table 32, Lysine Production of China(2000-2007)
Table 28, Lysine Import & Export by China from(1996-2007)
Table 34, Monthly Import & Export of Lysine in 2007
Table 35, Production of Lemon Acid by China(1996-2007)
Table 36, Import & Export of Lemon Acid by China(1996-2007)
Table 37, Main Enterprise’s Produce Ability of Lemon Acid(2007)
Table 38, CornOil Production of China(2007)
Table 39, Import & Export of Corn Oil and Products by China(2007)
Table 40, Production Capacity of Chinese Corn Oil Enterprises(2007)
Table 41, Changes of Chinese Corn Consumption Structure(1996-2007)
Table 42, Estimation of Corn Processing Industry Consumption in 2008
1 Corn Production in 2007 and Forecast for 2008
1.1 Weather Conditions of Main Corn Producing Regions in 2007
1.2 Changes of Corn Acreage and Output in 2007
1.3 Analysis of Production in Major Corn Producing Provinces in 2007
1.3.1 Production in Jilin Province
1.3.2 Production in Shandong Province
1.3.3 Production in Henan Province
1.3.4 Production in Hebei Province
1.3.5 Production in Heilongjiang Province
1.4 Analysis of Production in Major Corn Producing Reagions in 2007
1.4.1 Analysis of Summer Corn Regions in the Yellow River, Huaihe River and Haihe River plain
1.4.2Analysis of Spring Corn Areas in the North
1.4.3 Analysis of Mountainous Corn Growing Areas in the Southwest
1.4.4 Analysis of the Hilly Corn Areas in the South
1.4.5Analysis of Irrigated Corn Growing Areas in the Northwest
1.5 Distribution of Main Corn Varieties in China (Zhengdan 958, Nongda 108, Ludan 981, etc)
1.6 Corn Seed Production in 2007 and Forecast for 2008
2. Corn Trade in 2007 and Projection for 2008 in China
2.1 Analysis of Corn Exportin 2007
2.1.1 Corn Export Amount & Price (FOB) in 2007
2.1.2Corn Export by Country in 2007
2.1.3 Corn Export by Port in 2007
2.1.4 Corn Export by Provinces in 2007
2.2 Analysis of Corn Import in 2007
2.2.1 Corn Import Amount & Price (CIF) in 2007
2.2.2 Corn Import by Country in 2007
2.2.3 Corn Import by Port in 2007
2.3 Analysis of Imp&Exp Enterprises in 2007
2.3.1 Major Export Enterprises in China
2.3.2 Major Import Enterprises in China
2.4 Forecast for Corn Trade in 2008
3 Supply and Demand Relation and Forecast of Hybird Corn Seed in China, 2007
3.1 Main characteristics of China's corn seed industry
3.2 Market Demand of Corn Seed in 2007
3.3 Analysis of market demands for main corn seeds in China
3.3.1 Analysis of Summer Corn Region in the Yellow River, Huaihe River and Haihe River plain
3.3.2 Analysis of Spring Corn Areas in the North
3.3.3 Analysis of Mountainous Corn Growing Areas in the Southwest
3.3.4 Analysis of the Hilly Corn Areas in the South
3.3.5 Analysis of Irrigated Corn Growing Areas in the Northwest
3.4 Analysis of Main Corn Seed Producing Areas in China
3.4.1 Total Supply from Corn Seed Production
3.4.2 Analysis of Seed Bases in Northwest China, inc. Gansu, Ningxia, Shaanxi and Xinjiang
3.4.3 Analysis of Seed Bases in Northeast China, inc. Liaoning, Jilini and Heilongjiang
3.4.4 Analysis of Seed Bases in North China, inc. Hebei, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia
3.5 Analysis & Forecast of the Supply-Demand Equilibrium of Corn Seeds in China, 2007-2008
4 Analysis & Forecast of the Supply-Demand Equilibrium of Corn in China, 2007-2008
4.1 Analysis & Forecast of the Total Supply of Corn in China, 2007-2008
4.1.1 Supply of Corn Output in 2007
4.1.2 Changes of Corn Storage in 2007
4.2 Analysis & Forecast of the Total Demand of Corn in China, 2007-2008
4.2.1 Analysis of Feed Corn Demand in 2007
4.2.2 Analysis of Further Processing Corn Demand in 2007
4.2.3 Analysis of Edible Corn Demand in 2007
4.2.4 Analysis of Seed-Used Corn Demand in 2007
4.3 Analysis & Forecast of the Supply-Demand Equilibrium of Corn in China, 2007-2008
5 Analysis & Forecast of Corn Market Price in China, 2007-2008
5.1. Analysis of Changes of Corn Futures Price in 2007
5.1.1 Analysis of Chicago Corn Futures Price and Forecast
5.1.2 Analysis of Dalian Corn Futures Price and Forecast
5.2 Analysis of Corn Spot Price in 2007
5.2.1 Price Analysis of Main Producing Regions
5.2.2 Price Analysis of Main Consuming Regions
5.2.3 Analysis of Main Port Prices
5.3. Comparison of Spot Price and Futures Price and Trend Forecast
5.4 Review of Primary Incidents of Corn Market in 2007
6. Analysis & Forecast of of Corn Further Processing Industry
6.1 Market Review of Corn Further Processing Industry in 2007
6.2 Review and Outlook of Corn Starch Market in 2007
6.2.1 Market Review of Corn Starch Market in 2007 Main Processed Varieties of Corn Starch and Their Market Prospects Analysis of Corn Starch Production Distribution Analysis of Concentration of Corn Starch Enterprises Main Features of Corn Starch Production
6.2.2 Analysis of Price Level of Corn Starch in 2007 and Forecast
6.2.3 Analysis of Corn Starch Import and Export in 2007 and Forecast
6.2.4 Trend of Corn Starch Further Processing in 2008 and Predictions Forecast for Corn Starch Production in 2008 Forecast for Corn Starch Consumption in 2008 Forecast for Corn Starch Trade in 2008
6.3. Analysis of Alcohol and Ethanol Industrial Development in 2007 and Forecast
6.3.1 Analysis of Corn Alcohol and Ethanol Production in 2007 Rising Output of Alcohol and Ethanol Characteristics of Alcohol and Ethanol Production in China Corn Consumption for Ethanol Production
6.3.2 Analysis of Import and Export Situation of Alcohol and
6.3.3 Development of Domestic Ethanol and National Grain Safety
6.3.4 Application of Alcohol and Ethanol in 2008 and Prospects Forecast for Corn Starch Production in 2008 Forecast for Corn Starch Consumption in 2008 Forecast for Corn Starch Trade in 2008
6.4 Review and Forecast of Disnatured Corn Starch Market
6.4.1 Analysis of Production of Disnatured Corn Starch in 2007 Review of Output of Disnatured Corn Starch Production Characteristics of Disnatured Corn Starch
6.4.2 Analysis of Import and Export of Disnatured Corn Starch
6.4.3 Forecast of Trend of Disnatured Corn Starch in 2008 Forecast for Disnatured Corn Starch Production in 2008 Forecast for Disnatured Corn Starch Consumption in 2008 Forecast for Disnatured Corn Starch Trade in 2008
6.5 Market Analysis and Forecast for Corn Starch Sugar
6.5.1 Analysis of Production of Corn Starch Sugar in 2007 Review of Output of Starch Sugar Characteristics of Corn Starch Sugar Production Consumption of Corn by Corn Starch Sugar Production
6.5.2 Import and Export Analysis of Corn Starch Sugar
6.5.3 Analysis of Trend of Corn Starch Sugar in 2007 Forecast for Corn Starch Sugar Production in 2008 Forecast for Corn Starch Sugar Consumption in 2008 Forecast for Corn Starch Sugar Trade in 2008
6.6 Review and Forecast for Gourmet Powder Industry
6.6.1 Analysis of Production of Corn Gourmet Powder in 2007 Overall Output of Gourmet Powder Characteristics of Corn Gourmet Powder Production Corn Consumption by Corn Gourmet Powder Production
6.6.2 Analysis of Import and Export of Gourmet Powder
6.6.3 Trend of Corn Gourmet Powder in 2008 Forecast for Corn Gourmet Powder Production in 2008 Forecast for Corn Gourmet Powder Consumption in 2008 Forecast for Corn Gourmet Powder Trade in 2008
6.7 Market Analysis of Other Further Processed Corn Products
6.7.1 Market Analysis and Forecast for Lysine in 2007 Market Structure of Corn Lysine in 2007 Analysis of Supply and Demand for Lysine in 2007 Price Analysis of Lysine in 2007
6.7.2 Market Analysis of Citric Acid in 2007 and Forecast Supply and Demand of Citric Acid in 2007 and Forecast Citric Acid Production in 2006 and Forecast Forecast for Citric Acid Production Consumption and Trade in 2008
6.7.3 Market Analysis of Corn Oil in 2007 and Forecast Corn Oil Production in 2007 and Analysis of Characteristics Analysis of Supply and Demand of Corn Oil in 2007 and Forecast Forecast for Corn Oil Production Consumption and Trade in 2008
6.8. Overall Analysis and Forecast of Corn Further Processing Industry
6.8.1 Industrial Structural Analysis of Corn Processing in 2007 Regional Distribution of Corn Further Processing in 2007 and Forecast Analysis of Concentration Level of Corn Further Processing Enterprises in 2007 and Forecast
6.8.2 Comparative Study of Corn Further Processing Industry in China and in USA in 2007
6.8.3 Development of Corn Further Processing Industry in 2007 and Forecast Analysis of Key Features of Corn Further Processing Industry Analysis of Features of Composition of Processed Products Strategies for Future Development of Corn Further Processing Industry
6.9. Primary Incidentes of Corn Further Processing Industry in 2007
Table 1, China’s Corn production (1995/96-2007/08)
Table 2, China’s Corn Planting Areas by Province (2000-2007)
Table 3, China’s Corn Yield by Province (2000-2007)
Table 4, China’s Corn Planting Areas by Region (2000-2007)
Table 5, China’s Corn Yield by Region (2000-2007)
Table 6, Distribution of Corn Hybird Varieties by Rigion in China (2006)
Table 7, Distribution of Corn Hybird Varieties by Rigion in China (2007)
Table 8, China’s Corn Consumption by Region (2002-2007)
Table 9, China’s Corn Import(1997-2007)
Table 10, China’s Corn Import of Crop Year(1997/98-2007/08)
Table 4, China’s Corn Import by Original Country(2007)
Table 5, China’s Corn Import by Custom(2007)
Table 6, Corn’s Feed Use of China(1997/98-2007/08)
Table 7, Industrial Consumption of Corn(1997/98-2007/08)
Table 8, Food Consumption of Corn(1997/98-2007/08)
Table 9, Seed Consumption of Corn(1997/98-2007/08)
Table 10, Chinese Corn Export of Crop Year(1996-2007)
Table 12, China’s Corn Export by Original Country(2007)
Table 13, China's Corn Exports by Custom(2007)
Table 14, China's Corn Exports by Province(2007)
Table 15, Balance of Supply and Demand of Corn(1995/96-2007/08)
Table 15, China’s Feed Output by Province(2007)
Table 16, Corn Starch Production with Total Starch Production(1996-2007)
Table 17, Main Enterprise’s Produce Ability of Corn Starch (2007)
Table 18, Import and Export of Corn Starch(1996-2007)
Table 19, Production of Disnatured Starch(1996-2007)
Table 20, Main Enterprise’s Produce Ability of Disnatured Corn Starch(2007)
Table 21, Production of Starch Sugar(1996-2007)
Table 22, Main Enterprise’s Produce Ability of Corn Starch Sugar(2007)
Table 23, Import & Export of Fructose and Fructose Syrup(1996-2007)
Table 24, Import & Export of Glucose and Glucose Syrup(1996-2007)
Table 25, Total Production of Gourmet Powder(1996-2007)
Table 26, Main Enterprise’s Produce Ability of Gourmet Powder(2007)
Table 27, Import & Export of Gourmet Powder by China(1996-2007)
Table 28, Production of Alcohol based on Fermentation Method(1996-2007)
Table 29, Main Enterprise’s Produce Ability of Corn Alcohol based on Fermentation Method (2007)
Table 30, Import & Export of Alcohol by China(1996-2007)
Table 31, Main Enterprise’s Produce Ability of Lysine(2007)
Table 32, Lysine Production of China(2000-2007)
Table 28, Lysine Import & Export by China from(1996-2007)
Table 34, Monthly Import & Export of Lysine in 2007
Table 35, Production of Lemon Acid by China(1996-2007)
Table 36, Import & Export of Lemon Acid by China(1996-2007)
Table 37, Main Enterprise’s Produce Ability of Lemon Acid(2007)
Table 38, CornOil Production of China(2007)
Table 39, Import & Export of Corn Oil and Products by China(2007)
Table 40, Production Capacity of Chinese Corn Oil Enterprises(2007)
Table 41, Changes of Chinese Corn Consumption Structure(1996-2007)
Table 42, Estimation of Corn Processing Industry Consumption in 2008

China is one of the main producing countries of corn in the world, the national output stood at 146 million tons in 2006/07 cropping year, and the acreage enlarged under the influence of hihgh planting returns in 2007. Yield decreased due to weather conditions in the Northeast in 2007, while yield improved in other main producing areas in the Yellow River and the Huai River Valley returns. The total yield is foreseen to keep the same level with 2006/07 cropping yea last year around 146 million tons, making up 20% of the world total.
Domestic corn consumption takes feed and industrial use as main consumption channel, amounting to 85% of the total domestic consumption. Corn supply and demand relation will affect the feed industry and the development of further corn processing. Whether corn consumption in feed industry greatly affected the sharp growth of pork price in May, 2007?
China witnessed a fast growth of further processing of corn in 2007. Further processing of corn starch, corn ethanol, disnatured starch and starch sugar sustained rapid growths. Competition of corn further processing intensified, and there were constant occurrence of mergers and reorganizations among companies. Due to the fast growth in domestic corn ethanol industry China implemented relevant policies to restrain corn export and corn further processing.
How shall the supply and demand relation change in 2007? How will the supply and demand relation affect the feed industry and the development of further corn processing? Whether the drastic growth of domestic corn consumption will result to primary changes of the corn supply and demand relation? How will international corn supply affect the domestic market? How shall the Chinese corn industry develop in 2008? What shall be the trend of corn further processing in 2008? How shall the market structure and product structure change? How shall the Chinese corn further processing market face competition from the international market? What strategies should a corn further processing company adopt in order to be a leading player in the industry? … ALL these issues should be addressed systematically.
Based on analyzing the national corn market and further processing market in 2007, this report has certain forecasts on the two markets in the future.
Domestic corn consumption takes feed and industrial use as main consumption channel, amounting to 85% of the total domestic consumption. Corn supply and demand relation will affect the feed industry and the development of further corn processing. Whether corn consumption in feed industry greatly affected the sharp growth of pork price in May, 2007?
China witnessed a fast growth of further processing of corn in 2007. Further processing of corn starch, corn ethanol, disnatured starch and starch sugar sustained rapid growths. Competition of corn further processing intensified, and there were constant occurrence of mergers and reorganizations among companies. Due to the fast growth in domestic corn ethanol industry China implemented relevant policies to restrain corn export and corn further processing.
How shall the supply and demand relation change in 2007? How will the supply and demand relation affect the feed industry and the development of further corn processing? Whether the drastic growth of domestic corn consumption will result to primary changes of the corn supply and demand relation? How will international corn supply affect the domestic market? How shall the Chinese corn industry develop in 2008? What shall be the trend of corn further processing in 2008? How shall the market structure and product structure change? How shall the Chinese corn further processing market face competition from the international market? What strategies should a corn further processing company adopt in order to be a leading player in the industry? … ALL these issues should be addressed systematically.
Based on analyzing the national corn market and further processing market in 2007, this report has certain forecasts on the two markets in the future.

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◆ Business Demand Will Drive "PushMail" Forward in China [ 2007-09-12 ]
◆ Wireless Business Use: The Overlooked Profit Machine [ 2007-07-05 ]
◆ Multimedia Phones in China: What is the Next Selling Point? [ 2007-07-05 ]
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