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通讯电子 汽车电子
电子元件 电工器材

汽车 摩托 物流运输
交通设备 交通其他

日化产业 洗涤用品

医药产业 中西药品
保健品 医疗器械
医药原料 生物制药

能源产业 电力电池
石油化工 煤燃气水

服装鞋帽 纺织原料
毛皮箱包 饰品珠宝

房产产业 建筑机械
办公家居 建材

传媒印刷 教育文体
旅游宾馆 冶金制造
照明玻璃 机械制造
化工树脂 商贸 农业
造纸 树脂 金融
玩具 其他

Luggable Media: Sneakernet Can Provide a Stepping Stone to Download, Synch, & Go
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◇ Executive Summary
* Luggable Media for Portability, DVDs for Archives
* Billion at Retail By 2010
◇ Methodology
☉ Previous Reports that Provide Useful Background Information
◇ Portable Electronic Entertainment Emerges as the Next Big Thing
* Flash Drives and Microdisks Will Gradually Rise Up Alongside Optical Media
☉ Portable Optical Formats, Like Sony’s UMD, Are Emerging
☉ CDs and DVDs Will Be Seen as Archiving Products
☉ Sneakernet Will Emerge as an Important Stepping Stone to Enable Portable Electronic Entertainment
☉ The Age of Home Theater Sets Portability In Motion
☉ Large Screen TVs and Surround Sound Are Proliferating
☉ Personal Computers Are “Connecting” to HDTV Displays
☉ But a Parallel Universe Is Developing for Portable Entertainment
☉ Personal Computers Are Becoming Home Entertainment Hubs that Can Connect to Many Things
☉ The Connected Digital Home Is Coming
☉ Intel’s Viiv™ Entertainment PC Architecture
☉ Apple’s iMac Line Morphing onto an Intel Platform
☉ Apple’s iPod Points the Way for Luggable Media In the Future
☉ Microsoft MediaCenter Edition Adding Portable Players
☉ Personal Computers Can Be Used to “Write” to Various Media
☉ Personal Computers’ Abilities to Connect to So Many Things Leads to Portable Devices
☉ PCs Provide Multiple Types of In-Home Network Connectivity
☉ PC Cluster
☉ Entertainment Center Cluster
☉ Intra-Room Networks
☉ Inter-Room Networks
☉ Each Network Has Three “Flavors”
☉ Wired In-Home Networks
☉ Internet Protocol (IP) Approaches Favored by the PC Industry
☉ Non-IP Approaches Can Also Be Implemented
☉ Wireless In-Home Networks
☉ Sneakernet In-Home Networks Using “Luggable Media”
☉ Sneakernet Media Can Also Move Outside of the Home!
☉ High Definition Video Favors Sneakernet In the Short Run
◇ Usage Models for Portable Electronic Entertainment
☉ Any Content to Any Place on Any Device at Any Time
☉ Two-Foot Viewing Experience
☉ Two-Foot Viewing Experience “On the Go”
☉ Ten-Foot Viewing Experience
☉ Ten-Foot Viewing Experience “On the Go”
☉ Portable Viewing Experience Is Already “On the Go”
☉ Playing Back Portable Content on a Big-Screen TV Display
* Enter Sneakernet—the Low-Cost, Convenient Solution
☉ “Luggable Media” Puts the Content In Your Pocket!
☉ Standardized, Low-Cost Players Will Make It Happen
◇ Five Methods for Content to Get to a Viewing Device
* “Live,” Two-Way Video and Voice for Interactive Communications
* “Live,” One-Way Video and Audio for Entertainment Distribution
☉ Multi-Room Digital Video Recorders (DVRs) as an Example
☉ Amimon’s Wireless High Definition TV Interface (WHDI™)
☉ Intel’s Viiv™ Architecture Supports “Live” One-Way Services
☉ Next-Generation Networks and MIMO Technologies Help
* The Store & Forward Approaches Do Not Require QoS
* Store & Forward Video for Initial Storage In a Server
* Store & Forward Video for Distribution to Viewing Devices
* Archiving Technologies for Long-Term Storage and Later Retrieval
◇ What Luggable Media Means for the Content Industry
☉ The Consumer Market Is Fragmenting Down to “An Audience of One”
☉ Original Content Will Be Sold with Optional Upgrades to Pay for Portability Rights and Managed Copy Privileges
☉ Luggable Media Provides Opportunities to Connect with Your Customers Beyond the Initial Moment of Sale
☉ An Example Using HD-DVD’s Managed Copy Feature
☉ The PC Industry Is Becoming a Force to Be Reckoned With
☉ If It’s On a PC, It’s Coming to a Cell Phone Soon
☉ Consumer Electronics Products Will Follow the PC Example
* How Will Luggable Media Impact Sales of DVDs?
◇ "Luggable Media”—It Has To Fit In Your Pocket and Survive to be Played
☉ Luggable Media Must Support 2 Gigabytes of Capacity
☉ Luggable Media Must Support Video Recording and Playback
☉ Luggable Media Must Support DRM and Copy Protection
☉ CDs and DVDs Are Not “Luggable Media,” by Our Definition
☉ Small Form Factor Packaged Goods Are Luggable Media
☉ Small Form Factor Packaged Goods Covered In Other Reports
* Luggable Media Used Mainly for Sneakernet
☉ Luggable Media is a Subset of Portable Storage Products
☉ Secure Disc SD™ Memory Devices
☉ SanDisk’s Gruvi MicroSD™ Product Foreshadows Luggable Media by Providing the Rolling Stones “Bigger Bang” Album with Enhancements
☉ Memory Stick® Memory Devices
☉ USB Flash Drives
☉ One-Inch Hard Disk Drives
◇ Households Likely to Use Luggable Media
☉ Households Likely to Have a MediaCenter Edition PC
☉ Households Likely to Have a Personal Video Recorder (PVR)
☉ Aggregate Unique Households with an MCE or PVR
◇ North American Luggable Media Market by Category
◇ European Luggable Media Market by Category
◇ Asian Luggable Media Market by Category
◇ ROW Luggable Media Market by Category
◇ Worldwide Luggable Media Market by Category
* Luggable Media Market Value by Region for All Categories Combined
◇ Portomedia Provides An Example
List of Tables
Table 1. Worldwide Value of Luggable Media Device Shipments (US$ in Millions, Annual Growth Rate, Compound Annual Growth Rate [CAGR])
Table 2. Annual Shipments of MediaCenter Edition (MCE) PCs by Region (Annual Unit Shipments in Thousands, Annual Growth Rate, Percent Worldwide Total by Region, CAGR)
Table 3. Number of Households Likely To Be Using an MCE PC by Region (Households in Thousands, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total by Region, CAGR).
Table 4. Annual Shipments of Personal Video Recorders (PVRs) by Region (Annual Unit Shipments in Thousands, Annual Growth Rate, Percent Worldwide Total by Region, CAGR)
Table 5. Number of Households Likely To Be Using A PVR by Region (Households in Thousands, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total by Region, CAGR)
Table 6. Aggregate Number of Unique Households Using An MCE PC or PVR by Region (Unique Households in Thousands, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total by Region, CAGR)
Table 7. Annual Shipments of Luggable Media Devices by Category in North America (Units in Thousands, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total, CAGR)
Table 8. Typical Retail Pricing For Luggable Media Devices by Category in North America (Typical Retail Price in US Dollars)
Table 9. Annual Value of Luggable Media Devices by Category in North America (US$ in Millions, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total, CAGR)
Table 10. Annual Shipments of Luggable Media Devices by Category in Europe (Units in Thousands, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total, CAGR)
Table 11. Typical Retail Pricing For Luggable Media Devices by Category in Europe (Typical Retail Price in US Dollars).
Table 12. Annual Value of Luggable Media Devices by Category in Europe (US$ in Millions, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total, CAGR)
Table 13. Annual Shipments of Luggable Media Devices by Category in Asia (Units in Thousands, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total, CAGR)
Table 14. Typical Retail Pricing For Luggable Media Devices by Category in Asia (Typical Retail Price in US Dollars)
Table 15. Annual Value of Luggable Media Devices by Category in Asia (US$ in Millions, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total, CAGR)
Table 16. Annual Shipments of Luggable Media Devices by Category in the ROW Countries (Units in Thousands, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total, CAGR)
Table 17. Typical Retail Pricing For Luggable Media Devices by Category in the ROW (Typical Retail Price in US Dollars)
Table 18. Annual Value of Luggable Media Devices by Category in the ROW (US$ in Millions, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total, CAGR)
Table 19. Annual Shipments of Luggable Media Devices By Category, Worldwide (Units in Thousands, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total, CAGR)
Table 20. Annual Value of Luggable Media Devices by Category, Worldwide (US$ in Millions, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total, CAGR)
Table 21. Annual Shipments of All Luggable Media Devices By Category by Region (Units in Thousands, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total, CAGR)
Table 22. Annual Value of All Luggable Media Devices by Region (US$ in Millions, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total, CAGR)
List of Figures
Figure 1. Annual Value of Luggable Media Devices by Category in North America (US$ in Millions)
Figure 2. Annual Value of Luggable Media Devices by Category in Europe (US$ in Millions)
Figure 3. Annual Value of Luggable Media Devices by Category in Asia (US$ in Millions)
Figure 4. Annual Value of Luggable Media Devices by Category in the ROW (US$ in Millions)
Figure 5. Annual Value of Luggable Media Devices by Category, Worldwide (US$ in Millions)
Figure 6. Annual Value of All Luggable Media Devices by Region (US$ in Millions)
* Luggable Media for Portability, DVDs for Archives
* Billion at Retail By 2010
◇ Methodology
☉ Previous Reports that Provide Useful Background Information
◇ Portable Electronic Entertainment Emerges as the Next Big Thing
* Flash Drives and Microdisks Will Gradually Rise Up Alongside Optical Media
☉ Portable Optical Formats, Like Sony’s UMD, Are Emerging
☉ CDs and DVDs Will Be Seen as Archiving Products
☉ Sneakernet Will Emerge as an Important Stepping Stone to Enable Portable Electronic Entertainment
☉ The Age of Home Theater Sets Portability In Motion
☉ Large Screen TVs and Surround Sound Are Proliferating
☉ Personal Computers Are “Connecting” to HDTV Displays
☉ But a Parallel Universe Is Developing for Portable Entertainment
☉ Personal Computers Are Becoming Home Entertainment Hubs that Can Connect to Many Things
☉ The Connected Digital Home Is Coming
☉ Intel’s Viiv™ Entertainment PC Architecture
☉ Apple’s iMac Line Morphing onto an Intel Platform
☉ Apple’s iPod Points the Way for Luggable Media In the Future
☉ Microsoft MediaCenter Edition Adding Portable Players
☉ Personal Computers Can Be Used to “Write” to Various Media
☉ Personal Computers’ Abilities to Connect to So Many Things Leads to Portable Devices
☉ PCs Provide Multiple Types of In-Home Network Connectivity
☉ PC Cluster
☉ Entertainment Center Cluster
☉ Intra-Room Networks
☉ Inter-Room Networks
☉ Each Network Has Three “Flavors”
☉ Wired In-Home Networks
☉ Internet Protocol (IP) Approaches Favored by the PC Industry
☉ Non-IP Approaches Can Also Be Implemented
☉ Wireless In-Home Networks
☉ Sneakernet In-Home Networks Using “Luggable Media”
☉ Sneakernet Media Can Also Move Outside of the Home!
☉ High Definition Video Favors Sneakernet In the Short Run
◇ Usage Models for Portable Electronic Entertainment
☉ Any Content to Any Place on Any Device at Any Time
☉ Two-Foot Viewing Experience
☉ Two-Foot Viewing Experience “On the Go”
☉ Ten-Foot Viewing Experience
☉ Ten-Foot Viewing Experience “On the Go”
☉ Portable Viewing Experience Is Already “On the Go”
☉ Playing Back Portable Content on a Big-Screen TV Display
* Enter Sneakernet—the Low-Cost, Convenient Solution
☉ “Luggable Media” Puts the Content In Your Pocket!
☉ Standardized, Low-Cost Players Will Make It Happen
◇ Five Methods for Content to Get to a Viewing Device
* “Live,” Two-Way Video and Voice for Interactive Communications
* “Live,” One-Way Video and Audio for Entertainment Distribution
☉ Multi-Room Digital Video Recorders (DVRs) as an Example
☉ Amimon’s Wireless High Definition TV Interface (WHDI™)
☉ Intel’s Viiv™ Architecture Supports “Live” One-Way Services
☉ Next-Generation Networks and MIMO Technologies Help
* The Store & Forward Approaches Do Not Require QoS
* Store & Forward Video for Initial Storage In a Server
* Store & Forward Video for Distribution to Viewing Devices
* Archiving Technologies for Long-Term Storage and Later Retrieval
◇ What Luggable Media Means for the Content Industry
☉ The Consumer Market Is Fragmenting Down to “An Audience of One”
☉ Original Content Will Be Sold with Optional Upgrades to Pay for Portability Rights and Managed Copy Privileges
☉ Luggable Media Provides Opportunities to Connect with Your Customers Beyond the Initial Moment of Sale
☉ An Example Using HD-DVD’s Managed Copy Feature
☉ The PC Industry Is Becoming a Force to Be Reckoned With
☉ If It’s On a PC, It’s Coming to a Cell Phone Soon
☉ Consumer Electronics Products Will Follow the PC Example
* How Will Luggable Media Impact Sales of DVDs?
◇ "Luggable Media”—It Has To Fit In Your Pocket and Survive to be Played
☉ Luggable Media Must Support 2 Gigabytes of Capacity
☉ Luggable Media Must Support Video Recording and Playback
☉ Luggable Media Must Support DRM and Copy Protection
☉ CDs and DVDs Are Not “Luggable Media,” by Our Definition
☉ Small Form Factor Packaged Goods Are Luggable Media
☉ Small Form Factor Packaged Goods Covered In Other Reports
* Luggable Media Used Mainly for Sneakernet
☉ Luggable Media is a Subset of Portable Storage Products
☉ Secure Disc SD™ Memory Devices
☉ SanDisk’s Gruvi MicroSD™ Product Foreshadows Luggable Media by Providing the Rolling Stones “Bigger Bang” Album with Enhancements
☉ Memory Stick® Memory Devices
☉ USB Flash Drives
☉ One-Inch Hard Disk Drives
◇ Households Likely to Use Luggable Media
☉ Households Likely to Have a MediaCenter Edition PC
☉ Households Likely to Have a Personal Video Recorder (PVR)
☉ Aggregate Unique Households with an MCE or PVR
◇ North American Luggable Media Market by Category
◇ European Luggable Media Market by Category
◇ Asian Luggable Media Market by Category
◇ ROW Luggable Media Market by Category
◇ Worldwide Luggable Media Market by Category
* Luggable Media Market Value by Region for All Categories Combined
◇ Portomedia Provides An Example
List of Tables
Table 1. Worldwide Value of Luggable Media Device Shipments (US$ in Millions, Annual Growth Rate, Compound Annual Growth Rate [CAGR])
Table 2. Annual Shipments of MediaCenter Edition (MCE) PCs by Region (Annual Unit Shipments in Thousands, Annual Growth Rate, Percent Worldwide Total by Region, CAGR)
Table 3. Number of Households Likely To Be Using an MCE PC by Region (Households in Thousands, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total by Region, CAGR).
Table 4. Annual Shipments of Personal Video Recorders (PVRs) by Region (Annual Unit Shipments in Thousands, Annual Growth Rate, Percent Worldwide Total by Region, CAGR)
Table 5. Number of Households Likely To Be Using A PVR by Region (Households in Thousands, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total by Region, CAGR)
Table 6. Aggregate Number of Unique Households Using An MCE PC or PVR by Region (Unique Households in Thousands, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total by Region, CAGR)
Table 7. Annual Shipments of Luggable Media Devices by Category in North America (Units in Thousands, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total, CAGR)
Table 8. Typical Retail Pricing For Luggable Media Devices by Category in North America (Typical Retail Price in US Dollars)
Table 9. Annual Value of Luggable Media Devices by Category in North America (US$ in Millions, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total, CAGR)
Table 10. Annual Shipments of Luggable Media Devices by Category in Europe (Units in Thousands, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total, CAGR)
Table 11. Typical Retail Pricing For Luggable Media Devices by Category in Europe (Typical Retail Price in US Dollars).
Table 12. Annual Value of Luggable Media Devices by Category in Europe (US$ in Millions, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total, CAGR)
Table 13. Annual Shipments of Luggable Media Devices by Category in Asia (Units in Thousands, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total, CAGR)
Table 14. Typical Retail Pricing For Luggable Media Devices by Category in Asia (Typical Retail Price in US Dollars)
Table 15. Annual Value of Luggable Media Devices by Category in Asia (US$ in Millions, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total, CAGR)
Table 16. Annual Shipments of Luggable Media Devices by Category in the ROW Countries (Units in Thousands, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total, CAGR)
Table 17. Typical Retail Pricing For Luggable Media Devices by Category in the ROW (Typical Retail Price in US Dollars)
Table 18. Annual Value of Luggable Media Devices by Category in the ROW (US$ in Millions, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total, CAGR)
Table 19. Annual Shipments of Luggable Media Devices By Category, Worldwide (Units in Thousands, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total, CAGR)
Table 20. Annual Value of Luggable Media Devices by Category, Worldwide (US$ in Millions, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total, CAGR)
Table 21. Annual Shipments of All Luggable Media Devices By Category by Region (Units in Thousands, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total, CAGR)
Table 22. Annual Value of All Luggable Media Devices by Region (US$ in Millions, Annual Growth Rate, Percent of Total, CAGR)
List of Figures
Figure 1. Annual Value of Luggable Media Devices by Category in North America (US$ in Millions)
Figure 2. Annual Value of Luggable Media Devices by Category in Europe (US$ in Millions)
Figure 3. Annual Value of Luggable Media Devices by Category in Asia (US$ in Millions)
Figure 4. Annual Value of Luggable Media Devices by Category in the ROW (US$ in Millions)
Figure 5. Annual Value of Luggable Media Devices by Category, Worldwide (US$ in Millions)
Figure 6. Annual Value of All Luggable Media Devices by Region (US$ in Millions)

A funny thing happened on the way to the future of the Connected Digital Home. The storage capacity of re-writeable micro-sized disk drives, Flash memory products, and other portable storage devices is surpassing the storage capacity of next-generation optical discs. The convenience of “luggable media” is such that many of the key usage models being promoted for the Connected Digital Home can be realized earlier using a “sneakernet” approach than can be achieved if the industry has to wait for high-quality in-home networks to become part of the consumer mainstream.
The concept of the Connected Digital Home uses a home server, usually, but not necessarily, a personal computer, to manage and distribute electronic entertainment throughout a residence. Plans call for advanced wired and wireless networks to be installed and proliferate throughout tens of millions of households.
Low-cost portable storage devices can move the content throughout the home via “sneakernet.” It’s possible that consumers may opt in favor of “luggable” media because of its low-cost, its availability, and its convenience.
The worldwide retail value of Luggable Media is forecast to rise from about US1 million during 2006, up to more than US billion during 2010, exhibiting a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 176.5% between 2006 and 2010.
A funny thing happened on the way to the future of the Connected Digital Home. The storage capacity of re-writeable micro-sized disk drives, Flash memory products, and other portable storage devices is surpassing the storage capacity of next-generation optical discs. The convenience of “luggable media” is such that many of the key usage models being promoted for the Connected Digital Home can be realized earlier using a “sneakernet” approach than can be achieved if the industry has to wait for high-quality in-home networks to become part of the consumer mainstream.
The concept of the Connected Digital Home uses a home server, usually, but not necessarily, a personal computer, to manage and distribute electronic entertainment throughout a residence. Plans call for advanced wired and wireless networks to be installed and proliferate throughout tens of millions of households.
Low-cost portable storage devices can move the content throughout the home via “sneakernet.” It’s possible that consumers may opt in favor of “luggable” media because of its low-cost, its availability, and its convenience.
The worldwide retail value of Luggable Media is forecast to rise from about US1 million during 2006, up to more than US billion during 2010, exhibiting a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 176.5% between 2006 and 2010.

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◆ 2006 China Internet Industry Survey Report [ 2006-02-15 ]
◆ In-Depth Analysis: IP PBX Market in China: Driving Into the Fast Lane [ 2006-11-20 ]
◆ IPTV in China Gets an Olympic Start [ 2006-11-14 ]
◆ RFID In China—From Human ID to Product ID [ 2006-11-14 ]
◆ Online Gaming in China: More than Fun and Games [ 2006-11-14 ]
◆ 2006 China Internet Industry Survey Report [ 2006-02-15 ]
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