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2005 Annual Report on China's LPG Industry
Report Type | Price($) | rebate($) | ||
Paper Report | 2000 |
1600 |
Words | 0 |
Word Email | 2150 |
1720 |
pages | 349 |
PDF CD | 0 |
Charts | 138 |
All price | 2300 |
1840 |
Some Sections |

The first part profession characteristic and related industry analysis
Chapter one Characteristic analysis of LPG
Section one Composition of the liquefied petroleum gas
First, definition of LPG
Second, backbone of the liquefied petroleum gas
Section two Characteristic of the liquefied petroleum gas
First, physical property of LPG
Second, characteristic of LPG
Third, combustion efficiency of LPG
Section three Introduction and comparison of all kinds of gas
First, hydrogen
Second, natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas
Third, coal gas
Forth, marsh gas
Fifth, DME
Chapter two Analysis of relevant trade current situations of the development
Section one Energy industry
First, the production of Chinese energy and situation of increasing in January - May of 2005
Second, current situation analysis of petroleum industry
Third, supply and demand analysis of petroleum market
Forth, supply and demand analysis of natural gas market
Section two Industry of petrochemical
First, petrochemical industry development analysis in the world of 2005
Second, 2004 Chinese petrochemical industry analysis
Third, prediction of Chinese petrochemical industry growth trend of 2005
The second part domestic and international LPG develops the present condition
Chapter three Current situation analysis of the world LPG market
Section one The world LPG is supply exceeds demand, belong to the buyer's market
First, total demand of the world LPG
Second, the world LPG supplies the state
Third, international market LPG foreign trade analysis
Fourth, importer LPG stores facilities and relies mainly on the fact that store the storehouse large-scaly
Section two Produces and supplies analyzing of the world LPG
First, LGP condition of production of 2005 in every world area
Section three Global LPG demand is analysed and predicted
First, market analysis of every area in the world
Second, LPG global application analysis
Section four The situation of produce and use of LPG in some countries
First, S.Korean LPG gas industrial development
Second, the Thai liquefied petroleum gas exports potentiality enormously
Chapter four Market current situation of LPG of our country
Section one Chinese LPG market increases rapidly, the import volume is enormous
First, Chinese LPG market's population characteristic
Second, the growth of the output lags behind increase of demand, it is violent to import the momentum
Third, Chinese LPG has a bright future
Fourth, the market LPG of domestic gas of our country will coexist with the natural gas for a long time
Fifth, upward price trend of LPG
Sixth, our country needs to set up LPG to store
Section two LPG supply analysis
First, domestic LPG
Second, import LPG
Third, receive large-scale warehousing and transportation facilities which is imported LPG in conformity with development in our country
Section three LPG demand analysis
First, LPG is consumed and analysed
Second, Chinese LPG consumption structure analysis
Third, future requirement forecasting
Fourth, LPG market's hot field
Section four Supply and demand analysis of Chinese LPG
First, 2004 supply and demand analysis
Second, LPG supply and demand is predicted in 2005
Section five Regional market analysis of LPG
Section six LPG market trend
Chapter five LPG imports and exports analysis
Section one Import
First, LPG is imported and relied on one of the energy products of one degree of a supreme ones in China
Second, import situation of our country
Third, Chinese LPG main import situation of import area
Fourth , LPG import enterprise's rank
Fifth, it is fierce to import the competition, importer's mate reduces
Sixth, the price of international LPG drops and pulls importing
Seventh, import and predict
Section two Export
Chapter six LPG application demand is analysed and predicted
Section one The industrial chemicals of LPG use the demand
First, the foundation of LPG produces the polypropylene
Second , domestic polypropylene demand and rate of increase in recent years
Section two LPG fuel demand
First, the liquefied gas becomes the consumption hot spot of energy of our country
Second, the market LPG of domestic gas of our country will coexist with the natural gas for a long time
Section three LPG consumes the new point of growth --Automobile-used gas
First, feasibility of LPG fuel automobile
Second , LPG ,etc. clean the superiority of the gas automobile
Third, current situation of the development of the gas automobile
Fourth , some foreign countries and regions LPG automobile current situation
Fifth , domestic LPG automobile current situation and development trend
Sixth, LPG automobile fuel standard
Seventh, take the place of his alternative energy source automobile
Section four Rural LPG market
First, current situation of present rural fuel market
Second, influence the income factor of peasants of fuel consumption of rural LPG
Third, influence the urbanization factor of fuel consumption of rural LPG
Fourth, small city --The case of Zhong Shan City LPG market is simplied analyse
The third part profession competition structure and form
Chapter seven Competition pattern and influence factor analysis
Section one Petroleum , petrochemical industry enterprise produce and manage the current situation
First, petroleum , petrochemical industry group company are with a very important position on LPG market
Second, petroleum , petrochemical industry enterprise are exploring LPG market actively
Section two New trend of competition pattern
First, foreign capitals function is more and more obvious
Second , LPG import the operating unit to concentrate to enterprises with large storehouse
Third, gradual progress of LPG pricing
Chapter eight Enterprise's analysis of the advantage
Section one World-famous enterprises
First , world most heavy 20 petroleum enterprise
Second, main comprehensive rank precedence of oil company of the world
Section two Brief introduction of some situations of oil company
First, Chinese petroleum gas Limited Company
Second, Chinese Limited Company of petrochemical industry
Third, China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC)
Fourth, brief introduction of some foreign oil companies
Section three Some LPG enterprises
First , BP
Second, Caltex Shantou Company of the person of Germany
Fifth, Wuhan Mingsheng LPG Co.Ltd
Sixth, Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Co. unites liquefied petroleum gas Co., Ltd. newly
Seven, Panva gas Holding Co., Ltd
Eighth, SK coal gas company
The fourth part profession development trend
Chapter nine Development trend and countermeasure
Section one The characteristic of the liquefied petroleum gas of our country and development trend
First, pure LPG trader is difficult to have a foothold
Second, have first and second class storehouses only difficult to have a foothold
Third, Chinese LPG market develops rapidly, the competition is fierce
Fourth, Chinese LPG market's prospect
Section two Countermeasure analysis
First, sell the countermeasure and market prospect recently in enterprises
Second, participate in LPG market competition existing problem and suggestion in the manufacturing enterprise
Chart:Composition of LPG (U.S.A. HD-5 standard)
Chart:Comparison of LPG and liquid fuel
Chart:LPG is compared with the combustion tec of light oil , heavy oil
Chart:LPG is compared with the thermal efficiency of light oil , heavy oil
Chart:LPG is compared with the maintenance management of light oil , heavy oil
Chart:The output of Chinese goods LPG is distributed
Chart:Various kinds of natural gas composition forms
Chart:Liquefied petroleum gas backbone(%)
Chart:Natural gas , marsh gas and composition of fuel of different coal gas give a demonstration
Chart:Calorific value of volume of mark attitude of the main gaseous fuel of our country (give a demonstration)
Chart:The energy will be looked on as monthly output in January - May of 2005
Chart:Add up to the production of energy in January - May of 2005
Chart:Add up to the change of production of energy in January - May of 2005
Chart:The output of petroleum increases the information slip in recent years in Russia
Chart:The world oil gas reserves have changed forms in the past ten years
Chart:The world petroleum will store the output and be producing the oil well to count in 2004
Chart:2004 every world area and main country's crude oil working ability form
Chart:25 main reason working ability forms of oil company of the World
Chart:Amount of production of natural gas in January - December of 2004
Chart:Form of output of national natural gas
Chart:Production of natural gas in January - April of 2005
Chart:World petroleum's output form of 2000-2005 year
Chart:The petroleum of our country and chemical value of industrial output will increase and pursue in 2004
Chart:The output value of chemical every profession and trade will increase the situation in 2004
Chart:Petroleum and main economic indicator of chemical industry finished the information slip in 2000-2004
Chart:2004 reason , processing , chemical industry profit distribution map
Chart:The petroleum and chemical industry profit will occupy the province and city of the top 10 in 2004
Chart:Petroleum and proportion in the whole trade of chemical enterprise's profit of 2004
Chart:The petroleum of our country and chemical trade foreign trade form in recent
Chart:The petroleum of our country and price of import volume of main products of chemical industry of 2004 and depending on the information slip of one degree of changes to the outside
Chart:The main products of petrochemical industry will produce and sell the overall balance form in January - March of 2005
Chart:The main petroleum and chemical products estimate the performance during " ShiWu planning"
Chart:The world LPG demand of 1985-2005 year (a hundred million tons)
Chart:LPG per capita volume of consumption compare with not pursueing(kilogram / person)
Chart:The world LPG supply of 1999-2005 year (a hundred million tons)
Chart:Global LPG ten major producing countries
Chart:Every world area LGP output increasing and pursueing
Chart:Average annual rate of increase in every world area LPG demand
Chart:Every world area LPG demand increased and compared in 1985-2005 (ten thousand tons)
The average annual rate of increase in the world LPG demand is 3. 8% in 2000-2005, among them the acceleration rate of the Middle East , Asia and area of Africa will slow down. Latin America change most remarkably, to is it is it lower than 3% to reduce from nearly 6% for one year to to increase every year one year. Straight growth will appear in the growth of former Soviet Union and eastern Europe area LPG demand, will exceed 3% every year
Chart:Every world area LPG demand rate of increase compared with and pursued in 1985-2005
Chart:The world LPG demand is distributed in 2005
Chart:Area LPG demand of Asia of 1985-2005 year
Chart:The main country LPG average annual rate of increase of Asia compared with and pursued in 1990-2005
Chart:The main country LPG average annual rate of increase of Asia compared with and pursued in 2000-2005
Chart:The world LPG application forming and pursueing
Chart:Global LPG will used in residents and form and pursue commercially in 2010
Chart:On the 1985-2005 year world the civil- commercial for LPG volume of consumption not average (kilogram / person)
Chart:Volume of consumption of liquefied petroleum gas of the main countries and regions of the world (ten thousand tons)
Chart:The city of S. Korea pursues with the angry and industry LPG demand change
Chart:LPG supply and demand form of our country of 2004
Chart:Since output and import volume are compared with and pursued in China LPG
Chart:LPG market's supply and demand of our country will be predicted in 2005
Chart:Domestic and international markets LPG price comparison
Chart:LPG output of our country (ten thousand tons)
Chart:Output of liquefied petroleum gas in March of 2005
Chart:Output of liquefied petroleum gas in February of 2005
Chart:Output of liquefied petroleum gas in January of 2005
(two) the output of liquefied petroleum gas of December of 2004
Chart:December of 2004 Output of liquefied petroleum gas
Chart:China LPG produces the distribution map at home
Chart:LPG import volume of our country of 1990-2005 year (ten thousand tons)
Chart:Large-scale LPG of our country stores the storehouse table
Chart:China LPG volume of consumption of 1990-2005 year (ten thousand tons)
Chart:China LPG consumption structure
Chart:It increase not pursueing(kilogram / person)
Chart:LPG supply and demand form of China
Chart:LPG divides into the regional supply and demand situation and per capita volume of consumption (ten thousand tons)
Chart:China's frozen storehouse LPG price
Chart:Smelt factory's producer price at home
Chart:The quay of South China is listed the price
Chart:The quay of East China is listed the price
Chart:Shanghai citizen allow the retail price with bottled liquefied petroleum gas
Chart:Our country imports LPG quantity picture from Saudi Arabia
Chart:China LPG imports the structure chart of the source
Chart:China LPG import area proportion
Chart:The main province and city LPG import volume of China (ten thousand tons)
Chart:The province and city LPG import volume of East China compare with and pursue
Chart:Ten major LPG import and export corporations
Chart:Asian LPG market trend
Chart:China LPG imports the source and exports the whereabouts
Chart:China LPG export quantum (ten thousand tons)
Chart:Statistics of the output of polypropylene resin in every area in April of 2005
Chart:Our country the existing produce device of law polypropylene not continuous (ten thousand ton per year)
Chart:Some little noumenonn polypropylene designed at home produces the device
Chart:The consumption of our country, production and various kinds of polypropylene imported use roughly proportion of the grade in recent years (%)
Chart:Statistics of the output of polypropylene resin of every enterprise in April of 2005
Chart:The apparent demand of polypropylene of our country and requirement forecasting of 2001-2010 year
Chart:Proportion of distribution of various kinds of source of the gas in the city
Chart:Discharge thing of LPG engine
Chart:The discharge of clean fuel LPG behaves
Chart:The gas automobile of the world forms
Chart:The world LPG automobile and quantity of gas station count
Chart:European Union's 2005 vapour , diesel oil fuel norm and emission of automobile
Chart:Routine fuel and CO2 which substitutes fuel engine technology discharging and comparing
Chart:Routine fuel and CO2 which substitutes fuel engine technology discharging and comparing
Chart:Relative price comparison of alternative energy source and routine energy
Chart:LPG automobile and petrol car thank performance sincerely to compare
Chart:The gas automobile counts(one) 12 gas automobile pilot demonstration cities (district )
Chart:Liquefied petroleum gas standard (GB11174-1997 )
Chart:U.S.A. ASTM D1835 special secondary school uses the propane standard
Chart:Japan's automobile-used liquefied gas standard (JIS K2240-90 )
Chart:The automobile uses the sector standard of liquefied petroleum gas
Chart:The main country CNG automobile's quantity in the world and gas station are counted
Chart:Petrol, natural gas automobile operate the comparison sheet of prices
Chart:Proportion of distribution of every source of the gas in the countryside
Chart:Total of Sichuan Province of liquefied petroleum gas of 2005
Chart The rural main life in Shandong be able to use development analysis
Chart:Total of Shandong of liquefied petroleum gas of 2005
Chart:Jiangsu Province of output of liquefied petroleum gas will count in February - May of 2005
Chart:Su Nan, rural households of Su Zhong , northern Jiangsu manage the classification situation
Chart:Situation of source of revenue of peasant household of Jiangsu
Chart:Situation of agricultural source of revenue of peasant households of Jiangsu
Chart:Total of Fujian Province of liquefied petroleum gas of 2005
Chart:Total of Xinjiang district of liquefied petroleum gas of 2005
Chart:Total of Qinghai Province of liquefied petroleum gas of 2005
Chart:Total of Shaanxi Province of liquefied petroleum gas of 2005
Chart:Total of Ningxia district of liquefied petroleum gas of 2005
Chart:Total of Guangxi district of liquefied petroleum gas of 2005
Chart:Hebei of output of liquefied petroleum gas will count in February - May of 2005
Chart:Total of Guangdong Province of liquefied petroleum gas of 2005
Chart:Output of every enterprise of liquefied petroleum gas in March of 2005
Chart:Output of liquefied petroleum gas in December of 2004
Chart:Petroleum , group company LPG second water-borne transport quay of petrochemical industry and capacity of reservoir
Chart:Statistics of the output of every area liquefied petroleum gas in April of 2005
Chart:Main comprehensive rank precedence of oil company in the world (calculate synthetically according to six indexes)
Chart:Statistics of the output of every enterprise liquefied petroleum gas in April of 2005
Chart:Some petro-chemical corporations and oil refining output of listed company readymade oil of the first quarter of 2005
Chart:The Chinese Limited Company of petrochemical industry profit forms forms
Chart:Earning capacity form of Chinese Limited Company of petrochemical industry
Chart:Management ability form of Chinese Limited Company of petrochemical industry
Chart:Chinese Limited Company of petrochemical industry develops the ability form
Chart:Total of Hubei of liquefied petroleum gas of 2005
Chart:Total of Beijing of liquefied petroleum gas of 2005
Chart:Count in Jilin Province of output of liquefied petroleum gas in February - May of 2005
Chart:China LPG supply and demand pursued in 1990-2004
Chart:Consumption structure of domestic liquefied petroleum gas
Chart:Total of Heilongjiang of liquefied petroleum gas of 2005
Chapter one Characteristic analysis of LPG
Section one Composition of the liquefied petroleum gas
First, definition of LPG
Second, backbone of the liquefied petroleum gas
Section two Characteristic of the liquefied petroleum gas
First, physical property of LPG
Second, characteristic of LPG
Third, combustion efficiency of LPG
Section three Introduction and comparison of all kinds of gas
First, hydrogen
Second, natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas
Third, coal gas
Forth, marsh gas
Fifth, DME
Chapter two Analysis of relevant trade current situations of the development
Section one Energy industry
First, the production of Chinese energy and situation of increasing in January - May of 2005
Second, current situation analysis of petroleum industry
Third, supply and demand analysis of petroleum market
Forth, supply and demand analysis of natural gas market
Section two Industry of petrochemical
First, petrochemical industry development analysis in the world of 2005
Second, 2004 Chinese petrochemical industry analysis
Third, prediction of Chinese petrochemical industry growth trend of 2005
The second part domestic and international LPG develops the present condition
Chapter three Current situation analysis of the world LPG market
Section one The world LPG is supply exceeds demand, belong to the buyer's market
First, total demand of the world LPG
Second, the world LPG supplies the state
Third, international market LPG foreign trade analysis
Fourth, importer LPG stores facilities and relies mainly on the fact that store the storehouse large-scaly
Section two Produces and supplies analyzing of the world LPG
First, LGP condition of production of 2005 in every world area
Section three Global LPG demand is analysed and predicted
First, market analysis of every area in the world
Second, LPG global application analysis
Section four The situation of produce and use of LPG in some countries
First, S.Korean LPG gas industrial development
Second, the Thai liquefied petroleum gas exports potentiality enormously
Chapter four Market current situation of LPG of our country
Section one Chinese LPG market increases rapidly, the import volume is enormous
First, Chinese LPG market's population characteristic
Second, the growth of the output lags behind increase of demand, it is violent to import the momentum
Third, Chinese LPG has a bright future
Fourth, the market LPG of domestic gas of our country will coexist with the natural gas for a long time
Fifth, upward price trend of LPG
Sixth, our country needs to set up LPG to store
Section two LPG supply analysis
First, domestic LPG
Second, import LPG
Third, receive large-scale warehousing and transportation facilities which is imported LPG in conformity with development in our country
Section three LPG demand analysis
First, LPG is consumed and analysed
Second, Chinese LPG consumption structure analysis
Third, future requirement forecasting
Fourth, LPG market's hot field
Section four Supply and demand analysis of Chinese LPG
First, 2004 supply and demand analysis
Second, LPG supply and demand is predicted in 2005
Section five Regional market analysis of LPG
Section six LPG market trend
Chapter five LPG imports and exports analysis
Section one Import
First, LPG is imported and relied on one of the energy products of one degree of a supreme ones in China
Second, import situation of our country
Third, Chinese LPG main import situation of import area
Fourth , LPG import enterprise's rank
Fifth, it is fierce to import the competition, importer's mate reduces
Sixth, the price of international LPG drops and pulls importing
Seventh, import and predict
Section two Export
Chapter six LPG application demand is analysed and predicted
Section one The industrial chemicals of LPG use the demand
First, the foundation of LPG produces the polypropylene
Second , domestic polypropylene demand and rate of increase in recent years
Section two LPG fuel demand
First, the liquefied gas becomes the consumption hot spot of energy of our country
Second, the market LPG of domestic gas of our country will coexist with the natural gas for a long time
Section three LPG consumes the new point of growth --Automobile-used gas
First, feasibility of LPG fuel automobile
Second , LPG ,etc. clean the superiority of the gas automobile
Third, current situation of the development of the gas automobile
Fourth , some foreign countries and regions LPG automobile current situation
Fifth , domestic LPG automobile current situation and development trend
Sixth, LPG automobile fuel standard
Seventh, take the place of his alternative energy source automobile
Section four Rural LPG market
First, current situation of present rural fuel market
Second, influence the income factor of peasants of fuel consumption of rural LPG
Third, influence the urbanization factor of fuel consumption of rural LPG
Fourth, small city --The case of Zhong Shan City LPG market is simplied analyse
The third part profession competition structure and form
Chapter seven Competition pattern and influence factor analysis
Section one Petroleum , petrochemical industry enterprise produce and manage the current situation
First, petroleum , petrochemical industry group company are with a very important position on LPG market
Second, petroleum , petrochemical industry enterprise are exploring LPG market actively
Section two New trend of competition pattern
First, foreign capitals function is more and more obvious
Second , LPG import the operating unit to concentrate to enterprises with large storehouse
Third, gradual progress of LPG pricing
Chapter eight Enterprise's analysis of the advantage
Section one World-famous enterprises
First , world most heavy 20 petroleum enterprise
Second, main comprehensive rank precedence of oil company of the world
Section two Brief introduction of some situations of oil company
First, Chinese petroleum gas Limited Company
Second, Chinese Limited Company of petrochemical industry
Third, China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC)
Fourth, brief introduction of some foreign oil companies
Section three Some LPG enterprises
First , BP
Second, Caltex Shantou Company of the person of Germany
Fifth, Wuhan Mingsheng LPG Co.Ltd
Sixth, Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Co. unites liquefied petroleum gas Co., Ltd. newly
Seven, Panva gas Holding Co., Ltd
Eighth, SK coal gas company
The fourth part profession development trend
Chapter nine Development trend and countermeasure
Section one The characteristic of the liquefied petroleum gas of our country and development trend
First, pure LPG trader is difficult to have a foothold
Second, have first and second class storehouses only difficult to have a foothold
Third, Chinese LPG market develops rapidly, the competition is fierce
Fourth, Chinese LPG market's prospect
Section two Countermeasure analysis
First, sell the countermeasure and market prospect recently in enterprises
Second, participate in LPG market competition existing problem and suggestion in the manufacturing enterprise
Chart:Composition of LPG (U.S.A. HD-5 standard)
Chart:Comparison of LPG and liquid fuel
Chart:LPG is compared with the combustion tec of light oil , heavy oil
Chart:LPG is compared with the thermal efficiency of light oil , heavy oil
Chart:LPG is compared with the maintenance management of light oil , heavy oil
Chart:The output of Chinese goods LPG is distributed
Chart:Various kinds of natural gas composition forms
Chart:Liquefied petroleum gas backbone(%)
Chart:Natural gas , marsh gas and composition of fuel of different coal gas give a demonstration
Chart:Calorific value of volume of mark attitude of the main gaseous fuel of our country (give a demonstration)
Chart:The energy will be looked on as monthly output in January - May of 2005
Chart:Add up to the production of energy in January - May of 2005
Chart:Add up to the change of production of energy in January - May of 2005
Chart:The output of petroleum increases the information slip in recent years in Russia
Chart:The world oil gas reserves have changed forms in the past ten years
Chart:The world petroleum will store the output and be producing the oil well to count in 2004
Chart:2004 every world area and main country's crude oil working ability form
Chart:25 main reason working ability forms of oil company of the World
Chart:Amount of production of natural gas in January - December of 2004
Chart:Form of output of national natural gas
Chart:Production of natural gas in January - April of 2005
Chart:World petroleum's output form of 2000-2005 year
Chart:The petroleum of our country and chemical value of industrial output will increase and pursue in 2004
Chart:The output value of chemical every profession and trade will increase the situation in 2004
Chart:Petroleum and main economic indicator of chemical industry finished the information slip in 2000-2004
Chart:2004 reason , processing , chemical industry profit distribution map
Chart:The petroleum and chemical industry profit will occupy the province and city of the top 10 in 2004
Chart:Petroleum and proportion in the whole trade of chemical enterprise's profit of 2004
Chart:The petroleum of our country and chemical trade foreign trade form in recent
Chart:The petroleum of our country and price of import volume of main products of chemical industry of 2004 and depending on the information slip of one degree of changes to the outside
Chart:The main products of petrochemical industry will produce and sell the overall balance form in January - March of 2005
Chart:The main petroleum and chemical products estimate the performance during " ShiWu planning"
Chart:The world LPG demand of 1985-2005 year (a hundred million tons)
Chart:LPG per capita volume of consumption compare with not pursueing(kilogram / person)
Chart:The world LPG supply of 1999-2005 year (a hundred million tons)
Chart:Global LPG ten major producing countries
Chart:Every world area LGP output increasing and pursueing
Chart:Average annual rate of increase in every world area LPG demand
Chart:Every world area LPG demand increased and compared in 1985-2005 (ten thousand tons)
The average annual rate of increase in the world LPG demand is 3. 8% in 2000-2005, among them the acceleration rate of the Middle East , Asia and area of Africa will slow down. Latin America change most remarkably, to is it is it lower than 3% to reduce from nearly 6% for one year to to increase every year one year. Straight growth will appear in the growth of former Soviet Union and eastern Europe area LPG demand, will exceed 3% every year
Chart:Every world area LPG demand rate of increase compared with and pursued in 1985-2005
Chart:The world LPG demand is distributed in 2005
Chart:Area LPG demand of Asia of 1985-2005 year
Chart:The main country LPG average annual rate of increase of Asia compared with and pursued in 1990-2005
Chart:The main country LPG average annual rate of increase of Asia compared with and pursued in 2000-2005
Chart:The world LPG application forming and pursueing
Chart:Global LPG will used in residents and form and pursue commercially in 2010
Chart:On the 1985-2005 year world the civil- commercial for LPG volume of consumption not average (kilogram / person)
Chart:Volume of consumption of liquefied petroleum gas of the main countries and regions of the world (ten thousand tons)
Chart:The city of S. Korea pursues with the angry and industry LPG demand change
Chart:LPG supply and demand form of our country of 2004
Chart:Since output and import volume are compared with and pursued in China LPG
Chart:LPG market's supply and demand of our country will be predicted in 2005
Chart:Domestic and international markets LPG price comparison
Chart:LPG output of our country (ten thousand tons)
Chart:Output of liquefied petroleum gas in March of 2005
Chart:Output of liquefied petroleum gas in February of 2005
Chart:Output of liquefied petroleum gas in January of 2005
(two) the output of liquefied petroleum gas of December of 2004
Chart:December of 2004 Output of liquefied petroleum gas
Chart:China LPG produces the distribution map at home
Chart:LPG import volume of our country of 1990-2005 year (ten thousand tons)
Chart:Large-scale LPG of our country stores the storehouse table
Chart:China LPG volume of consumption of 1990-2005 year (ten thousand tons)
Chart:China LPG consumption structure
Chart:It increase not pursueing(kilogram / person)
Chart:LPG supply and demand form of China
Chart:LPG divides into the regional supply and demand situation and per capita volume of consumption (ten thousand tons)
Chart:China's frozen storehouse LPG price
Chart:Smelt factory's producer price at home
Chart:The quay of South China is listed the price
Chart:The quay of East China is listed the price
Chart:Shanghai citizen allow the retail price with bottled liquefied petroleum gas
Chart:Our country imports LPG quantity picture from Saudi Arabia
Chart:China LPG imports the structure chart of the source
Chart:China LPG import area proportion
Chart:The main province and city LPG import volume of China (ten thousand tons)
Chart:The province and city LPG import volume of East China compare with and pursue
Chart:Ten major LPG import and export corporations
Chart:Asian LPG market trend
Chart:China LPG imports the source and exports the whereabouts
Chart:China LPG export quantum (ten thousand tons)
Chart:Statistics of the output of polypropylene resin in every area in April of 2005
Chart:Our country the existing produce device of law polypropylene not continuous (ten thousand ton per year)
Chart:Some little noumenonn polypropylene designed at home produces the device
Chart:The consumption of our country, production and various kinds of polypropylene imported use roughly proportion of the grade in recent years (%)
Chart:Statistics of the output of polypropylene resin of every enterprise in April of 2005
Chart:The apparent demand of polypropylene of our country and requirement forecasting of 2001-2010 year
Chart:Proportion of distribution of various kinds of source of the gas in the city
Chart:Discharge thing of LPG engine
Chart:The discharge of clean fuel LPG behaves
Chart:The gas automobile of the world forms
Chart:The world LPG automobile and quantity of gas station count
Chart:European Union's 2005 vapour , diesel oil fuel norm and emission of automobile
Chart:Routine fuel and CO2 which substitutes fuel engine technology discharging and comparing
Chart:Routine fuel and CO2 which substitutes fuel engine technology discharging and comparing
Chart:Relative price comparison of alternative energy source and routine energy
Chart:LPG automobile and petrol car thank performance sincerely to compare
Chart:The gas automobile counts(one) 12 gas automobile pilot demonstration cities (district )
Chart:Liquefied petroleum gas standard (GB11174-1997 )
Chart:U.S.A. ASTM D1835 special secondary school uses the propane standard
Chart:Japan's automobile-used liquefied gas standard (JIS K2240-90 )
Chart:The automobile uses the sector standard of liquefied petroleum gas
Chart:The main country CNG automobile's quantity in the world and gas station are counted
Chart:Petrol, natural gas automobile operate the comparison sheet of prices
Chart:Proportion of distribution of every source of the gas in the countryside
Chart:Total of Sichuan Province of liquefied petroleum gas of 2005
Chart The rural main life in Shandong be able to use development analysis
Chart:Total of Shandong of liquefied petroleum gas of 2005
Chart:Jiangsu Province of output of liquefied petroleum gas will count in February - May of 2005
Chart:Su Nan, rural households of Su Zhong , northern Jiangsu manage the classification situation
Chart:Situation of source of revenue of peasant household of Jiangsu
Chart:Situation of agricultural source of revenue of peasant households of Jiangsu
Chart:Total of Fujian Province of liquefied petroleum gas of 2005
Chart:Total of Xinjiang district of liquefied petroleum gas of 2005
Chart:Total of Qinghai Province of liquefied petroleum gas of 2005
Chart:Total of Shaanxi Province of liquefied petroleum gas of 2005
Chart:Total of Ningxia district of liquefied petroleum gas of 2005
Chart:Total of Guangxi district of liquefied petroleum gas of 2005
Chart:Hebei of output of liquefied petroleum gas will count in February - May of 2005
Chart:Total of Guangdong Province of liquefied petroleum gas of 2005
Chart:Output of every enterprise of liquefied petroleum gas in March of 2005
Chart:Output of liquefied petroleum gas in December of 2004
Chart:Petroleum , group company LPG second water-borne transport quay of petrochemical industry and capacity of reservoir
Chart:Statistics of the output of every area liquefied petroleum gas in April of 2005
Chart:Main comprehensive rank precedence of oil company in the world (calculate synthetically according to six indexes)
Chart:Statistics of the output of every enterprise liquefied petroleum gas in April of 2005
Chart:Some petro-chemical corporations and oil refining output of listed company readymade oil of the first quarter of 2005
Chart:The Chinese Limited Company of petrochemical industry profit forms forms
Chart:Earning capacity form of Chinese Limited Company of petrochemical industry
Chart:Management ability form of Chinese Limited Company of petrochemical industry
Chart:Chinese Limited Company of petrochemical industry develops the ability form
Chart:Total of Hubei of liquefied petroleum gas of 2005
Chart:Total of Beijing of liquefied petroleum gas of 2005
Chart:Count in Jilin Province of output of liquefied petroleum gas in February - May of 2005
Chart:China LPG supply and demand pursued in 1990-2004
Chart:Consumption structure of domestic liquefied petroleum gas
Chart:Total of Heilongjiang of liquefied petroleum gas of 2005

In 2005, precipitate China's petrochemical industry trade through the reason formed in development for many years under the vigorous market superficial phenomenon. Face unprecedented opportunity and challenge especially as the petrochemical industry trade of the pillar industry in national economy, what course should the development of trade of petrochemical industry of our country follow to become the focus that the masses attract attention. With the high-speed development of the economy of our country, the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG ) of our country increased fast with consumption rate of increase of 18% every year in the past 10 years, its production, had sold and stored and transported and already formed an enormous industry, today, the international economy globalizes day by day, what course should LPG of our country follow?
This research consults the report according to the information that State Statistics Bureau , State General Administration of Customs , the State Economic and Trade Commission offer, and a large number of materials that domestic and international relevant papers and magazines offered, combine the field investigation of the relevant enterprises of petrochemical industry and R&D institution ,etc. of my department, supply , demand state , state of development , imports and exports situation , consumption demand to the trade LPG of petrochemical industry of our country ,etc. have been analysed , and has analysed especially the development trends of the petrochemical industry of the world and Chinese and LPG have carried on research, and to the suggestion how to face these changes to propose one's own of enterprise. Report to the contents of such important plates as comprehensive petroleum , chemical industry , LPG , natural gas , other substituting fuel ,etc., and to the relevant strategy of national petrochemical industry, the trend is studied and judged , it is the petrochemical industry that produces and manages such units as the enterprise , R&D institution , investment company ,etc. and understands accurately LPG trade develops the trends at present, hold the making a reservation and fine works with rare developing direction of enterprise.
This research consults the report according to the information that State Statistics Bureau , State General Administration of Customs , the State Economic and Trade Commission offer, and a large number of materials that domestic and international relevant papers and magazines offered, combine the field investigation of the relevant enterprises of petrochemical industry and R&D institution ,etc. of my department, supply , demand state , state of development , imports and exports situation , consumption demand to the trade LPG of petrochemical industry of our country ,etc. have been analysed , and has analysed especially the development trends of the petrochemical industry of the world and Chinese and LPG have carried on research, and to the suggestion how to face these changes to propose one's own of enterprise. Report to the contents of such important plates as comprehensive petroleum , chemical industry , LPG , natural gas , other substituting fuel ,etc., and to the relevant strategy of national petrochemical industry, the trend is studied and judged , it is the petrochemical industry that produces and manages such units as the enterprise , R&D institution , investment company ,etc. and understands accurately LPG trade develops the trends at present, hold the making a reservation and fine works with rare developing direction of enterprise.

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