2011-2015 Annual analysis and research report on China lithium iron phosphate industry supply and demand forecast and investment direction
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Chapter One Overview of the development of lithium iron phosphate industry in China 1
Section One Development of lithium iron phosphate industry 1
First, definition of lithium iron phosphate 1
Second, the development of lithium iron phosphate industry 4
Section Two Industry chain analysis of lithium iron phosphate 4
First, introduce of industry chain model 4
Second, analysis of industry chain model of lithium iron phosphate 6
Section Three Analysis of economic indicators of lithium iron phosphate industry of China in 2008-2010 6
First, profit 6
Second, growth speed 6
Third, improving space of added value 7
Fourth, entrance barrier /exit mechanism 7
Fifth, risk 7
Sixth, industry cycles 8
Seventh, index of competitive level 8
Chapter Two Development analysis of global lithium iron phosphate market 10
Section One Development analysis of lithium iron phosphate market in the world 10
First, development analysis of global lithium iron phosphate market in 2009 10
Second, statistical analysis of the global market of lithium iron phosphate in 2009 11
Third, market analysis of global lithium iron phosphate in 2010 12
Section Two Analysis of lithium iron phosphate market of world's major countries in 2010 15
First, market analysis of United States lithium iron phosphate in 2010 15
Second, market analysis of Japan lithium iron phosphate in 2010 15
Third, market analysis of Korea lithium iron phosphate in 2010 16
Chapter Three Market operation analysis of lithium iron phosphate in China 18
Section One Basic situation of market development of lithium iron phosphate industry 18
First, current situation analysis of market development 18
Second, analysis of market characteristics 21
Third, analysis of technology development 25
Section Two Gross Output value of industry analysis of industry market 27
Section Three product price analysis of industry market 28
Chapter Four International comparative analysis of lithium iron phosphate industry in China 29
Section One Development situation analysis of lithium iron phosphate market in China 29
First, development analysis of lithium iron phosphate market in China in 2009 29
Second, statistical analysis of lithium iron phosphate market in China in 2009 30
Third, market analysis of lithium iron phosphate in China in 2010 30
Section Two International comparison analysis of lithium iron phosphate industry in China 30
Section Three Market demand analysis of global lithium iron phosphate industry 34
First, situation of market size 34
Second, analysis of demand structure 35
Third, key demand customers 35
Fourth, market prospect 35
Chapter Five Analysis of economic operation index of lithium iron phosphate industry in China 36
Section One Analysis of overall size of lithium iron phosphate industry in China in 2010 36
First, structural analysis of enterprise number 36
Second, production scale analysis of industry 36
Section Two Production and marketing analysis of lithium iron phosphate industry in China in 2010 37
First, general situation analysis of industrial finished products 37
Second, overall analysis of sales income of industry product 37
Section Three Overall analysis of financial indicators of lithium iron phosphate industry in China in 2010 37
First, earning capacity analysis of industry 38
Second, coverage capacity analysis of industry 38
Third,operating capacity analysis of industry 38
Fourth, development capacity analysis of industry 38
Chapter Six Production situation analysis of lithium iron phosphate in China 39
Section One Overall size of lithium iron phosphate industry 39
Section Two Production capacity overview of lithium iron phosphate 40
First, production capacity analysis in 2009-2010 40
Second, production capacity forecast in 2010-2015 40
Section Three Output survey of lithium iron phosphate 40
First, output analysis in 2009-2010 41
Second, output forecast in 2010-2015 41
Section Four Market supply analysis of lithium iron phosphate industry 41
Chapter Seven Market supply and demand analysis of lithium iron phosphate in China 43
Section One Market demand analysis of lithium iron phosphate in 2010 43
Section Two Market supply analysis of lithium iron phosphate in 2010 43
Section Three Supply and demand balance analysis and future development trend in 2011-2015 45
First,demand forecasts of lithium iron phosphate industry in 2011-2015 45
Second, forecast supply of lithium iron phosphate industry in 2011-2015 46
Third, supply and demand balance analysis of lithium iron phosphate in 2009-2010 46
Fourth, balance forecasting of supply and demand of lithium iron phosphate in 2011-2015 46
Chapter Eight Study on regional market situation 47
Section One Market situation analysis of the Yangtze River Delta region 47
Section Two Market situation analysis of the Pearl River Delta region 47
Section Three Market situation analysis of Circum Bohai sea region 48
Section Four Study on development situation and competitiveness of main market region of lithium iron phosphate industry 49
First, market analysis of North China region 49
Second, market analysis of central China region 50
Third, market analysis of South China region 50
Fourth, market analysis of East China region 51
Fifth, market analysis of northeast region 54
Sixth, market analysis of southwest region 55
Seventh, market analysis of northwest region 55
Section Five Sales analysis of key region of lithium iron phosphate 55
First, comparison sales analysis of every region of lithium iron phosphate 56
Second, sales analysis of "first key area " of the lithium iron phosphate 56
Third, sales analysis of " second key area "of lithium iron phosphate 56
Fourth, sales analysis of " third key area " of lithium iron phosphate 57
Chapter Nine Industry chain analysis of lithium iron phosphate 59
Section One Supply situation analysis of the raw material in the upper 59
First, main raw materials 59
Second, price and supply situation of main raw material 59
Third, future prices and supply conditions forecast of the main raw material in 2011-2015 61
Section Two Industry chain analysis of lithium iron phosphate 62
First, industrial concentration 63
Second, value-added space of main components 63
Third, industrial entry barrier and driving factor 63
Fourth, analysis of influence and trend of upstream and downstream industry 63
Chapter Ten Market competition pattern analysis of lithium iron phosphate 66
Section One Analysis of industrial competition structure 66
First, competition among existing enterprises 66
Second, analysis of potential entrants 66
Third, threat analysis of substitute 66
Fourth, bargaining ability of suppliers 66
Fifth, bargaining ability of customer 66
Section Two Analysis of industrial concentration 67
First, analysis of industrial concentration 67
Second, analysis of enterprise concentration 67
Third, analysis of region concentration 67
Chapter Eleven Industrial structure analysis of lithium iron phosphate industry 68
Section One Analysis of industrial structure 68
First,Adequacy degree analysis of market segmentation 68
Second, leading enterprises rank of each market segment- 69
Third, structure proportion that each market segment account for the total market 70
Fourth,structure (ownership) analysis of leading enterprises 70
Section Two Analysis of structure of industrial value chain and overall competitive advantage of industry chain 73
First, composition of industrial value chain 73
Second, competitive advantage and disadvantage analysis of industry chain 73
Section Three Development forecast of industrial structure 74
First, analysis of adjustment direction of industry structure and government industrial policy (investment policy, foreign capital policy, restrictive policy) 74
Second, leading factor of consumer demand in the the adjustment of industrial structure 75
Third, strategic market positioning that China lithium iron phosphate industry participate in international competition 77
Chapter Twelve Development analysis of top ten enterprises 84
Section One Tianjin STL Energy Technology Co., Ltd 84
First, overview of company 84
Second, the technology research and development 85
Third, development analysis of company 86
Section Two Pulead Technology Industry Co., Ltd 87
First, overview of company 87
Second, development strength analysis of company 88
Third, development strategy of company 88
Section Three NanoChem Systems (Suzhou) Co., Ltd 89
First, overview of company 89
Second, development strength analysis of company 90
Third, development analysis of company 90
Section Four Hunan Haorun Technology Co.,Ltd 92
First, overview of company 92
Second, competitiveness of company 92
Third, main business of company 92
Section Five Xinxiang Green new energy materials Co.,Ltd 93
First, overview of company 93
Second, research and development of company 94
Third, development vision of company 94
Section Six Xinxiang Huaxin Energy Materials Co.,Ltd 95
First, overview of company 95
Second, competitiveness of company 96
Section Seven Hunan Reshine New Materials Co.,Ltd 97
First, overview of company 97
Second, competitiveness of company 97
Third, development strategy of company 98
Section Eight Shenzhen BTR New Energy Materials Co.,Ltd 99
First, overview of company 99
Second, competitiveness of company 100
Third, development of company 101
Section Nine China BaoAn Group Co.,Ltd 101
First, overview of company 102
Second, operation situation of company in 2010-2011 102
Third, new trends of company in 2011 108
Section Ten Ningbo Shanshan Co.,Ltd 109
First, overview of company 109
Second, operation situation of company in 2010-2011 109
Third, development situation of new energy materials of company 115
Chapter Thirteen Development trends and influence factors of lithium iron phosphate industry in 2011-2015 117
Section One Forecast analysis of future development of lithium iron phosphate 117
First, development direction analysis of lithium iron phosphate in China 117
Second, development scale of lithium iron phosphate industry in China in 2011-2015 119
Third, development trend forecast of lithium iron phosphate industry in China in 2011-2015 119
Section Two Supply forecast of lithium iron phosphate industry in 2011-2015 122
Section Three Key trends which impact enterprise production and management 124
First, growth tendency of market conformity 124
Second, demand change tendency and forecast of new commercial opportunity 125
Third, trend that regional market of business develop 125
Fourth, key trend influencing enterprise sales and service mode 125
Chapter Fourteen Investment direction and risk analysis of lithium iron phosphate industry in 2011-2015 127
Section One Advantages and disadvantages analysis of industrial development 127
Section Two Gaps analysis of industrial development 131
Section Three Investment direction of high investment rate of return 132
Section Four Barriers that new entrants should note 132
Section Five Investment risk analysis of Chinese lithium iron phosphate industry in 2011-2015 132
First,risk of market competition 132
Second, risk analysis of raw materials pressure 133
Third, technology risk analysis 133
Fourth, policy and institutional risk 133
Chart: Gross Output value of industry statistics of lithium iron phosphate industry in China in 2009-2010 27
Chart: Price statistics of lithium iron phosphate industry in China in 2009-2010 28
Chart: Market size statistics of global lithium iron phosphate in 2009-2010 35
Chart: Enterprise number statistics of lithium iron phosphate industry in our country in 2009-2010 36
Chart: Production scale statistics of lithium iron phosphate in China in 2009-2010 36
Chart: Products statistics of lithium iron phosphate in China in 2009-2010 37
Chart: Sales income statistics of lithium iron phosphate industry in China in 2009-2010 37
Chart: Production capacity statistics of lithium iron phosphate in China in 2009-2010 40
Chart: Production capacity forecast of lithium iron phosphate industry in China in 2011-2015 40
Chart: Output statistics of lithium iron phosphate in China in 2009-2010 41
Chart: Output forecast of lithium iron phosphate industry in China in 2011-2015 41
Chart: Actual demand forecast of lithium iron phosphate industry of our country in 2011-2015 45
Chart: Sales share statistics of lithium iron phosphate in the Pearl River Delta region in China in 2010 56
Chart: Sales share statistics of lithium iron phosphate in Yangtze River Delta in China in 2010 57
Chart:Sales share statistics of lithium iron phosphate of Circum Bohai sea region in China in 2010 57
Chart: Global demand forecast of lithium metal in 2008-2018 61
Chart: Domestic demand forecast of lithium metal in 2008-2018 61
Chart: Top 10 LFP materials enterprises and its development situation in China (1) 72
Chart: Top 10 LFP materials enterprises and its development situation in China (2) 72
Chart: Top 10 LFP materials enterprises and its development situation in China (3) 73
Chart: Main management form of China BaoAn Group Co.,Ltd in 2010-2011 102
Chart: Analysis of index of per share of China BaoAn Group Co.,Ltd in 2010-2011 103
Chart: Analysis of earning capacity of China BaoAn Group Co.,Ltd in 2010-2011 103
Chart: Analysis of operating capacity of China BaoAn Group Co.,Ltd in 2010-2011 104
Chart: Analysis of coverage capacity of China BaoAn Group Co.,Ltd in 2010-2011 104
Chart: Analysis of capital structure of China BaoAn Group Co.,Ltd in 2010-2011 105
Chart: Analysis of development capacity of China BaoAn Group Co.,Ltd in 2010-2011 105
Chart: Analysis of cash flow of China BaoAn Group Co.,Ltd in 2010-2011 105
Chart: Analysis of revenue from main operation of China BaoAn Group Co.,Ltd in 2010-2011 106
Chart: Analysis of income from main operation of China BaoAn Group Co.,Ltd in 2010-2011 106
Chart: Analysis of operating profit of China BaoAn Group Co.,Ltd in 2010-2011 107
Chart: Analysis of total profit of China BaoAn Group Co.,Ltd in 2010-2011 107
Chart: Analysis of net profit of China BaoAn Group Co.,Ltd in 2010-2011 108
Chart: Main management form of Ningbo Shanshan Co.,Ltd in 2009-2010 109
Chart: Analysis of index of per share of Ningbo Shanshan Co.,Ltd in 2009-2010 110
Chart: Analysis of earning capacity of Ningbo Shanshan Co.,Ltd in 2009-2010 111
Chart: Analysis of operating capacity of Ningbo Shanshan Co.,Ltd in 2009-2010 111
Chart: Analysis of coverage capacity of Ningbo Shanshan Co.,Ltd in 2009-2010 112
Chart: Analysis of capital structure of Ningbo Shanshan Co.,Ltd in 2009-2010 112
Chart: Analysis of development capacity of Ningbo Shanshan Co.,Ltd in 2009-2010 113
Chart: Analysis of cash flow of Ningbo Shanshan Co.,Ltd in 2009-2010 113
Chart: Analysis of revenue from main operation of Ningbo Shanshan Co.,Ltd in 2009-2010 113
Chart: Analysis of income from main operation of Ningbo Shanshan Co.,Ltd in 2009-2010 114
Chart: Analysis of operating profit of Ningbo Shanshan Co.,Ltd in 2009-2010 114
Chart: Analysis of total profit of Ningbo Shanshan Co.,Ltd in 2009-2010 115
Chart: Analysis of net profit of Ningbo Shanshan Co.,Ltd in 2009-2010 115
Chart: Comparison of three kinds of cathode materials 118