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China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market Review & Outlook Proposal 2007-2008.doc
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1 Policy Environment of Fruit Juice & Beverage Industry in China
1.1 Overview of International Fruit Juice & Beverage Industry
1.1.1 General Situation of International Fruit Juice & Beverage Industry
1.1.2 Current Situation and Characteristics of Market
1.1.3 Market Situation of Major Countries
1.2 Analysis of Policy Environment of China Fruit Juice & Beverage Industry
1.2.1 Product Processing Policies
1.2.2 Imp & Exp Policies of Product
1.2.3 Prospect of Future Policies
1.3 Analysis of Macro Environment of 2007 Fruit Juice & Beverage Industry
1.3.1 Analysis of International Economic Situation
1.3.2 Analysis of Domestic Economic Situation
1.3.3 Analysis of Commercial Situation both at Home and Abroad
1.3.4 Analysis of Consumption Capability of Chinese Residents
2 Demands in China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market
2.1 Analysis of Demand in China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market, 2007
2.1.1 Comparison of Demand Structure between Rural and Urban Areas
2.1.2 Comparison of Demand Structure between Different Regions
2.1.3 Comparison of Demand Structure between Different Products
2.2 Analysis of Key Varieties in China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market, 2007
2.2.1 Analysis of 100% Fruit Juice & Beverage Market, 2007
2.2.2 Analysis of Low Consistency Fruit Juice & Beverage Market, 2007
2.2.3 Analysis of Concentrated Fruit Juice & Beverage Market, 2007
2.2.4 Analysis of Vegetable Juice Market, 2007
2.3 Analysis of Demands in Regional Markets
2.3.1 Analysis of Demand Capability of Main Markets
2.3.2 Analysis of Development Level of Main Markets
2.3.3 Analysis of Consumption Concept and Behavior of Main Markets
2.4 Analysis of Influential Factors ob Demand
2.4.1 Advertisement
2.4.2 Packaging
2.4.3 Price
2.4.4 Distribution Place
3 Analysis of Supply Chain of Up-Stream Fruit Juice & Beverage Industry in China
3.1 Analysis of Fruit Supply in 2007
3.1.1 Fruit Production in China, 2002-2007
3.1.2 Price Change of Fruits in China, 2007
3.1.2 Imp & Exp of Fruits in China, 2007
3.2 Analysis of Apple Supply in 2007
3.2.1 Apple Production in China, 2002-2007
3.2.2 Price Change of Apple in China, 2007
3.2.3 Imp & Exp of Apple in China, 2007
3.3 Analysis of Orange Supply in 2007
3.3.1 Orange Production in China, 2002-2007
3.3.2 Price Change of Orange in China, 2007
3.3.3 Imp & Exp of Orange in China, 2007
3.3.4 Imp & Exp of Concentrated Orange Juice in China, 2007
3.4 Analysis of Other Fruits and Vegetable Supply in 2007
3.4.1 Supply Capability of Other Fruits and Vegetable in China, 2002-2007
3.4.2 Demand Potential of Other Fruits and Vegetable in China, 2002-2007
3.5 Analysis of Process Capability of Fruits and Vegetable Supply in 2007
3.5.1 Process Scale of Fruits and Vegetable in China, 2007
3.5.2 Process Technology of Fruits and Vegetable in China, 2007
3.5.3 Estimations of Process Trend of Fruits and Vegetable in China, 2008
4 Analysis of Supply in China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market, 2007
4.1 General Analysis of Fruit Juice Production in China, 2007
4.2 Analysis of Fruit Juice Production by Regions, 2007
4.2.1 Production Scale by Regions, 2007
4.2.2 Features of Fruit Juice Producing Regions, 2007
4.3 Analysis of Fruit Juice Production by Varieties, 2007
4.3.1 Analysis of 100% Fruit Juice Output, 2002-2007
4.3.2 Analysis of Low Consistency Fruit Juice Output, 2002-2007
4.3.3 Analysis of Concentrated Fruit Juice Output, 2002-2007
4.3.4 Analysis of Vegetable Juice Output, 2002-2007
4.4 Imp & Exp of Major Products in 2007
4.4.1 Analysis of Imp & Exp Data in 2007
4.4.2 Analysis of Imp & Exp Structure in 2007
4.4.3 Analysis of Imp Source in 2007
4.4.4 Analysis of Exp Flow in 2007
4.5 New Program and Expanded Program of Main Products in 2007
5 Analysis of Competition in China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market, 2007
5.1 Changing Trend of Fruit Juice & Beverage Market, 2007
5.2 Analysis of Features of China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market, 2007
5.2.1 More Profit of Fruit and Vegetable Beverage than Carbonated Beverage
5.2.2 A Blooming Situation in Domestic Market with Foreign Investment
5.2.3 Beverage Enterprises Enhancing Financing Level
5.2.4 Market Witnessing a General Trend of Rising Price
5.2.5 Low Consistency Beer Sharing Beverage Market
5.3 Analysis of Competition in Key Regions, 2007
5.3.1 Analysis of Competition in Key Producing Regions, 2007
5.3.2 Analysis of Competition in Key Distribution Regions, 2007
5.4 Analysis of Brand Competition in China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market, 2007
5.4.1 Market Share of Segment Fruit Juice & Beverage Market, 2007
5.4.2 Market Share of Key Beverage Enterprises, 2007
6 Analysis of Competitors in China Fruit Juice & Beverage Industry, 2007
6.1 General Analysis of China Soft Drink Industry, 2007
6.2 Analysis of Production Competition
6.2.1 Comparison of Production Conditions
6.2.2 Analysis of Production Technology
6.3 Analysis of Market Competition
6.3.1 Comparison of Market Situation
6.3.2 Comparison of Market Demand and Growing Potential
6.4 Comparison of Profit-Generation Capability
6.5 Comparison of Enterprise Competition Capability
6.6 Comparison of Product Competition Capability
6.7 Integrated Estimation of Competition Capability of Fruit Juice & Beverage Industry with Other Soft Drinks Industry
7 Analysis of Leading Enterprises in Fruit Juice & Beverage Industry in China
7.1 Analysis of Advantages & Disadvantages in Producing & Marketing Areas in 2007
7.1.1 Analysis of Advantages & Disadvantages in Producing Areas
7.1.2 Analysis of Advantages & Disadvantages in Marketing Areas
7.1.3 Comparative Analysis of Economic Profit in Producing & Marketing Areas
7.1.4 Prospect of Location of Producing & Marketing Areas
7.2 Analysis of Advantages & Disadvantages of Enterprise Operation in 2007
7.2.1 Analysis of Advantages & Disadvantages of large-Scale Enterprises
7.2.2 Analysis of Advantages & Disadvantages of Small-Scale Enterprises
7.2.3 Estimation of Scale Operation by Enterprises
7.3 Hangzhou Wahaha Group
7.3.1 Enterprise Introduction
7.3.2 Operation Scale
7.3.3 Financing and Operation Conditions
7.3.4 Development Program of Wahaha
7.4 Coca-Cola
7.4.1 Enterprise Introduction
7.4.2 Operation Scale
7.4.3 Development Situation in China
7.4.4 Financing and Operation Conditions
7.4.5 Development Program of Coca-Cola
7.5 Beijing Huiyuan Group
7.5.1 Enterprise Introduction
7.5.2 Operation Scale
7.5.3 Financing and Operation Conditions
7.5.4 Development Program of Huiyuan
7.6 Taiwan Uni-President Group (Reference to 7.1)
7.7 Taiwan Dingxin (Master Kang) Group (Reference to 7.1)
7.8 Yantai North ANDRE Co.,Ltd (Reference to 7.1)
7.9 SDIC Zhonglu Fruit Juice Co.,Ltd (Reference to 7.1)
7.10 Shaanxi Haisheng Juice Holdings Co.,Ltd (Reference to 7.1)
8 Estimations on Future Trend of China Fruit Juice & Beverage Industry in 2008
8.1 Estimations on Supply Capability of Up-Stream Fruit Juice & Beverage Industry in 2008
8.1.1 Estimations on Material Supply Volume in 2008
8.1.2 Estimations on Future Trend of Material Price in 2008
8.2 Estimations on Fruit Juice Supply in 2008
8.2.1 Estimations on Fruit Juice Output in 2008
8.2.2 Estimations on Major Fruit Juice Producing Regions in 2008
8.3 Estimations on China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market in 2008
8.3.1 Estimations on Scale of China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market in 2008
8.3.2 Estimations on Demand of China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market in 2008
8.3.3 Analysis of Domestic Segment Market and Its Trend
8.4 Estimations on Competition Pattern in 2008(Product, Price, Brand, etc)
8.4.1 Estimations on Changes of Market Share
8.4.2 Estimations on Changes of Brand Concentration
8.4.3 Estimations on Changes of Market Penetration in Key Regions
8.5 Estimations on Price Change in China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market in 2008
8.5.1 Influential Factors of Price Change
8.5.2 Estimations on Price Trend in China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market in 2008
8.6 Risk and Investment Proposals in China Fruit Juice & Beverage Industry
8.6.1 Impelling Force in the Development of Fruit Juice & Beverage Processing Industry
8.6.2 Negative Factors in the Development of Fruit Juice & Beverage Processing Industry
8.6.3 Long-Term Repayable Capability and Profit-Generation Capability
8.6.4 Investment Proposals
9 Comments on Ten Events of Chinese Soft Drinks Industry in 2007
Tables and Figures
1 Retail Volume in Fruit Juices & Drinks Market in U.S., 2002-2007
2 Retail Sales in Fruit Juices & Drinks Market in U.S., 2002-2007
3 Retail Volume in Fruit Juices & Drinks Market in Japan, 2002-2007
4 Retail Sales in Fruit Juices & Drinks Market in Japan, 2002-2007
5 Consumption Volume of Fruit Juices & Drinks in China, 2002-2007
6 Consumption Situation of Fruit Juices & Drinks in China, 2007
7 Consumption Structure of Fruit Juices & Drinks in China, 2007
8 Fruit Yield & Planting Areas, 2002-2007
9 Estimations of Fruit Yield & Planting Areas, 2008-2012
10 Import Volume of Fruits in China, 2002-2007
11 Export Volume of Fruits in China, 2002-2007
12 Apple Output in China, 2002-2007
13 Import Volume of Apple in China, 2002-2007
14 Export Volume of Apple in China, 2002-2007
15 Orange Output in China, 2002-2007
16 Import Volume of Orange in China, 2002-2007
17 Export Volume of Orange in China, 2002-2007
18 Tomato Output in China, 2002-2007
19 Import & Export Volume of Tomato in China, 2002-2007
20 Peach Output in China, 2002-2007
21 Import & Export Volume of Peach in China, 2002-2007
22 Fruit Juice Output in China, 2002-2007
23 Fruit Juice Output by Regions in China, 2007
24 Fruit Juice Output by Varieties in China, 2007
25 Volume & Value of Concentrated Apple Juice Exports in China, 2002-2007
26 Proportions of Export Destination Countries for Concentrated Apple Juice in China, 2007
27 Volume & Amount of Frozen Orange Juice Exports in China, 2002-2007
28 Proportions of Export Destination Countries for Frozen Orange Juice in China, 2007
29 Trend of Market Price of Concentrated Apple Juice, 2002-2007
30 Estimations of Market Price of Concentrated Apple Juice, 2008-2012
31 Trend of Market Price of Concentrated Orange Juice, 2002-2007
32 Estimations of Market Price of Concentrated Orange Juice, 2008-2012
33 Comparison of Production Scale between Fruit Juices & Drinks and Other Competitive Beverage
34 Comparison of Distribution Scale between Fruit Juices & Drinks and Other Competitive Beverage
35 Comparison of Economic Index between Fruit Juices & Drinks and Other Competitive Beverage
36 Comparison of Competition Potential between Fruit Juices & Drinks and Other Competitive Beverage
37 Yield of Fruit Juices & Drinks of Wahaha, 2007
38 Statistics of Economic Index Items of Wahaha, 2007
39 Yield of Fruit Juices & Drinks of Coca-Cola, 2007
40 Statistics of Economic Index Items of Coca-Cola, 2007
41Yield of Fruit Juices & Drinks of Huiyuan, 2007
42 Import Volume of Orange Juice by Country in Huiyuan, 2007
43 Statistics of Economic Index Items of Huiyuan, 2007
44 Yield of Fruit Juices & Drinks of Taiwan Uni-President, 2007
45 Statistics of Economic Index Items of Taiwan Uni-President, 2007
46 Yield of Fruit Juices & Drinks of Taiwan Dingxin, 2007
47 Export Volume of Apple Juice by Country in Taiwan Dingxin, 2007
48 Statistics of Economic Index Items of Taiwan Dingxin, 2007
49 Yield of Fruit Juices & Drinks of ANDRE, 2007
50 Export Volume of Apple Juice by Country in ANDRE, 2007
51 Statistics of Economic Index Items of ANDRE, 2007
52 Yield of Fruit Juices & Drinks of SDIC Zhonglu, 2007
53 Export Volume of Apple Juice by Country in SDIC Zhonglu, 2007
54 Statistics of Economic Index Items of SDIC Zhonglu, 2007
55 Yield of Fruit Juices & Drinks of Shaanxi Haisheng, 2007
56 Export Volume of Apple Juice by Country in Shaanxi Haisheng, 2007
57 Statistics of Economic Index Items of Shaanxi Haisheng, 2007
1.1 Overview of International Fruit Juice & Beverage Industry
1.1.1 General Situation of International Fruit Juice & Beverage Industry
1.1.2 Current Situation and Characteristics of Market
1.1.3 Market Situation of Major Countries
1.2 Analysis of Policy Environment of China Fruit Juice & Beverage Industry
1.2.1 Product Processing Policies
1.2.2 Imp & Exp Policies of Product
1.2.3 Prospect of Future Policies
1.3 Analysis of Macro Environment of 2007 Fruit Juice & Beverage Industry
1.3.1 Analysis of International Economic Situation
1.3.2 Analysis of Domestic Economic Situation
1.3.3 Analysis of Commercial Situation both at Home and Abroad
1.3.4 Analysis of Consumption Capability of Chinese Residents
2 Demands in China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market
2.1 Analysis of Demand in China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market, 2007
2.1.1 Comparison of Demand Structure between Rural and Urban Areas
2.1.2 Comparison of Demand Structure between Different Regions
2.1.3 Comparison of Demand Structure between Different Products
2.2 Analysis of Key Varieties in China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market, 2007
2.2.1 Analysis of 100% Fruit Juice & Beverage Market, 2007
2.2.2 Analysis of Low Consistency Fruit Juice & Beverage Market, 2007
2.2.3 Analysis of Concentrated Fruit Juice & Beverage Market, 2007
2.2.4 Analysis of Vegetable Juice Market, 2007
2.3 Analysis of Demands in Regional Markets
2.3.1 Analysis of Demand Capability of Main Markets
2.3.2 Analysis of Development Level of Main Markets
2.3.3 Analysis of Consumption Concept and Behavior of Main Markets
2.4 Analysis of Influential Factors ob Demand
2.4.1 Advertisement
2.4.2 Packaging
2.4.3 Price
2.4.4 Distribution Place
3 Analysis of Supply Chain of Up-Stream Fruit Juice & Beverage Industry in China
3.1 Analysis of Fruit Supply in 2007
3.1.1 Fruit Production in China, 2002-2007
3.1.2 Price Change of Fruits in China, 2007
3.1.2 Imp & Exp of Fruits in China, 2007
3.2 Analysis of Apple Supply in 2007
3.2.1 Apple Production in China, 2002-2007
3.2.2 Price Change of Apple in China, 2007
3.2.3 Imp & Exp of Apple in China, 2007
3.3 Analysis of Orange Supply in 2007
3.3.1 Orange Production in China, 2002-2007
3.3.2 Price Change of Orange in China, 2007
3.3.3 Imp & Exp of Orange in China, 2007
3.3.4 Imp & Exp of Concentrated Orange Juice in China, 2007
3.4 Analysis of Other Fruits and Vegetable Supply in 2007
3.4.1 Supply Capability of Other Fruits and Vegetable in China, 2002-2007
3.4.2 Demand Potential of Other Fruits and Vegetable in China, 2002-2007
3.5 Analysis of Process Capability of Fruits and Vegetable Supply in 2007
3.5.1 Process Scale of Fruits and Vegetable in China, 2007
3.5.2 Process Technology of Fruits and Vegetable in China, 2007
3.5.3 Estimations of Process Trend of Fruits and Vegetable in China, 2008
4 Analysis of Supply in China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market, 2007
4.1 General Analysis of Fruit Juice Production in China, 2007
4.2 Analysis of Fruit Juice Production by Regions, 2007
4.2.1 Production Scale by Regions, 2007
4.2.2 Features of Fruit Juice Producing Regions, 2007
4.3 Analysis of Fruit Juice Production by Varieties, 2007
4.3.1 Analysis of 100% Fruit Juice Output, 2002-2007
4.3.2 Analysis of Low Consistency Fruit Juice Output, 2002-2007
4.3.3 Analysis of Concentrated Fruit Juice Output, 2002-2007
4.3.4 Analysis of Vegetable Juice Output, 2002-2007
4.4 Imp & Exp of Major Products in 2007
4.4.1 Analysis of Imp & Exp Data in 2007
4.4.2 Analysis of Imp & Exp Structure in 2007
4.4.3 Analysis of Imp Source in 2007
4.4.4 Analysis of Exp Flow in 2007
4.5 New Program and Expanded Program of Main Products in 2007
5 Analysis of Competition in China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market, 2007
5.1 Changing Trend of Fruit Juice & Beverage Market, 2007
5.2 Analysis of Features of China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market, 2007
5.2.1 More Profit of Fruit and Vegetable Beverage than Carbonated Beverage
5.2.2 A Blooming Situation in Domestic Market with Foreign Investment
5.2.3 Beverage Enterprises Enhancing Financing Level
5.2.4 Market Witnessing a General Trend of Rising Price
5.2.5 Low Consistency Beer Sharing Beverage Market
5.3 Analysis of Competition in Key Regions, 2007
5.3.1 Analysis of Competition in Key Producing Regions, 2007
5.3.2 Analysis of Competition in Key Distribution Regions, 2007
5.4 Analysis of Brand Competition in China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market, 2007
5.4.1 Market Share of Segment Fruit Juice & Beverage Market, 2007
5.4.2 Market Share of Key Beverage Enterprises, 2007
6 Analysis of Competitors in China Fruit Juice & Beverage Industry, 2007
6.1 General Analysis of China Soft Drink Industry, 2007
6.2 Analysis of Production Competition
6.2.1 Comparison of Production Conditions
6.2.2 Analysis of Production Technology
6.3 Analysis of Market Competition
6.3.1 Comparison of Market Situation
6.3.2 Comparison of Market Demand and Growing Potential
6.4 Comparison of Profit-Generation Capability
6.5 Comparison of Enterprise Competition Capability
6.6 Comparison of Product Competition Capability
6.7 Integrated Estimation of Competition Capability of Fruit Juice & Beverage Industry with Other Soft Drinks Industry
7 Analysis of Leading Enterprises in Fruit Juice & Beverage Industry in China
7.1 Analysis of Advantages & Disadvantages in Producing & Marketing Areas in 2007
7.1.1 Analysis of Advantages & Disadvantages in Producing Areas
7.1.2 Analysis of Advantages & Disadvantages in Marketing Areas
7.1.3 Comparative Analysis of Economic Profit in Producing & Marketing Areas
7.1.4 Prospect of Location of Producing & Marketing Areas
7.2 Analysis of Advantages & Disadvantages of Enterprise Operation in 2007
7.2.1 Analysis of Advantages & Disadvantages of large-Scale Enterprises
7.2.2 Analysis of Advantages & Disadvantages of Small-Scale Enterprises
7.2.3 Estimation of Scale Operation by Enterprises
7.3 Hangzhou Wahaha Group
7.3.1 Enterprise Introduction
7.3.2 Operation Scale
7.3.3 Financing and Operation Conditions
7.3.4 Development Program of Wahaha
7.4 Coca-Cola
7.4.1 Enterprise Introduction
7.4.2 Operation Scale
7.4.3 Development Situation in China
7.4.4 Financing and Operation Conditions
7.4.5 Development Program of Coca-Cola
7.5 Beijing Huiyuan Group
7.5.1 Enterprise Introduction
7.5.2 Operation Scale
7.5.3 Financing and Operation Conditions
7.5.4 Development Program of Huiyuan
7.6 Taiwan Uni-President Group (Reference to 7.1)
7.7 Taiwan Dingxin (Master Kang) Group (Reference to 7.1)
7.8 Yantai North ANDRE Co.,Ltd (Reference to 7.1)
7.9 SDIC Zhonglu Fruit Juice Co.,Ltd (Reference to 7.1)
7.10 Shaanxi Haisheng Juice Holdings Co.,Ltd (Reference to 7.1)
8 Estimations on Future Trend of China Fruit Juice & Beverage Industry in 2008
8.1 Estimations on Supply Capability of Up-Stream Fruit Juice & Beverage Industry in 2008
8.1.1 Estimations on Material Supply Volume in 2008
8.1.2 Estimations on Future Trend of Material Price in 2008
8.2 Estimations on Fruit Juice Supply in 2008
8.2.1 Estimations on Fruit Juice Output in 2008
8.2.2 Estimations on Major Fruit Juice Producing Regions in 2008
8.3 Estimations on China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market in 2008
8.3.1 Estimations on Scale of China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market in 2008
8.3.2 Estimations on Demand of China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market in 2008
8.3.3 Analysis of Domestic Segment Market and Its Trend
8.4 Estimations on Competition Pattern in 2008(Product, Price, Brand, etc)
8.4.1 Estimations on Changes of Market Share
8.4.2 Estimations on Changes of Brand Concentration
8.4.3 Estimations on Changes of Market Penetration in Key Regions
8.5 Estimations on Price Change in China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market in 2008
8.5.1 Influential Factors of Price Change
8.5.2 Estimations on Price Trend in China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market in 2008
8.6 Risk and Investment Proposals in China Fruit Juice & Beverage Industry
8.6.1 Impelling Force in the Development of Fruit Juice & Beverage Processing Industry
8.6.2 Negative Factors in the Development of Fruit Juice & Beverage Processing Industry
8.6.3 Long-Term Repayable Capability and Profit-Generation Capability
8.6.4 Investment Proposals
9 Comments on Ten Events of Chinese Soft Drinks Industry in 2007
Tables and Figures
1 Retail Volume in Fruit Juices & Drinks Market in U.S., 2002-2007
2 Retail Sales in Fruit Juices & Drinks Market in U.S., 2002-2007
3 Retail Volume in Fruit Juices & Drinks Market in Japan, 2002-2007
4 Retail Sales in Fruit Juices & Drinks Market in Japan, 2002-2007
5 Consumption Volume of Fruit Juices & Drinks in China, 2002-2007
6 Consumption Situation of Fruit Juices & Drinks in China, 2007
7 Consumption Structure of Fruit Juices & Drinks in China, 2007
8 Fruit Yield & Planting Areas, 2002-2007
9 Estimations of Fruit Yield & Planting Areas, 2008-2012
10 Import Volume of Fruits in China, 2002-2007
11 Export Volume of Fruits in China, 2002-2007
12 Apple Output in China, 2002-2007
13 Import Volume of Apple in China, 2002-2007
14 Export Volume of Apple in China, 2002-2007
15 Orange Output in China, 2002-2007
16 Import Volume of Orange in China, 2002-2007
17 Export Volume of Orange in China, 2002-2007
18 Tomato Output in China, 2002-2007
19 Import & Export Volume of Tomato in China, 2002-2007
20 Peach Output in China, 2002-2007
21 Import & Export Volume of Peach in China, 2002-2007
22 Fruit Juice Output in China, 2002-2007
23 Fruit Juice Output by Regions in China, 2007
24 Fruit Juice Output by Varieties in China, 2007
25 Volume & Value of Concentrated Apple Juice Exports in China, 2002-2007
26 Proportions of Export Destination Countries for Concentrated Apple Juice in China, 2007
27 Volume & Amount of Frozen Orange Juice Exports in China, 2002-2007
28 Proportions of Export Destination Countries for Frozen Orange Juice in China, 2007
29 Trend of Market Price of Concentrated Apple Juice, 2002-2007
30 Estimations of Market Price of Concentrated Apple Juice, 2008-2012
31 Trend of Market Price of Concentrated Orange Juice, 2002-2007
32 Estimations of Market Price of Concentrated Orange Juice, 2008-2012
33 Comparison of Production Scale between Fruit Juices & Drinks and Other Competitive Beverage
34 Comparison of Distribution Scale between Fruit Juices & Drinks and Other Competitive Beverage
35 Comparison of Economic Index between Fruit Juices & Drinks and Other Competitive Beverage
36 Comparison of Competition Potential between Fruit Juices & Drinks and Other Competitive Beverage
37 Yield of Fruit Juices & Drinks of Wahaha, 2007
38 Statistics of Economic Index Items of Wahaha, 2007
39 Yield of Fruit Juices & Drinks of Coca-Cola, 2007
40 Statistics of Economic Index Items of Coca-Cola, 2007
41Yield of Fruit Juices & Drinks of Huiyuan, 2007
42 Import Volume of Orange Juice by Country in Huiyuan, 2007
43 Statistics of Economic Index Items of Huiyuan, 2007
44 Yield of Fruit Juices & Drinks of Taiwan Uni-President, 2007
45 Statistics of Economic Index Items of Taiwan Uni-President, 2007
46 Yield of Fruit Juices & Drinks of Taiwan Dingxin, 2007
47 Export Volume of Apple Juice by Country in Taiwan Dingxin, 2007
48 Statistics of Economic Index Items of Taiwan Dingxin, 2007
49 Yield of Fruit Juices & Drinks of ANDRE, 2007
50 Export Volume of Apple Juice by Country in ANDRE, 2007
51 Statistics of Economic Index Items of ANDRE, 2007
52 Yield of Fruit Juices & Drinks of SDIC Zhonglu, 2007
53 Export Volume of Apple Juice by Country in SDIC Zhonglu, 2007
54 Statistics of Economic Index Items of SDIC Zhonglu, 2007
55 Yield of Fruit Juices & Drinks of Shaanxi Haisheng, 2007
56 Export Volume of Apple Juice by Country in Shaanxi Haisheng, 2007
57 Statistics of Economic Index Items of Shaanxi Haisheng, 2007

2007 is a prosperous year to China fruit juice and beverage industry. Three parties mainly shared the market, which are domestic famous companies taking Huiyuan and Wahaha as leading brands, Taiwan enterprises, such as Uni-President Group and Dingxin Group, also multinational group, Coca-Cola and Pepsi. Now domestic market is occupied by some famous brands, i.e, Wahaha, Huiyuan, Nongfu Juices, President Orange juice, Minute Maid orange juice and Qoo.
Due to the rising cost of raw material, transportation and packaging, both producers and dealers lost profit. In addition, current juices and beverage have no special trait, causing shrinking market coverage. Therefore, the important keys to be the leader in fruit juice and beverage market with fierce competition are to grasp industry development, follow market development trend and search diversity operation.
In this report, it will make an in-depth analysis on 2007 China fruit juice and beverage industry on the basis of policy environment, market demand, material supply, production and sales situation in key regions, research on leading enterprises and competition structure. Also it will estimate and explore the future trend of 2008 China fruit juice and beverage industry according to the industry development and professional experiences, by which to respond the questions insiders required as followed:
1 How will it gain profit in 2008 China fruit juice and beverage industry?
2 How much potential will fruit juice & beverage demand grow further in 2008?
3 What is the supply capability in up-stream supply chain in 2008?
4 What is the prospect of cost and returns in the processing and marketing process of fruit juice & beverage in 2008?
5 What is the development strategy among leading enterprises in China?
6 What is the prospect of fruit juice & s beverage market in China influenced by the factors of policy environment, market demand, material supply as well as cost & returns?
Herein we really appreciate relevant departments and associations because of the precious data and information they provide, such as, National Statistics Bureau, China Customs, Ministry of Commerce, National Development Research Center, State Information Center, Ministry of Agriculture, China Beverage Industry Association, China Food Industry Association, National Commercial Information Center and China IRN, relevant newspapers, magazines as well as research parties. We hope the report will be a great valuable reference for producers, research parties and dealers to learn the industry development and grasp market opportunities as to make future strategies.
Due to the rising cost of raw material, transportation and packaging, both producers and dealers lost profit. In addition, current juices and beverage have no special trait, causing shrinking market coverage. Therefore, the important keys to be the leader in fruit juice and beverage market with fierce competition are to grasp industry development, follow market development trend and search diversity operation.
In this report, it will make an in-depth analysis on 2007 China fruit juice and beverage industry on the basis of policy environment, market demand, material supply, production and sales situation in key regions, research on leading enterprises and competition structure. Also it will estimate and explore the future trend of 2008 China fruit juice and beverage industry according to the industry development and professional experiences, by which to respond the questions insiders required as followed:
1 How will it gain profit in 2008 China fruit juice and beverage industry?
2 How much potential will fruit juice & beverage demand grow further in 2008?
3 What is the supply capability in up-stream supply chain in 2008?
4 What is the prospect of cost and returns in the processing and marketing process of fruit juice & beverage in 2008?
5 What is the development strategy among leading enterprises in China?
6 What is the prospect of fruit juice & s beverage market in China influenced by the factors of policy environment, market demand, material supply as well as cost & returns?
Herein we really appreciate relevant departments and associations because of the precious data and information they provide, such as, National Statistics Bureau, China Customs, Ministry of Commerce, National Development Research Center, State Information Center, Ministry of Agriculture, China Beverage Industry Association, China Food Industry Association, National Commercial Information Center and China IRN, relevant newspapers, magazines as well as research parties. We hope the report will be a great valuable reference for producers, research parties and dealers to learn the industry development and grasp market opportunities as to make future strategies.

◆ China Fruit Juice & Beverage Market Review & Outlook Proposal 2007-2008.doc [ 2008-01-16 ]
◆ China Dairy Market Review & Outlook 2007-2008 Proposal [ 2008-01-16 ]
◆ Market Research On China Flavoring Industry,2007 [ 2007-07-10 ]
◆ 2007 Annual Report on China’s Fast Food Industry [ 2007-03-20 ]
◆ 2006-2007 Annual Report on the Development of China's Catering Industry [ 2007-03-01 ]
◆ 2005 Annual Report on China's feed Industry [ 2005-11-22 ]
◆ China Dairy Market Review & Outlook 2007-2008 Proposal [ 2008-01-16 ]
◆ Market Research On China Flavoring Industry,2007 [ 2007-07-10 ]
◆ 2007 Annual Report on China’s Fast Food Industry [ 2007-03-20 ]
◆ 2006-2007 Annual Report on the Development of China's Catering Industry [ 2007-03-01 ]
◆ 2005 Annual Report on China's feed Industry [ 2005-11-22 ]
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