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Research Report On China Lubricant Industry,2007
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Chapter 1 A Survey on Lubricating Oil Product
Section Ⅰ The Definition and Classification of Lubricating Oil
I. Definition of Lubricating Oil
II. Basic Classification
III. Classification of Lubricating Base Oil
IV. Lubricating Oil Additives
Section II Introduction of Mainly Used Lubricating Oil
I. Internal Combustion Engine Oil
II. Gear Oil
III. Hydraulic Oil
IV. Full Consumption System Oil
V. Lubricating Grease
Chapter 2 Development of International Lubricating Oil Market
Section I. Industrial Situation of International Lubricating Oil
I. America Lubricating Oil Industrial Situation
II. European Lubricating Oil Industrial Situation
III. Japanese Lubricating Oil Industrial Situation
IV. Lubricating Oil Industrial Situation of Other Countries in Asia-Pacific Region
SectionⅡ World Lubricating Base Oil Development
I. Overview of International Base Oil Market in 2005
IV. Base Oil Orientation of World Oil Giants
Section Ⅲ General Situation of International Internal Combustion Engine Oil Market
I. American Internal Combustion Engine Oil Market
II. European Internal Combustion Engine Oil Market
III. Asia Internal Combustion Engine Oil Market
SectionⅣ International Engine Oil Market
I. American Engine Oil Market
II. European Engine Oil Market
III. Japanese Engine Oil Market
Section Ⅴ Future Development of World Vehicle Lubricating Oil
Chapter 3 The Market Development Environment for Chinese Lube
Section Ⅰ The development condition of Chinese automobile industry
Ⅰ analysis of the production and sales of different types of Chinese automobiles between 2004-2006
Ⅱ analysis on the Chinese automobile market between January to June in 2006
Section Ⅱ The Development Condition of Chinese Mechanical Industry
Ⅰ analysis of the output production and sales condition of Chinese mechanical industry between 2004-2005
Ⅱ analysis on the running condition of Chinese mechanical industry between January to June in 2006
Section Ⅲ The Policy Standard of Lube in China
Ⅰ China in need of its own lube industry standard
Ⅱ the debut of a new lube policy concerning middle-scale and heavy automobile
Ⅲ association in the lube industry
Ⅳ the environmental protection policy of the company
Chapter 4 Current Situation of China Lubricants Market
Section Ⅰ Summary of China Lubricants Market Development – China Lubricants Market Grows to Maturity
Ⅰ.From the “Mixed-up” to the Tripartite Confrontation
II. Market Features
SectionⅡ Analysis of Balance between Supply and Demand of China Lubricant from 2003 to 2006
Ⅰ Analysis of Balance of Total Output and Sales China Lubricant Products from 2004 to 2006
Ⅱ. The China Lubricant Output from 2002 to 2006
Ⅳ. The Output Alternation of the Top 30 Lubricant Companies from 2004 to 2006
Ⅴ. The Lubricant Output from 2004 to 2006 around the Country (by provinces and cities)
Section Ⅲ Analysis of the Import & Export of China Lubricant from 2003 to 2006
Ⅰ. Analysis of the Total Import & Export from 2002 to 2006
Ⅱ. Analysis of the Import from 2003 to 2006
Ⅲ. Analysis of the Export from 2003 to 2006
Chapter 5 Analysis of the Main Lubricant Products
Section Ⅰ Internal Combustion Engine Oil Market
Ⅰ. Current Situation of the China Internal Combustion Engine Oil
Ⅱ. Demand structure and expectation of the China Internal Combustion Engine Oil Market
Ⅲ. Competition Situation of China Internal Combustion Engine Oil Market
Ⅳ. The Development Tendency of China Auto Engine Lubricant
SectionⅡ Gear Oil Market
Ⅰ. The Development Status of the Gear Oil Market
Ⅱ. Demand structure and expectation of Gear Oil
Ⅲ. The Achievement and Direction of the Gear Oil Reach
Section Ⅲ Hydraulic Fluid Market
Ⅰ. The Development Status of the Hydraulic Fluid Market
Ⅱ. The Status and Development Tendency of the Hydraulic Fluid Reach
Section Ⅳ Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) Market
Ⅰ. The Development Status of the China ATF Market
Ⅱ. The Status and Development Tendency of the ATF Reach
Section Ⅴ Grease Lubricant Market
Chapter 6 China Auto Lubricant Market
Ⅰ.Auto Lubricant leads the China Lubricant Market
Ⅲ. The demand expectation of Civilian Vehicle Lubricant
Ⅳ. Output of Various vehicles in China from 2004 to 2005
Ⅴ. The Development of the Auto Lubricant in the World
Chapter 7 Analysis on Chinese Lubracating Oil Upper Reaches Product Market—Lubricating Base Oil Market
Sectiion Ⅰ Production Situation of Chinese Lubricating Base Oil from 2002-2006
I. Supply Situation of Chinese Lubricating Base Oil
II. General Situation of Chinese Lubricating Base Oil Major Supplier Production Capacity from 2002-2006
III. General Situation of Chinese Lubricating Base Oil Production Growth from 2002-2006
IV. Analysis on Market Demands of Chinese Lube Base Oil from 2003 to 2006
SectionⅡ General Situation of Chinese Lube Base Oil Import and Export from 2002 to 2006
I. Chinese Lube Base Oil Import Amount and Money from 2000 to 2006
II. Chinese Lube Base Oil Export Amount and Money from 2003 to 2006
III. Market Analysis Comment on Chinese Lube Base Oil Import for the First Half Year of 2006
IV. Main Source Countries and Companies of Chinese Lube Base Oil Import
Chapter 8 Lubricant Market Competition
1. The Situation of China’s Lubricant Market Competition, the Positions of Strategical Groups and Their Market Shares
2. The Tripartition Structure is Changed because of Monarch’s Being Merged by Shell
3. An Analysis of the Situation and Trend of China’s High-end Lubricant Market Competition from 2003 to 2006
4. Major Competing Brands and Their Market Shares
Chapter 9 An Analysis of Business Strategies of Famous Chinese Enterprises
Section Ⅰ Lubricant Company, Sinopec Corp
Ⅰ General information of the corporation
Ⅱ The Company’s Operation and Yield information from 2003 to 2006
Ⅲ Greatwall Lube’s Key to Success
Ⅳ An Analysis of the Competitive Strategies of the Great Wall Company
Ⅴ Great Wall Company's Market Competition Strategies
Section Ⅱ Kunlun Lubricant
Ⅰ General Information
Ⅱ China Petroleum Lubricant Company’s sales and output 2003-2005
Ⅲ Advertisement Strategies
Section Ⅲ Beijing Tongyi Petrochemistry Company Lt
Ⅰ Overall Development of the Enterprise
Ⅱ The Company’s Management and Output Situation 2002-2006
Ⅲ An Analysis of Tongyi’s Lubricant Product Strategies
Chapter 10 The analysis of world famous enterprises'Chinese marketing strategies
Part Ⅰ Shell lubricant
Ⅰ The development situation of shell in china
Ⅱ The output and operation situation in 2000-2006
Ⅲ International operation and quality sense
Ⅳ Shell’s competition strategy in china
Part Ⅱ BP lubricant
ⅠThe development situation of BP in china
Ⅱ The operation situation of BP Lubricant China in 2005-2006
Ⅲ The development strategy of BP china
Ⅳ Dongfeng and BP to develop the lubricant market
Ⅴ The .cooperation of Xinjiang Post and BP lubricant company
Part Ⅲ Mobil lubricant
ⅠThe development situation of Mobil in china
Ⅱ The output and operation situation in 2003-2006
Ⅲ The strategy layout of Mobil Lubricant in china
Ⅳ The market strategy of Mobil lubricant
PartⅣCaltex Lubricant
Ⅰ Company profiles
Ⅱ The output and operation situation in 2003-2006
Table Of Contents
Table 1 Classification and Standard of Chinese Lubricating Oil
Table 2 API Base Oil Classification
Table 3 Some Representative Additives
Table 4 World Lubricating Oil Consumption structure
Table 5 Japanese Lubricating Oil Requirements Situation in Recent Years
Table 6 Analysis on Japanese Lubricating Oil Real Sales Situation from 1999 to 2000 Unit:103kL
Table 7 Japan Lubricating Oil Consumption Structure:
Table 8 Japanese Enterprises Lubricating Oil Sales Situation in 2000:
Table 9 Asia-Pacific Region Lubricating Oil Demand in Recent Years
Table 10 Emission Regulation and Limit of Global Heavy-Duty Engine Oil
Table 11 World Major Lubricating Oil Companies
Table 12 Classification of Companies like Shell toward Lubricating Base Oil
Table 13 Quality and Market Share of Gasoline Engine Oil in Asia-Pacific Region
Table 14 Quality and Market Share of Diesel Engine Oil in Asia-Pacific Region
Table 15 the output condition of automobiles between 2003-2005
Table 16 the sales structure of two types of automobiles between 1999-2006 (passenger vehicle vs. commercial vehicle)
Table 17 the output condition of truck between 2003-2005
Table 18 the output condition of motor bus between 2003-2005
Table 19 the output condition of saloon car between 2003-2005
Table 20 the output condition of motorcycle between 2003-2005
Table 21 the output condition of remolded car between 2003-2005 unit: per
Table 22 the output production and sales condition of the corporations in China in the first half year of 2006
Table 23 the first 20 car models in the sales list from January to June in 2006
Table 24 the production of combustion engine and correlated products
Table 25 production of the large-scale and middle-scale trucks
Table 26 production of the small trucks
Table 27 the lubricant output of the whole nation and some companies since 2002
Table 28 the resent output, current structure and expectation
Table 29 the oil consumption status of some of the vehicles
Table 30 the oil consumption of some type of the vehicle after 2000 in China
Table 31 the resent sales status of the multi-grade oil in the America
Table 32 the apparent demand increase of China Lubricant from 2002 to 2006
Table 33 the tendency chart of the apparent demand of China Lubricant from 2002 to 2006
Table 34 the apparent demand increase and the import & export of China Lubricant from 2002 to 2006
Table 35 the apparent consumption of China Lubricant in 2005
Table 36 the tendency chart of China Lubricant output from 2002 to 2006
Table 37 the output and degree of concentration alternation of the top 30 lubricant companies from 2004 to 2006
Table 38 list of the top 30 lubricant companies and their alternation from 2004 to 2005
Table 39 list of the top 30 lubricant companies and their alternation from 2005 (1-6) to 2006 (1-6)
Table 40 the lubricant output list of all the provinces and cities from 2004 to 2005
Table 41 mainly regional output alternation of China lubricant from 2005 (1-8) to 2006 (1-8)
Table 42 general information of import & export of China lubricant (total) from 2002 to 2006 (1-8)
Table 43 the import & export quantity, amount and price of China lubricant (total) from 2003 to 2006 (1-8)
Table 44 the general information of China lubricant import from 2003 to 2005
Table 45 China lubricant import from 2003 to 2005 (by country)
Table 46 the general information of China lubricant export from 2003 to 2006 (1-8)
Table 47 China lubricant export from 2003 to 2005 (by country)
Table 48 the oil consumption quality of the vehicle in 2001 in China
Table 49 the assembly and service oil of the main China saloon car
Table 50 China petrol engine oil consumption, consumption structure and the alteration tendency from 1996 to 2005
Table 51 the output of diesel engine and oil consumption quality in 2001 in China
Table 52 Demand structure and expectation of the China Internal Combustion Engine Oil from 2000 to 2010
Table 53 Demand structure and expectation of China Auto Gear Oil
Table 54 the gear oil demand alternation tendency
Table 55 several foreign typical auto gear oil compounds
Table 56 domestic auto gear oil compounds
Table 57 Demand structure of China hydraulic fluid
Table 58 the adaptability of the low-zinc and ash-free hydraulic fluid to the various standards
Table 59 different petrol engine oil for different saloons
Table 60 development status of the petrol engine oil of different quality level in American Petroleum Institute (API)
Table 61 demand expectation of internal combustion engine oil for civilian vehicles at present and in “Ten -Five” period
Table 62 Demand expectation of Gear Oil for Civilian Vehicle from 1997 to 2005
Table 63 the output volume of the civilian vehicles in China from 2004 to 2005
Table 64 Chinese Lube Base Oil Production Growth Trend from 2003-2006(Jan.- Aug.)
Table 65 2003-2006(1-8) Growth Trend of Chinese Lube Base Oil Requirements from 2003 to 2006 (Jan.-Aug.)
Table 66 Supply and Demand Balance of Chinese Lube Base Oil from 2003 to 2006 (Jan.-Aug.)
Table 67 Chinese Lube Base Oil Import and Its Growth Situation from 2000-2006
Table 68 Generation Situation of Lube Base Oil Imported Money Amount from 2003 to 2005
Table 69 Chinese Lube Base Oil Import Amount and Money List from 2003 to 2006 (Jan.-Aug.)
Table 70 Lube Base Oil Import and Export Average Price Growth Diagram from 2003 to 2005
Table 71 The Imported Lubricants CFR Price Trend in the First Half Year of 2006
Table 72 Chinese Domestic Base Oil Import Amount and Imported Country List from Jan. to June in 2006
Table 73 Domestic Base Oil Export Amount and Imported Country List from Jan. to June in 2006
Table 74 Situation of China’s lubricant market competition, market positions of strategical groups and their strengths before 2006
Table 75 General structure of China’s lubricant market
Table 76 China’s lubricant market scale and its growth from 2001 to 2006
Table 77 Trend of China’s high-end automotive (retail) lubricant market share distribution from 2002 to 2006
Table 78 Trend of foreign and domestic brands’ high-end market shares from 2003 to 2005
Table 79 Major brands on China’s lubricant market
Table 80 Sales status chart of lubricant brands in 2000
Table 81 Greatwall lube outputs during 1998-2006
Table 82 Revenue and profits of Sinopec Lube Co. 2002—2005
Table 83 Income and profit table of China Petroleum Dalian Petrification, 2003-2005
Table 84 Income and profit table of China Petroleum Fushun Petrochemistry Susidiary, 2003-2005
Table 85 Income and profit table of China Petroleum Jingxi Petrochemistry Susidiary, 2003-2005
Table 86 Income and profit table of China Petroleum Dushanzi Petrochemistry Susidiary, 2003-2005
Table 87 Tongyi petroleum chemical industry lubricating oil output growth chart 2003-2006
Table 88 Beijing Tongyi Petrochemistry Company Lt. income and profit fluctuation table 2002—2006
Table 89 International authentifications obtained by Tongyi Petrochemistry
Table 90 the grow chart of Shell Tianjing’s lubricant output
Table 91 the schedule of sales income, cost, expense and profit of Shell Tianjing Petroleum & Chemical co., ltd
Table 92 Shell lubricant products in china market
Table 93 the lubricant output data sheet of Castrol (Shenzhen) co., ltd in 2005-2006
Table 94 the grow data sheet of Mobil Taicang and Mobil Tianjing
Table 95 the schedule of sales income, cost, expense and profit of Mobil Taicang Co., LTd
Table 96 the schedule of sales income, cost, expense and profit of Mobil Tianjing Co., LTd
Table 97 the inspection form of Donguan lubricant market
Table 98 The grow sheet of the lubricant output of Caltex in 2003-2006
Table 99 The schedule of sales income, cost, expense and profit of Mobil Tianjing Co., LTd in 2003-2006
Chapter 1 A Survey on Lubricating Oil Product
Section Ⅰ The Definition and Classification of Lubricating Oil
I. Definition of Lubricating Oil
II. Basic Classification
III. Classification of Lubricating Base Oil
IV. Lubricating Oil Additives
Section II Introduction of Mainly Used Lubricating Oil
I. Internal Combustion Engine Oil
II. Gear Oil
III. Hydraulic Oil
IV. Full Consumption System Oil
V. Lubricating Grease
Chapter 2 Development of International Lubricating Oil Market
Section I. Industrial Situation of International Lubricating Oil
I. America Lubricating Oil Industrial Situation
II. European Lubricating Oil Industrial Situation
III. Japanese Lubricating Oil Industrial Situation
IV. Lubricating Oil Industrial Situation of Other Countries in Asia-Pacific Region
SectionⅡ World Lubricating Base Oil Development
I. Overview of International Base Oil Market in 2005
IV. Base Oil Orientation of World Oil Giants
Section Ⅲ General Situation of International Internal Combustion Engine Oil Market
I. American Internal Combustion Engine Oil Market
II. European Internal Combustion Engine Oil Market
III. Asia Internal Combustion Engine Oil Market
SectionⅣ International Engine Oil Market
I. American Engine Oil Market
II. European Engine Oil Market
III. Japanese Engine Oil Market
Section Ⅴ Future Development of World Vehicle Lubricating Oil
Chapter 3 The Market Development Environment for Chinese Lube
Section Ⅰ The development condition of Chinese automobile industry
Ⅰ analysis of the production and sales of different types of Chinese automobiles between 2004-2006
Ⅱ analysis on the Chinese automobile market between January to June in 2006
Section Ⅱ The Development Condition of Chinese Mechanical Industry
Ⅰ analysis of the output production and sales condition of Chinese mechanical industry between 2004-2005
Ⅱ analysis on the running condition of Chinese mechanical industry between January to June in 2006
Section Ⅲ The Policy Standard of Lube in China
Ⅰ China in need of its own lube industry standard
Ⅱ the debut of a new lube policy concerning middle-scale and heavy automobile
Ⅲ association in the lube industry
Ⅳ the environmental protection policy of the company
Chapter 4 Current Situation of China Lubricants Market
Section Ⅰ Summary of China Lubricants Market Development – China Lubricants Market Grows to Maturity
Ⅰ.From the “Mixed-up” to the Tripartite Confrontation
II. Market Features
SectionⅡ Analysis of Balance between Supply and Demand of China Lubricant from 2003 to 2006
Ⅰ Analysis of Balance of Total Output and Sales China Lubricant Products from 2004 to 2006
Ⅱ. The China Lubricant Output from 2002 to 2006
Ⅳ. The Output Alternation of the Top 30 Lubricant Companies from 2004 to 2006
Ⅴ. The Lubricant Output from 2004 to 2006 around the Country (by provinces and cities)
Section Ⅲ Analysis of the Import & Export of China Lubricant from 2003 to 2006
Ⅰ. Analysis of the Total Import & Export from 2002 to 2006
Ⅱ. Analysis of the Import from 2003 to 2006
Ⅲ. Analysis of the Export from 2003 to 2006
Chapter 5 Analysis of the Main Lubricant Products
Section Ⅰ Internal Combustion Engine Oil Market
Ⅰ. Current Situation of the China Internal Combustion Engine Oil
Ⅱ. Demand structure and expectation of the China Internal Combustion Engine Oil Market
Ⅲ. Competition Situation of China Internal Combustion Engine Oil Market
Ⅳ. The Development Tendency of China Auto Engine Lubricant
SectionⅡ Gear Oil Market
Ⅰ. The Development Status of the Gear Oil Market
Ⅱ. Demand structure and expectation of Gear Oil
Ⅲ. The Achievement and Direction of the Gear Oil Reach
Section Ⅲ Hydraulic Fluid Market
Ⅰ. The Development Status of the Hydraulic Fluid Market
Ⅱ. The Status and Development Tendency of the Hydraulic Fluid Reach
Section Ⅳ Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) Market
Ⅰ. The Development Status of the China ATF Market
Ⅱ. The Status and Development Tendency of the ATF Reach
Section Ⅴ Grease Lubricant Market
Chapter 6 China Auto Lubricant Market
Ⅰ.Auto Lubricant leads the China Lubricant Market
Ⅲ. The demand expectation of Civilian Vehicle Lubricant
Ⅳ. Output of Various vehicles in China from 2004 to 2005
Ⅴ. The Development of the Auto Lubricant in the World
Chapter 7 Analysis on Chinese Lubracating Oil Upper Reaches Product Market—Lubricating Base Oil Market
Sectiion Ⅰ Production Situation of Chinese Lubricating Base Oil from 2002-2006
I. Supply Situation of Chinese Lubricating Base Oil
II. General Situation of Chinese Lubricating Base Oil Major Supplier Production Capacity from 2002-2006
III. General Situation of Chinese Lubricating Base Oil Production Growth from 2002-2006
IV. Analysis on Market Demands of Chinese Lube Base Oil from 2003 to 2006
SectionⅡ General Situation of Chinese Lube Base Oil Import and Export from 2002 to 2006
I. Chinese Lube Base Oil Import Amount and Money from 2000 to 2006
II. Chinese Lube Base Oil Export Amount and Money from 2003 to 2006
III. Market Analysis Comment on Chinese Lube Base Oil Import for the First Half Year of 2006
IV. Main Source Countries and Companies of Chinese Lube Base Oil Import
Chapter 8 Lubricant Market Competition
1. The Situation of China’s Lubricant Market Competition, the Positions of Strategical Groups and Their Market Shares
2. The Tripartition Structure is Changed because of Monarch’s Being Merged by Shell
3. An Analysis of the Situation and Trend of China’s High-end Lubricant Market Competition from 2003 to 2006
4. Major Competing Brands and Their Market Shares
Chapter 9 An Analysis of Business Strategies of Famous Chinese Enterprises
Section Ⅰ Lubricant Company, Sinopec Corp
Ⅰ General information of the corporation
Ⅱ The Company’s Operation and Yield information from 2003 to 2006
Ⅲ Greatwall Lube’s Key to Success
Ⅳ An Analysis of the Competitive Strategies of the Great Wall Company
Ⅴ Great Wall Company's Market Competition Strategies
Section Ⅱ Kunlun Lubricant
Ⅰ General Information
Ⅱ China Petroleum Lubricant Company’s sales and output 2003-2005
Ⅲ Advertisement Strategies
Section Ⅲ Beijing Tongyi Petrochemistry Company Lt
Ⅰ Overall Development of the Enterprise
Ⅱ The Company’s Management and Output Situation 2002-2006
Ⅲ An Analysis of Tongyi’s Lubricant Product Strategies
Chapter 10 The analysis of world famous enterprises'Chinese marketing strategies
Part Ⅰ Shell lubricant
Ⅰ The development situation of shell in china
Ⅱ The output and operation situation in 2000-2006
Ⅲ International operation and quality sense
Ⅳ Shell’s competition strategy in china
Part Ⅱ BP lubricant
ⅠThe development situation of BP in china
Ⅱ The operation situation of BP Lubricant China in 2005-2006
Ⅲ The development strategy of BP china
Ⅳ Dongfeng and BP to develop the lubricant market
Ⅴ The .cooperation of Xinjiang Post and BP lubricant company
Part Ⅲ Mobil lubricant
ⅠThe development situation of Mobil in china
Ⅱ The output and operation situation in 2003-2006
Ⅲ The strategy layout of Mobil Lubricant in china
Ⅳ The market strategy of Mobil lubricant
PartⅣCaltex Lubricant
Ⅰ Company profiles
Ⅱ The output and operation situation in 2003-2006
Table Of Contents
Table 1 Classification and Standard of Chinese Lubricating Oil
Table 2 API Base Oil Classification
Table 3 Some Representative Additives
Table 4 World Lubricating Oil Consumption structure
Table 5 Japanese Lubricating Oil Requirements Situation in Recent Years
Table 6 Analysis on Japanese Lubricating Oil Real Sales Situation from 1999 to 2000 Unit:103kL
Table 7 Japan Lubricating Oil Consumption Structure:
Table 8 Japanese Enterprises Lubricating Oil Sales Situation in 2000:
Table 9 Asia-Pacific Region Lubricating Oil Demand in Recent Years
Table 10 Emission Regulation and Limit of Global Heavy-Duty Engine Oil
Table 11 World Major Lubricating Oil Companies
Table 12 Classification of Companies like Shell toward Lubricating Base Oil
Table 13 Quality and Market Share of Gasoline Engine Oil in Asia-Pacific Region
Table 14 Quality and Market Share of Diesel Engine Oil in Asia-Pacific Region
Table 15 the output condition of automobiles between 2003-2005
Table 16 the sales structure of two types of automobiles between 1999-2006 (passenger vehicle vs. commercial vehicle)
Table 17 the output condition of truck between 2003-2005
Table 18 the output condition of motor bus between 2003-2005
Table 19 the output condition of saloon car between 2003-2005
Table 20 the output condition of motorcycle between 2003-2005
Table 21 the output condition of remolded car between 2003-2005 unit: per
Table 22 the output production and sales condition of the corporations in China in the first half year of 2006
Table 23 the first 20 car models in the sales list from January to June in 2006
Table 24 the production of combustion engine and correlated products
Table 25 production of the large-scale and middle-scale trucks
Table 26 production of the small trucks
Table 27 the lubricant output of the whole nation and some companies since 2002
Table 28 the resent output, current structure and expectation
Table 29 the oil consumption status of some of the vehicles
Table 30 the oil consumption of some type of the vehicle after 2000 in China
Table 31 the resent sales status of the multi-grade oil in the America
Table 32 the apparent demand increase of China Lubricant from 2002 to 2006
Table 33 the tendency chart of the apparent demand of China Lubricant from 2002 to 2006
Table 34 the apparent demand increase and the import & export of China Lubricant from 2002 to 2006
Table 35 the apparent consumption of China Lubricant in 2005
Table 36 the tendency chart of China Lubricant output from 2002 to 2006
Table 37 the output and degree of concentration alternation of the top 30 lubricant companies from 2004 to 2006
Table 38 list of the top 30 lubricant companies and their alternation from 2004 to 2005
Table 39 list of the top 30 lubricant companies and their alternation from 2005 (1-6) to 2006 (1-6)
Table 40 the lubricant output list of all the provinces and cities from 2004 to 2005
Table 41 mainly regional output alternation of China lubricant from 2005 (1-8) to 2006 (1-8)
Table 42 general information of import & export of China lubricant (total) from 2002 to 2006 (1-8)
Table 43 the import & export quantity, amount and price of China lubricant (total) from 2003 to 2006 (1-8)
Table 44 the general information of China lubricant import from 2003 to 2005
Table 45 China lubricant import from 2003 to 2005 (by country)
Table 46 the general information of China lubricant export from 2003 to 2006 (1-8)
Table 47 China lubricant export from 2003 to 2005 (by country)
Table 48 the oil consumption quality of the vehicle in 2001 in China
Table 49 the assembly and service oil of the main China saloon car
Table 50 China petrol engine oil consumption, consumption structure and the alteration tendency from 1996 to 2005
Table 51 the output of diesel engine and oil consumption quality in 2001 in China
Table 52 Demand structure and expectation of the China Internal Combustion Engine Oil from 2000 to 2010
Table 53 Demand structure and expectation of China Auto Gear Oil
Table 54 the gear oil demand alternation tendency
Table 55 several foreign typical auto gear oil compounds
Table 56 domestic auto gear oil compounds
Table 57 Demand structure of China hydraulic fluid
Table 58 the adaptability of the low-zinc and ash-free hydraulic fluid to the various standards
Table 59 different petrol engine oil for different saloons
Table 60 development status of the petrol engine oil of different quality level in American Petroleum Institute (API)
Table 61 demand expectation of internal combustion engine oil for civilian vehicles at present and in “Ten -Five” period
Table 62 Demand expectation of Gear Oil for Civilian Vehicle from 1997 to 2005
Table 63 the output volume of the civilian vehicles in China from 2004 to 2005
Table 64 Chinese Lube Base Oil Production Growth Trend from 2003-2006(Jan.- Aug.)
Table 65 2003-2006(1-8) Growth Trend of Chinese Lube Base Oil Requirements from 2003 to 2006 (Jan.-Aug.)
Table 66 Supply and Demand Balance of Chinese Lube Base Oil from 2003 to 2006 (Jan.-Aug.)
Table 67 Chinese Lube Base Oil Import and Its Growth Situation from 2000-2006
Table 68 Generation Situation of Lube Base Oil Imported Money Amount from 2003 to 2005
Table 69 Chinese Lube Base Oil Import Amount and Money List from 2003 to 2006 (Jan.-Aug.)
Table 70 Lube Base Oil Import and Export Average Price Growth Diagram from 2003 to 2005
Table 71 The Imported Lubricants CFR Price Trend in the First Half Year of 2006
Table 72 Chinese Domestic Base Oil Import Amount and Imported Country List from Jan. to June in 2006
Table 73 Domestic Base Oil Export Amount and Imported Country List from Jan. to June in 2006
Table 74 Situation of China’s lubricant market competition, market positions of strategical groups and their strengths before 2006
Table 75 General structure of China’s lubricant market
Table 76 China’s lubricant market scale and its growth from 2001 to 2006
Table 77 Trend of China’s high-end automotive (retail) lubricant market share distribution from 2002 to 2006
Table 78 Trend of foreign and domestic brands’ high-end market shares from 2003 to 2005
Table 79 Major brands on China’s lubricant market
Table 80 Sales status chart of lubricant brands in 2000
Table 81 Greatwall lube outputs during 1998-2006
Table 82 Revenue and profits of Sinopec Lube Co. 2002—2005
Table 83 Income and profit table of China Petroleum Dalian Petrification, 2003-2005
Table 84 Income and profit table of China Petroleum Fushun Petrochemistry Susidiary, 2003-2005
Table 85 Income and profit table of China Petroleum Jingxi Petrochemistry Susidiary, 2003-2005
Table 86 Income and profit table of China Petroleum Dushanzi Petrochemistry Susidiary, 2003-2005
Table 87 Tongyi petroleum chemical industry lubricating oil output growth chart 2003-2006
Table 88 Beijing Tongyi Petrochemistry Company Lt. income and profit fluctuation table 2002—2006
Table 89 International authentifications obtained by Tongyi Petrochemistry
Table 90 the grow chart of Shell Tianjing’s lubricant output
Table 91 the schedule of sales income, cost, expense and profit of Shell Tianjing Petroleum & Chemical co., ltd
Table 92 Shell lubricant products in china market
Table 93 the lubricant output data sheet of Castrol (Shenzhen) co., ltd in 2005-2006
Table 94 the grow data sheet of Mobil Taicang and Mobil Tianjing
Table 95 the schedule of sales income, cost, expense and profit of Mobil Taicang Co., LTd
Table 96 the schedule of sales income, cost, expense and profit of Mobil Tianjing Co., LTd
Table 97 the inspection form of Donguan lubricant market
Table 98 The grow sheet of the lubricant output of Caltex in 2003-2006
Table 99 The schedule of sales income, cost, expense and profit of Mobil Tianjing Co., LTd in 2003-2006


◆ 2006-2007 Annual Report on the Attractiveness of Chinese Development Zones to the Emerging Energy Industry [ 2007-03-01 ]
◆ 2006-2007 Annual Report on the Development of China's Emerging Energy Industry [ 2007-03-01 ]
◆ 2006-2007 Annual Report on the Development of Global Solar Energy Industry [ 2007-03-01 ]
◆ 2006 Annual Report on China’s Readymade Oil Industry [ 2006-07-31 ]
◆ 2006 Annual Report on China’s Natural Gas Industry [ 2006-06-02 ]
◆ 2005 Annual Report on China's LPG Industry [ 2005-11-22 ]
◆ 2006-2007 Annual Report on the Development of China's Emerging Energy Industry [ 2007-03-01 ]
◆ 2006-2007 Annual Report on the Development of Global Solar Energy Industry [ 2007-03-01 ]
◆ 2006 Annual Report on China’s Readymade Oil Industry [ 2006-07-31 ]
◆ 2006 Annual Report on China’s Natural Gas Industry [ 2006-06-02 ]
◆ 2005 Annual Report on China's LPG Industry [ 2005-11-22 ]
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