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Table of Contents:
Chapter One Solar Cell Project Overview 1
1.1 C-Si Thin Film Project Summary 1
1.2 Solar Cell Project Feasibility Research Conclusions 3
1.3 Thin Film Solar Cell Project Key Economy Benefit Information 4
1.4 Solar Cell Project Questions and Suggestions 5
Chapter Two Solar Cell Project Background and Development 5
2.1 PV Install Market Analysis(Deand) C-Si Thin Film 5
2.3 Solar Module Production(Supply) C-Si Thin Film 22
2.3 Solar Cell Production(Supply) C-Si 26
2.4 Solar Wafer Production(Supply) C-Si 28
2.5 Polysilicon Production(Raw Materials) C-Si 29
2.6 C-Si Solar Module Supply Demand Analysis 36
2.7 Thin Film Solar Module Supply Demand Analysis 37
Chapter Three 1000MW C-Si Solar Cell+Module Project Investment Analysis 41
3.1 1000MW C-Si Solar Cell+Module Project Equipment Investment 41
3.2 1000MW C-Si Solar Cell+Module Project Fixed Assets Invesmtnet 54
3.3 1000MW C-Si Solar Cell+Module Project Raw Materials (Wafer Polysilicon etc) 54
3.4 1000MW C-Si Solar Cell+Module Project Investment Return Analysis 56
3.5 1000MW C-Si Solar Cell+Module Project Investment Return Rate Analysis 57
3.6 1000MW C-Si Solar Cell+Module Project Investment Feasibility Conclusion 57
Chapter Four 1000MW A-Si Thin Film Solar Module Project Investment Analysis 58
4.1 1000MW A-Si Thin Film Solar Module Project Equipment Investment 59
4.2 1000MW A-Si Thin Film Solar Module Project Fixed Assets Invesmtnet 78
4.3 1000MW A-Si Thin Film Solar Module Project Raw Materials (Substrate Gas etc) 78
4.4 1000MW A-Si Thin Film Solar Module Project Investment Return Analysis 107
4.5 1000MW A-Si Thin Film Solar Module Project Investment Return Rate Analysis 108
4.6 1000MW A-Si Thin Film Solar Module Project Investment Feasibility Conclusion 109
Chapter Five 1000MW CIGS Thin Film Solar Module Project Investment Analysis 110
5.1 1000MW CIGS Thin Film Solar Module Project Equipment Investment 110
5.2 1000MW CIGS Thin Film Solar Module Project Fixed Assets Invesmtnet 118
5.3 1000MW CIGS Thin Film Solar Module Project Raw Materials (Substrate Targets etc) 119
5.4 1000MW CIGS Thin Film Solar Module Project Investment Return Analysis 120
5.5 1000MW CIGS Thin Film Solar Module Project Investment Return Rate Analysis 121
5.6 1000MW CIGS Thin Film Solar Module Project Investment Feasibility Conclusion 121
Chapter Six C-Si A-Si CIGS Comparison and Conclusion 122
6.1 Investment Return Rate Comparison 122
6.2 Advantage and Disadvantage Comparison 123
6.3 Conclusions 124
Chapter Seven Market Analysis of Case Project 125
7.1 China Macroeconomic Analysis 125
7.2 China Solar Cell Development Analysis 125
7.3 Analysis of Case Project Target Market 126
7.4 Marketing Strategy 126
Chapter Eight Building Conditions and Site Selection 127
8.1 Project Summary 127
8.2 Project Purpose Analysis 127
8.3 Project Design 128
8.4 Project Contents 129
8.5 Project Site Selection 130
Chapter Nine Factory Technology Scheme 131
Chapter Ten Environment Protection and Labour Safety 131
Chapter Eleven Enterprise Structure 132
11.1 Case Project Operating Enterprise Overview 132
11.2 Company Culture 132
11.3 Company Strategy 133
11.4 Company Structure and Job Description 133
11.5 Company Management 135
Chapter Twelve Investment Estimation and Capital Raising 136
Chapter Thirteen Finance Analysis 137
13.1 Finance Analysis Explaination 137
13.2 Finance Analysis Postulated Conditions 137
13.3 Case Project Economic Benefits Calculation 137
Chapter Fourteen Feasibility Conclusions and Suggestions 138
Tables and Figures:
Figure Crystal Silicon(C-Si) Solar Cell Industry Chain Structure 2
Figure Thin Film(A-Si CIGS) Solar Cell Industry Chian Structure 3
Table 1000MW C-Si A-Si CIGS Investment Return Rate Comparison 5
Table Germany etc 11 Countries PV Installation Demand (MW) and Global Total PV Installation Demand (MW) 2006-2013 6
Table Global Solar Module Demand (MW) 2006-2013 7
Figure 1993-2006 PV Installation (MW) by Grid-conneted Off-Grid Telecommunication etc Different Applications 7
Table 1996-2006 Global Grid-Connected PV Installation (MW) and Its Market Share 8
Figure Global 12 Type Renewable Energy 2000-2006 Average Growth Rate 9
Table 2005-2013 Global PV Power Module Demand (MW) 9
Table Germany Spain Italy France Greece Japan US South Korea etc Country Solar Subsidy Policies 10
Table Some PV Power Station Projects (More than 100KW) in China 18
Table Global 39 Countries 2010 or 2016 Renewable Energy Targets 20
Table 2005-2013 Global Major CdTe Module Manufacturers Production (MW) and Global Total Production List 22
Table 2005-2013 Global Major CIS/CIGS Module Manufacturer Production (MW) and Global Total Production List 22
Table 2005-2013 Global Major A-Si Solar Module Manufacturer Production (MW) and Global Total Production List 23
Table 2005-2013 Global CdTe CIS/CIGS A-Si Solar Module Production (MW) and Global Non C-Si Solar Module Total Production List 24
Table 2005-2013 Global 34 C-Si Solar Module Manufacturers Production (MW) and Global Total Production List 25
Table 2005-2012 China 28 C-Si Solar Cell Manufacturers Solar Cell Production (MW) and China Total Solar Cell Production List 26
Table 2005-2012 China 21 C-Si Solar Wafer Manufacturers Solar Wafer Production (MW) and China Total Solar Wafer Production List 28
Table 2004-2012 Hemlock etc 7 Traditional Polysilicon Manufacturers Polysilicon Production (Ton) 29
Table 2004-2012 Hemlock etc 7 Traditional Polysilicon Manufacturers EG Polysilicon Production (Ton) 30
Table 2004-2012 Hemlock etc 7 Traditional Polysilicon Manufacturers SG Polysilicon Production (Ton) 30
Table 2004-2012 China Xinguang Emei SINO-SI GCL Polysilicon Production (Ton) 31
Table 2004-2012 China Xinguang Emei SINO-SI GCL EG Polysilicon Production (Ton) 31
Table 2004-2012 China Xinguang Emei SINO-SI GCL SG Polysilicon Production (Ton) 32
Table 2007-2012 DCC M.Setek etc New Comers Polysilicon Production (Ton) 32
Table 2007-2012 DCC M.Setek etc New Comers EG Polysilicon Production (Ton) 32
Table 2007-2012 DCC M.Setek etc New Comers SG Polysilicon Production (Ton) 33
Table 2008-2012 China Asia Silicon etc New Comers Polysilicon Production (Ton) 34
Table 2004-2012 Global Polysilicon Total Production (Ton) 34
Table 2004-2012 Global EG(Electric Grade) Polysilicon Total Production (Ton) 35
Table 2004-2012 Global SG(Solar Grade) Polysilicon Total Production (Ton) 35
Table 2005-2013 Global Total Solar Module Supply Demand Shortage (MW) 36
Table 2005-2013 Global C-Si Solar Cell Supply Demand Shortage (MW) 37
Table 2005-2013 Global Thin Film Solar Module Supply Demand Shortage (MW) 37
Table C-Si Thin Film Solar Cell or Module Comparison 38
Table C-Si Solar Cell Manufacturing Process and Related Equipments 41
Table Some C-Si Solar Cell Equipment Suppliers and Their Market Position 42
Figure C-Si Solar Module Manufacturing Process and Related Equipments 43
Figure 2005-2012 China Monocrystalline Wafer ASP (USD/W) 54
Figure 2005-2012 China Multicrystalline Wafer ASP (USD/W) 55
Table 2010-2013 1000MW C-Si Solar Cell+Module Project Raw Materials Cost Analysis 55
Table 2005-2012 China C-Si Solar Cell ASP (USD/W) 56
Table 2010-2013 1000MW C-Si Project Solar Module Output (MW) and Revenue (Million$) 56
Table 2010-2013 1000MW C-Si Solar Cell+Module Project Profit Margin and Investment Return Term 57
Figure A-Si Thin Film Solar Cell Manufacturing Process 59
Table China A-Si Thin Film Solar Cell Projects and Their Equipment Sources List 63
Table A-Si Thin Film Solar Module Cost Structure 78
Table 2010-2013 1000MW A-Si (Thin Film) Solar Module Project Raw Materials Cost Analysis 80
Table 2005-2012 Global A-Si (Thin Film) Solar Module ASP (USD/W) 107
Table 2010-2013 1000MW A-Si Thin Film Solar Module Project Output (MW) and Revenue (Million$) 108
Table 2010-2013 1000 MW A-Si Thin Film Solar Module Project Profit Margin and Investment Return Term 108
Figure CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell Structure 110
Figure CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell Efficiency 111
Figure CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell Manufacturing Process Flow(US RESI) 111
Figure CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell Manufacturing Process Flow(Germany CT) 112
Table CIGS One step Two step processes Related Companies List 115
Table CIGS A-Si CdTe C-Si Solar Module Specification Comparison 116
Table Taiwan Nanowin CIGS turnkey solution 117
Table CIGS Thin Film Solar Module Cost Structure 118
Table 2010-2013 1000MW CIGS(Thin Film) Solar Module Project Raw Materials Cost Analysis 119
Table 2005-2012 Global CIGS (Thin Film) Solar Module ASP (USD/W) 120
Table 2010-2013 1000MW CIGS Thin Film Solar Module Project Output (MW) and Revenue (Million$) 120
Table 2010-2013 1000 MW CIGS Thin Film Solar Module Project Profit Margin and Investment Return Term 121
Table 1000MW C-Si A-Si CIGS Investment Return Rate Comparison 122
Table 1000MW C-Si A-Si CIGS Project Advantage and Disadvantage Comparison 123
《China C-Si A-Si CIGS Solar Cell and Module Project Research Report 2009》was a professional report focus on China C-Si A-Si CIGS Solar Cell and Module project investment feasibility. It was a special project design report for China National Development and Reform Commission approve. The report introduced Global and China PV demand from 2005-2013, listed 2005-2013 supply of PV(cell and module) according PV upstream raw materials(such as Polysilicon wafer or thin film equipments etc),analyzed PV cell or module Price or Profit margin develop trend according their demand and supply relationship. After that, the report use big space introduced 1000MW C-Si 1000MW A-Si 1000MW CIGS PV Cell and Module Project Feasibility anslysis and gave related conclusions. In the end, Listed a special case of China 1000MW Thin Film Solar Cell project and introduced the peoject details of investment technology process manufacturing factory finance analysis operating analysis investment return analysis etc, and this project also pass National Development and Reform Commission approve. In a word, It was a depth research report on C-Si(Crystalline Silicon) A-Si(amorphous silicon) CIGS(Cu In Ga Se) Solar cell and module industry.