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2008 Annual Report on China’s Guarantee Industry
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All price | 2300 |
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Chapter One The profile of guarantee industry
Section One Basic conception and relation of guarantee
First, concept of guarantee
Second, classification of guarantee
Third, characteristic of guarantee
Section Two The review of development course of guarantee industry in our country
Chapter Two Analysis of policy, laws and regulations of guarantee trade
Section One Analysis policy and law
First, limitation and innovation of property guarantee system of our country
Second, start "property law" movable property guarantee clause need improved and complete mechanism
Third, “Property law” realize five breakthrough of movable property guarantee
Fourth, 255 credit guarantee organization of small and medium–sized enterprises exempt from the business tax in the 3 years
Section Two Legal predicament and solving thinking of guarantee system of financing and accommodation bonds of our country
First, external legal system about financing and accommodation bonds guarantee
Second, the legal predicament of current guarantee system of financing and accommodation bonds of our country
Section Three Development trends of world guarantee system
First, the system reform of international movable property guarantee
Second, Japanese financial institution bear 20% little company loan guarantee
Third, system frame of managing business of foreign collateral
Chapter Three Guarantee trade market analysis
Section One Basic situation of market development
First, instauration mode of guarantee organization
Second, the current situation of guarantee organization's development
Third, subject problem existing in operation
Fourth, Countermeasure and suggestion of further development
Fifth, management benefit analysis of guarantee trade
Sixth, main risk analysis of guarantee industry
Section Two Current situation analysis of market development of guarantee trade
First, current situation analysis of market development of guarantee trade
Second, guarantee industry of China in the ascendant
Third, predicament analysis of investment & guarantee company
Fourth, guarantee chain initiates the achievement crisis
Fifth, the risk control of guarantee company
Sixth, the bull of guarantee industry of our country supervises troublingly
Seventh, survival investigation of membership system guarantee Company
Eighth, guarantee credits achieve prosperity
Chapter Four Development analysis of credit guarantee industry
Section One Development overview of credit guarantee
First, developing state and prospect of credit guarantee industry of our country
Second, development of credit guarantee call finance support
Section Two Construction of credit guarantee system of small and medium-sized enterprises
First, international experience of construction of credit guarantee system of small and medium-sized enterprises
Second, several question of credit guarantee of small and medium-sized enterprises
Third, economic essence and commercialized operation terms of credit guarantee of small and medium-sized enterprises
Fourth, thinking that improve the credit guarantee of small and medium-sized enterprises
Fifth, construction of the credit evaluation system of small and medium-sized enterprises
Section Three Current situation of the development of credit guarantee industry of small and medium-sized enterprises of our country
First,our country forms the multi-level credit guarantee system of small and medium-sized enterprises tentatively
Second, credit guarantee organization of small and medium-sized enterprises need support of tax revenue
Third, cooperative situation analysis of bank and guarantee
Fourth, State Development Bank support system construction of credit guarantee of small and medium-sized enterprises
Fifth, Zhongguancun scientific and technological enterprises can apply to no mortgage guarantee fiduciary loan
Sixth, Chongqing transplants " union guarantee " to settle the difficult problem of financing guarantee of industrial enterprise
Seventh, exempt from the business tax of 3 years for the loan guarantee of small and medium-sized enterprises in Hunan
Eighth, Liaoning Province finance and guarantee for the small and medium-sized enterprises
Ninth, the credit guarantee industry of Jilin Province offers strong support for private economy
Tenth, special guarantee fund of university students' innovative undertaking issue
Chapter Five Development of guarantee of real estate project
Section One Development overview of real estate project guarantee
First, state of foreign construction contract guarantee
Second, development and reference of U.S.A. construction contract guarantee system
Third, procedure of project guarantee business
Fourth, introduction of construction contract guarantee business
Fifth, loan guarantee of development of real estate
Sixth, the guarantee form of the real estate loan
Section Two Development trends of project guarantee industry
First, Shanxi pursue project construction guarantee system by force in 2007
Second, Henan introduce construction project guarantee system
Third, Hangzhou project guarantee system begin to pursue by force
Fourth, foreign capitals enter curve guarantee real estate
Chapter Six Development of personal credit guarantee
Section One Operation of guarantee organization in U.S.A.'s family education loan and meaning in the national student loans of our country
First, loan scheme of the federal family education (FFELP)
Second, operation of federal family education loan scheme and function of guarantee organization
Third, main content of guarantee organization financial report
Fourth, new way that guarantee organization cooperate with American federal government
Fifth, enlightenment that U.S.A. federal family education guarantee organization give to operation of State-subsidized student loan guarantee of our country
Section Two Development of small guarantee loan of all parts
First, development course of small guarantee loan
Second, Beijing reduce threshold of small guarantee loan, simplify the examination and approval procedures
Third, non-performing loan rate of small guarantee loan of Changsha city reach 12%
Fourth, small guarantee loan of Jilin Province have made brilliant achievements
Fifth, the upper limit of personal small loan of Sichuan-Tibet advance to 50,000 yuan
Sixth, Guangzhou offer the small guarantee loan of venture for the most needy graduates of local students source
Seventh, Chongqing bank cooperate with government to innovate guarantee loan mode give financial aid to students
Eighth, have released the small guarantee loan totally ten billion at home
Section Three Development analysis of other guarantee business
First, question and countermeasure that guarantee loan of rural credit office exist
Second, development lesson of Model DB supplementary pension guarantee
Third, investigation and thinking of present loan mortgage guarantee work
Fourth, lease guarantee vie for car loan market
Chapter Seven Guarantee enterprise's analysis
Section One The competitions analysis of guarantee trade
First, The regional distribution of the credit guarantee trade and structural characteristic of guarantee business variety
Second, lifespan analysis of guarantee trade
Third, barrier analysis of guarantee trade
Fourth, guarantee organization need promote one's own organizational behavior competitiveness
Fifth, the top ten credit guarantee organization of small and medium-sized enterprises with strongest influence power of the whole country
Section Two Institutional framework of guarantee organization
Section Three Analysis of especial guarantee organization
First,China National Investment & Guaranty Co., Ltd
Second, Zhongtou credit guarantee Co., Ltd
Third, China Credit orienwise guarantee group Limited Company
Fourth, China economic technological investment guarantee Co., Ltd
Fifth, Beijing Zhongguancun science and technology guarantee Co., Ltd
Sixth, Beijing Capital investment guarantee Co., Ltd
Seventh, Guangdong Yinda guarantee investment group Co., Ltd
Eighth, Guangdong Join-share guarantee investment limited company
Ninth, Shenzhen Huarong investment & guarantee Co., Ltd
Tenth, Credit guarantee centre of small and medium-sized enterprises of Shenzhen
Section Four The trend that overseas-funded enterprise enters guarantee trade at home
First, the first real estate guarantee company of foreign capitals established in Beijing
Second, U.S.A. Silicon Valley bank beaches in the guarantee industry of Shenzhen
Third, credit guarantee organization of small and medium–sized enterprises of Shenzhen hand in hand with Bank of East Asia Ltd. for the first time
Fourth, the first foreign capitals guarantee enterprises will enter in Fuzhou
Fifth, the first Taiwan trader guarantee company opens ice
Chapter Eight Current situation of the development of guarantee industry of all parts of the country of 2007
Section One Current situation of the development of guarantee industry of Guangdong Province
First, Guangdong guarantee trade it is large but not strong
Second, guarantee organization in Zhuhai includes in the financing platform of the four in one for the first time
Third, 80% registered capital of guarantee company in Zhuhai is the folk capital
Section Two Current situation of the development of guarantee organization in Beijing
Section Three Current situation of the development of guarantee industry of Zhejiang
First, the guarantee industry of Zhejiang breaks out of the encirclement
Second, the nongovernmental fund of guarantee industry of Ningbo is surged
Section Four Current situation of the development of guarantee trade of Jiangsu Province
First, Nanjing privateo guarantee company enters in " spring " gradually
Second, Changzhou guarantee trade makes up deficits
Third, Zhangjiagang innovates risks allocation way of guarantee organization
Section Five Current situation of the development of guarantee industry of Sichuan Province
First, Sichuan " root of the grass " guarantee that becomes " the climate " gradually
Second, great inventory of guarantee industry of Sichuan of 2006
Section Six Current situation of the development of credit guarantee industry of Shanxi
First, the subject problem that the credit guarantee industry of Shanxi stores
Second, the policy recommendations and countermeasure measure that develop credit guarantee industry of Shanxi
Section Seven Current situation of the development of other areas guarantee industry
First, Ningxia guarantee solve loan difficulty of small and medium-sized enterprises
Second, the first guarantee company involving agriculture is established in Henan Province
Third, current situation of the development of guarantee trade in Hunan Province
Fourth, analysis of the predicament of the credit guarantee of small and medium-sized enterprises of Gansu
Fifth, offshore funds enter the guarantee industry of Chongqing for the first time
Sixth, Fuzhou forms the trans-regional financing guarantee system of small and medium-sized enterprises tentatively
Seventh, Qingdao guarantee market " intensify " go on
Eighth, outstanding problem that Xinjiang guarantee trade exist in 2006
Ninth, current situation and outlet of guarantee of small and medium-sized enterprises of Shanghai
Chapter Nine Development trend analysis of guarantee industry
First, build up credit guarantee system tentatively
Second, guarantee that develop towards specialization, commercialized direction
Third, guarantee from cooperating in moving towards amalgamating
Fourth, the performance guarantee in e-commerce trade become new development opportunity of China guarantee industry
Fifth, securitisation of real estate loan creditor's rights and real estate mortgage guarantee assets offer the new opportunity for guarantee industry
Sixth, developing trend of six respects of guarantee industry of our country
Chapter Ten Development tactics and suggestion of guarantee trade
First, developmental proposition of guarantee trade
Second, construct the guarantee inside control system of state-run listed company and
Third, commercial bank how should new regulation that company guarantee outside
Fourth, how to realize the guarantee property of account receivable
Fifth, the research of financial risk precaution that listed company guarantee outside
Sixth, the countermeasure research that improve the credit guarantee system of small and medium-sized enterprises of our country
Seventh, analyse and explain the crisis of guarantee industry
Chart: The list of credit guarantee organization of small and medium–sized enterprises which exempt from the business tax
Chart: The list of credit guarantee organization of small and medium–sized enterprises which cancel the qualification of exempting from the business tax earlier stage
Chart: All kinds of of our country guarantee organization's quantity and proportion in 2004
Chart: The whole world successful guarantee system
Chart:Global credit guarantee system
Chart: The investment share that bank participates in guarantee system to build the national bank
Chart: Elarge multiple of guarantee organization of some developing country or economic country (set up more than 3 years)
Chart: The guarantee system with higher multiple enlarge in the world
Chart: Development of credit guarantee organization of small and medium–sized enterprises of our country of 2005-2006
Chart: The development of credit guarantee organization of small and medium–sized enterprises of Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Province in 2006
Chart: The management benefit of credit guarantee organization of small and medium–sized enterprises of Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Provincel in 2006
Chart: The development of credit guarantee organization of small and medium–sized enterprises of Jilin Province in the first half of 2007
Chart: Types and characteristics of U.S.A.'s federal family education loan
Chart: The relation of critical rate,releases time of loan and compensates rates
Chart: Rate relation that loan release time and guarantee organization can keep after retrieving loan
Chart: Our country typical organization of guarantee trade
Chart: Institutional framework of Shenzhen guarantee centre of small and medium-sized enterprises
Chart: Credit orienwise Group's institutional framework
Chart: Institutional framework of Zhongguancunscience and technology guarantee company
Chart: Institutional framework of China National Investment & Guaranty Co., Ltd
Chart: China National Investment & Guaranty Co., Ltd. staff's academic structure
Chart: China National Investment & Guaranty Co., Ltd. staff's professional title structure
Chart: China National Investment & Guaranty Co., Ltd. staff’s guarantee experience
Chart: Guarantee total value of China National Investment & Guaranty Co., Ltd. in 1994-2005
Chart: Guarantee remaining sum of China National Investment & Guaranty Co., Ltd. in 1994-2005
Chart: Main credit guarantee business of China National Investment & Guaranty Co., Ltd
Chart: The area that Credit orienwise guarantee group Limited Company have already set up the organization by June of 2007
Chart: The institutional framework of Guangdong Yinda guarantee investment group Co., Ltd
Chart: Examination and award or punish mechanism of credit guarantee centre of small and medium-sized enterprises of Shenzhen
Chart: Principle that credit guarantee centre of small and medium-sized enterprises of Shenzhen make business systems
Chart: Business variety of credit guarantee centre of small and medium-sized enterprises of Shenzhen
Chart: Concise business procedure of credit guarantee centre of small and medium-sized enterprises of Shenzhen
Chart: Overview of credit guarantee organization of small and medium–sized enterprises of national and Guangdong of 2005
Chart: Development of credit guarantee organization of small and medium–sized enterprises of Guangdong of 2005
Chart: Development of Beijing guarantee trade in 2006
Chart: The guarantee procedure of state-run listed company of our country
Chart: Risk early warning flow diagram of guarantee enterprises
Chart: Control procedure that guarantee enterprises fulfil related compensation responsibility
Section One Basic conception and relation of guarantee
First, concept of guarantee
Second, classification of guarantee
Third, characteristic of guarantee
Section Two The review of development course of guarantee industry in our country
Chapter Two Analysis of policy, laws and regulations of guarantee trade
Section One Analysis policy and law
First, limitation and innovation of property guarantee system of our country
Second, start "property law" movable property guarantee clause need improved and complete mechanism
Third, “Property law” realize five breakthrough of movable property guarantee
Fourth, 255 credit guarantee organization of small and medium–sized enterprises exempt from the business tax in the 3 years
Section Two Legal predicament and solving thinking of guarantee system of financing and accommodation bonds of our country
First, external legal system about financing and accommodation bonds guarantee
Second, the legal predicament of current guarantee system of financing and accommodation bonds of our country
Section Three Development trends of world guarantee system
First, the system reform of international movable property guarantee
Second, Japanese financial institution bear 20% little company loan guarantee
Third, system frame of managing business of foreign collateral
Chapter Three Guarantee trade market analysis
Section One Basic situation of market development
First, instauration mode of guarantee organization
Second, the current situation of guarantee organization's development
Third, subject problem existing in operation
Fourth, Countermeasure and suggestion of further development
Fifth, management benefit analysis of guarantee trade
Sixth, main risk analysis of guarantee industry
Section Two Current situation analysis of market development of guarantee trade
First, current situation analysis of market development of guarantee trade
Second, guarantee industry of China in the ascendant
Third, predicament analysis of investment & guarantee company
Fourth, guarantee chain initiates the achievement crisis
Fifth, the risk control of guarantee company
Sixth, the bull of guarantee industry of our country supervises troublingly
Seventh, survival investigation of membership system guarantee Company
Eighth, guarantee credits achieve prosperity
Chapter Four Development analysis of credit guarantee industry
Section One Development overview of credit guarantee
First, developing state and prospect of credit guarantee industry of our country
Second, development of credit guarantee call finance support
Section Two Construction of credit guarantee system of small and medium-sized enterprises
First, international experience of construction of credit guarantee system of small and medium-sized enterprises
Second, several question of credit guarantee of small and medium-sized enterprises
Third, economic essence and commercialized operation terms of credit guarantee of small and medium-sized enterprises
Fourth, thinking that improve the credit guarantee of small and medium-sized enterprises
Fifth, construction of the credit evaluation system of small and medium-sized enterprises
Section Three Current situation of the development of credit guarantee industry of small and medium-sized enterprises of our country
First,our country forms the multi-level credit guarantee system of small and medium-sized enterprises tentatively
Second, credit guarantee organization of small and medium-sized enterprises need support of tax revenue
Third, cooperative situation analysis of bank and guarantee
Fourth, State Development Bank support system construction of credit guarantee of small and medium-sized enterprises
Fifth, Zhongguancun scientific and technological enterprises can apply to no mortgage guarantee fiduciary loan
Sixth, Chongqing transplants " union guarantee " to settle the difficult problem of financing guarantee of industrial enterprise
Seventh, exempt from the business tax of 3 years for the loan guarantee of small and medium-sized enterprises in Hunan
Eighth, Liaoning Province finance and guarantee for the small and medium-sized enterprises
Ninth, the credit guarantee industry of Jilin Province offers strong support for private economy
Tenth, special guarantee fund of university students' innovative undertaking issue
Chapter Five Development of guarantee of real estate project
Section One Development overview of real estate project guarantee
First, state of foreign construction contract guarantee
Second, development and reference of U.S.A. construction contract guarantee system
Third, procedure of project guarantee business
Fourth, introduction of construction contract guarantee business
Fifth, loan guarantee of development of real estate
Sixth, the guarantee form of the real estate loan
Section Two Development trends of project guarantee industry
First, Shanxi pursue project construction guarantee system by force in 2007
Second, Henan introduce construction project guarantee system
Third, Hangzhou project guarantee system begin to pursue by force
Fourth, foreign capitals enter curve guarantee real estate
Chapter Six Development of personal credit guarantee
Section One Operation of guarantee organization in U.S.A.'s family education loan and meaning in the national student loans of our country
First, loan scheme of the federal family education (FFELP)
Second, operation of federal family education loan scheme and function of guarantee organization
Third, main content of guarantee organization financial report
Fourth, new way that guarantee organization cooperate with American federal government
Fifth, enlightenment that U.S.A. federal family education guarantee organization give to operation of State-subsidized student loan guarantee of our country
Section Two Development of small guarantee loan of all parts
First, development course of small guarantee loan
Second, Beijing reduce threshold of small guarantee loan, simplify the examination and approval procedures
Third, non-performing loan rate of small guarantee loan of Changsha city reach 12%
Fourth, small guarantee loan of Jilin Province have made brilliant achievements
Fifth, the upper limit of personal small loan of Sichuan-Tibet advance to 50,000 yuan
Sixth, Guangzhou offer the small guarantee loan of venture for the most needy graduates of local students source
Seventh, Chongqing bank cooperate with government to innovate guarantee loan mode give financial aid to students
Eighth, have released the small guarantee loan totally ten billion at home
Section Three Development analysis of other guarantee business
First, question and countermeasure that guarantee loan of rural credit office exist
Second, development lesson of Model DB supplementary pension guarantee
Third, investigation and thinking of present loan mortgage guarantee work
Fourth, lease guarantee vie for car loan market
Chapter Seven Guarantee enterprise's analysis
Section One The competitions analysis of guarantee trade
First, The regional distribution of the credit guarantee trade and structural characteristic of guarantee business variety
Second, lifespan analysis of guarantee trade
Third, barrier analysis of guarantee trade
Fourth, guarantee organization need promote one's own organizational behavior competitiveness
Fifth, the top ten credit guarantee organization of small and medium-sized enterprises with strongest influence power of the whole country
Section Two Institutional framework of guarantee organization
Section Three Analysis of especial guarantee organization
First,China National Investment & Guaranty Co., Ltd
Second, Zhongtou credit guarantee Co., Ltd
Third, China Credit orienwise guarantee group Limited Company
Fourth, China economic technological investment guarantee Co., Ltd
Fifth, Beijing Zhongguancun science and technology guarantee Co., Ltd
Sixth, Beijing Capital investment guarantee Co., Ltd
Seventh, Guangdong Yinda guarantee investment group Co., Ltd
Eighth, Guangdong Join-share guarantee investment limited company
Ninth, Shenzhen Huarong investment & guarantee Co., Ltd
Tenth, Credit guarantee centre of small and medium-sized enterprises of Shenzhen
Section Four The trend that overseas-funded enterprise enters guarantee trade at home
First, the first real estate guarantee company of foreign capitals established in Beijing
Second, U.S.A. Silicon Valley bank beaches in the guarantee industry of Shenzhen
Third, credit guarantee organization of small and medium–sized enterprises of Shenzhen hand in hand with Bank of East Asia Ltd. for the first time
Fourth, the first foreign capitals guarantee enterprises will enter in Fuzhou
Fifth, the first Taiwan trader guarantee company opens ice
Chapter Eight Current situation of the development of guarantee industry of all parts of the country of 2007
Section One Current situation of the development of guarantee industry of Guangdong Province
First, Guangdong guarantee trade it is large but not strong
Second, guarantee organization in Zhuhai includes in the financing platform of the four in one for the first time
Third, 80% registered capital of guarantee company in Zhuhai is the folk capital
Section Two Current situation of the development of guarantee organization in Beijing
Section Three Current situation of the development of guarantee industry of Zhejiang
First, the guarantee industry of Zhejiang breaks out of the encirclement
Second, the nongovernmental fund of guarantee industry of Ningbo is surged
Section Four Current situation of the development of guarantee trade of Jiangsu Province
First, Nanjing privateo guarantee company enters in " spring " gradually
Second, Changzhou guarantee trade makes up deficits
Third, Zhangjiagang innovates risks allocation way of guarantee organization
Section Five Current situation of the development of guarantee industry of Sichuan Province
First, Sichuan " root of the grass " guarantee that becomes " the climate " gradually
Second, great inventory of guarantee industry of Sichuan of 2006
Section Six Current situation of the development of credit guarantee industry of Shanxi
First, the subject problem that the credit guarantee industry of Shanxi stores
Second, the policy recommendations and countermeasure measure that develop credit guarantee industry of Shanxi
Section Seven Current situation of the development of other areas guarantee industry
First, Ningxia guarantee solve loan difficulty of small and medium-sized enterprises
Second, the first guarantee company involving agriculture is established in Henan Province
Third, current situation of the development of guarantee trade in Hunan Province
Fourth, analysis of the predicament of the credit guarantee of small and medium-sized enterprises of Gansu
Fifth, offshore funds enter the guarantee industry of Chongqing for the first time
Sixth, Fuzhou forms the trans-regional financing guarantee system of small and medium-sized enterprises tentatively
Seventh, Qingdao guarantee market " intensify " go on
Eighth, outstanding problem that Xinjiang guarantee trade exist in 2006
Ninth, current situation and outlet of guarantee of small and medium-sized enterprises of Shanghai
Chapter Nine Development trend analysis of guarantee industry
First, build up credit guarantee system tentatively
Second, guarantee that develop towards specialization, commercialized direction
Third, guarantee from cooperating in moving towards amalgamating
Fourth, the performance guarantee in e-commerce trade become new development opportunity of China guarantee industry
Fifth, securitisation of real estate loan creditor's rights and real estate mortgage guarantee assets offer the new opportunity for guarantee industry
Sixth, developing trend of six respects of guarantee industry of our country
Chapter Ten Development tactics and suggestion of guarantee trade
First, developmental proposition of guarantee trade
Second, construct the guarantee inside control system of state-run listed company and
Third, commercial bank how should new regulation that company guarantee outside
Fourth, how to realize the guarantee property of account receivable
Fifth, the research of financial risk precaution that listed company guarantee outside
Sixth, the countermeasure research that improve the credit guarantee system of small and medium-sized enterprises of our country
Seventh, analyse and explain the crisis of guarantee industry
Chart: The list of credit guarantee organization of small and medium–sized enterprises which exempt from the business tax
Chart: The list of credit guarantee organization of small and medium–sized enterprises which cancel the qualification of exempting from the business tax earlier stage
Chart: All kinds of of our country guarantee organization's quantity and proportion in 2004
Chart: The whole world successful guarantee system
Chart:Global credit guarantee system
Chart: The investment share that bank participates in guarantee system to build the national bank
Chart: Elarge multiple of guarantee organization of some developing country or economic country (set up more than 3 years)
Chart: The guarantee system with higher multiple enlarge in the world
Chart: Development of credit guarantee organization of small and medium–sized enterprises of our country of 2005-2006
Chart: The development of credit guarantee organization of small and medium–sized enterprises of Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Province in 2006
Chart: The management benefit of credit guarantee organization of small and medium–sized enterprises of Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Provincel in 2006
Chart: The development of credit guarantee organization of small and medium–sized enterprises of Jilin Province in the first half of 2007
Chart: Types and characteristics of U.S.A.'s federal family education loan
Chart: The relation of critical rate,releases time of loan and compensates rates
Chart: Rate relation that loan release time and guarantee organization can keep after retrieving loan
Chart: Our country typical organization of guarantee trade
Chart: Institutional framework of Shenzhen guarantee centre of small and medium-sized enterprises
Chart: Credit orienwise Group's institutional framework
Chart: Institutional framework of Zhongguancunscience and technology guarantee company
Chart: Institutional framework of China National Investment & Guaranty Co., Ltd
Chart: China National Investment & Guaranty Co., Ltd. staff's academic structure
Chart: China National Investment & Guaranty Co., Ltd. staff's professional title structure
Chart: China National Investment & Guaranty Co., Ltd. staff’s guarantee experience
Chart: Guarantee total value of China National Investment & Guaranty Co., Ltd. in 1994-2005
Chart: Guarantee remaining sum of China National Investment & Guaranty Co., Ltd. in 1994-2005
Chart: Main credit guarantee business of China National Investment & Guaranty Co., Ltd
Chart: The area that Credit orienwise guarantee group Limited Company have already set up the organization by June of 2007
Chart: The institutional framework of Guangdong Yinda guarantee investment group Co., Ltd
Chart: Examination and award or punish mechanism of credit guarantee centre of small and medium-sized enterprises of Shenzhen
Chart: Principle that credit guarantee centre of small and medium-sized enterprises of Shenzhen make business systems
Chart: Business variety of credit guarantee centre of small and medium-sized enterprises of Shenzhen
Chart: Concise business procedure of credit guarantee centre of small and medium-sized enterprises of Shenzhen
Chart: Overview of credit guarantee organization of small and medium–sized enterprises of national and Guangdong of 2005
Chart: Development of credit guarantee organization of small and medium–sized enterprises of Guangdong of 2005
Chart: Development of Beijing guarantee trade in 2006
Chart: The guarantee procedure of state-run listed company of our country
Chart: Risk early warning flow diagram of guarantee enterprises
Chart: Control procedure that guarantee enterprises fulfil related compensation responsibility


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