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2006-2007 Annual Report on the Attractiveness of Chinese Development Zones to the Automobile Industry
Report Type | Price($) | rebate($) | ||
Paper Report | 2200 |
Words | 15000 |
PDF Email | 2400 |
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All price | Some Sections |

Framework of the Report
Main Conclusions
Key Findings
I. Overview of the Global Automobile Market in 2006
(I) Market Size and Characteristics
1. Size and Growth
2. Characteristics
3. Development Trend of the Global Automotive Market
(II) Major Countries & Regions
1. U.S.A.
2. EU
3. Japan
4. South Korea
II. Overview of the Automobile Industry in Chinese Development Zones, 2005-2006
(I) Analysis of the Development Environment of the Automobile Industry in Chinese Development Zones
1. Economic Environment
2. Political Environment
3. Social Environment
4. Technical Environment
5. Other Factors
(II) Present Situation of the Automobile Industry in Chinese Development Zones
1. Output
2. Market Structure
3. Basic Characteristics
(III) Characteristics of the Automobile Industry in Chinese Development Zones in 2006
1. Supply and Demand in the Automobile Market
2. Competition Situation in China's Automobile Market
3. Market Barriers and Regional Characteristics
(IV) Research of Market Segments
1. Passenger Cars
- Sedan
- Other Passenger Cars
2. Commercial Vehicle Market
- Heavy-duty Truck
- Light-duty Truck
- Passenger Vehicle
- Other Commercial Vehicles
III. Analysis of the Industry Chain for Automobiles in Chinese Development Zones
(I) Industry Chain for Automobiles
(II) Supply & Demand in Links of the Industry China
(III) Development Characteristics of the Industry Chain and Problems
IV. Competition Situation in the Automobile Industry in Chinese Development Zones
(I) Competition Model
(II) Competition Situation
1. Overall Competition Situation
2. Potential Entrants
3. Major Brands
(1) FAW
(2) Dongfeng
(3) SAI
(4) Chang An
4. Major Brands/Enterprises' Strategies
V. Development Trend of the Automobile Industry in Chinese Development Zones
(I) Affecting Factors
(II) Development Trend
1. Trend of Production and Demand
2. Development Trend of Automobiles
3. Trend of Technological Innovation
4. Trend of Competition
VI. Forecast of the Automobile Industry in the Development Zones, 2007-2009
(I) Analysis of Development Potential
(II) Forecast
1. Size
2. Structure
VII. Investment Opportunities in the Automobile Industry in the Development Zones, 2007-2009
(I) Indexes for Assessing the Automobile Industry's Investment Value (Policy and Financial Indexes)
(II) Investment Opportunities in the Segments of the Automobile Industry
VIII. Recommendations from Our
(I) Strategic Recommendations
(II) Investment Recommendations
List of Figures
Growth Rate of the Sales Revenue of Products in the Automobile Industry in 2006
Trend of the Imported Automobiles in 2006 (in breakdown of automobile types)
Accumulated Automobile Output & Sales in 2006
Number of Carmakers
Forecast of the Size of the Automobile Industry, 2007-2009
List of Tables
Output & Sales Volume of Major Vehicles Types in 2006
Ranking of China's Top Five Automobile Enterprises in 2006
Ranking Chinese Automobile Enterprises by Exports in 2006
Details on Sales Revenue in Segments of the Automobile Industry in 2006
Main Conclusions
Key Findings
I. Overview of the Global Automobile Market in 2006
(I) Market Size and Characteristics
1. Size and Growth
2. Characteristics
3. Development Trend of the Global Automotive Market
(II) Major Countries & Regions
1. U.S.A.
2. EU
3. Japan
4. South Korea
II. Overview of the Automobile Industry in Chinese Development Zones, 2005-2006
(I) Analysis of the Development Environment of the Automobile Industry in Chinese Development Zones
1. Economic Environment
2. Political Environment
3. Social Environment
4. Technical Environment
5. Other Factors
(II) Present Situation of the Automobile Industry in Chinese Development Zones
1. Output
2. Market Structure
3. Basic Characteristics
(III) Characteristics of the Automobile Industry in Chinese Development Zones in 2006
1. Supply and Demand in the Automobile Market
2. Competition Situation in China's Automobile Market
3. Market Barriers and Regional Characteristics
(IV) Research of Market Segments
1. Passenger Cars
- Sedan
- Other Passenger Cars
2. Commercial Vehicle Market
- Heavy-duty Truck
- Light-duty Truck
- Passenger Vehicle
- Other Commercial Vehicles
III. Analysis of the Industry Chain for Automobiles in Chinese Development Zones
(I) Industry Chain for Automobiles
(II) Supply & Demand in Links of the Industry China
(III) Development Characteristics of the Industry Chain and Problems
IV. Competition Situation in the Automobile Industry in Chinese Development Zones
(I) Competition Model
(II) Competition Situation
1. Overall Competition Situation
2. Potential Entrants
3. Major Brands
(1) FAW
(2) Dongfeng
(3) SAI
(4) Chang An
4. Major Brands/Enterprises' Strategies
V. Development Trend of the Automobile Industry in Chinese Development Zones
(I) Affecting Factors
(II) Development Trend
1. Trend of Production and Demand
2. Development Trend of Automobiles
3. Trend of Technological Innovation
4. Trend of Competition
VI. Forecast of the Automobile Industry in the Development Zones, 2007-2009
(I) Analysis of Development Potential
(II) Forecast
1. Size
2. Structure
VII. Investment Opportunities in the Automobile Industry in the Development Zones, 2007-2009
(I) Indexes for Assessing the Automobile Industry's Investment Value (Policy and Financial Indexes)
(II) Investment Opportunities in the Segments of the Automobile Industry
VIII. Recommendations from Our
(I) Strategic Recommendations
(II) Investment Recommendations
List of Figures
Growth Rate of the Sales Revenue of Products in the Automobile Industry in 2006
Trend of the Imported Automobiles in 2006 (in breakdown of automobile types)
Accumulated Automobile Output & Sales in 2006
Number of Carmakers
Forecast of the Size of the Automobile Industry, 2007-2009
List of Tables
Output & Sales Volume of Major Vehicles Types in 2006
Ranking of China's Top Five Automobile Enterprises in 2006
Ranking Chinese Automobile Enterprises by Exports in 2006
Details on Sales Revenue in Segments of the Automobile Industry in 2006

In 2006, China's automobile market continued to grow rapidly; automobile output was expected to top 7 million. China may become the second largest automobile market in the world. China's automobile industry has become a key sector fueling the growth of the national economy. Automobile has become an important tool in production and life in this country. Some developed areas started to enter the age of automobiles. During the 11th Five-Year Plan period, market demand and the quantity of automobiles will continue to grow.
During 2007-2010, China's automobile industry will be in a crucial period of strategic restructuring. To maintain sustainable development capability, great efforts must be made to address the following three major issues: 1. enterprises' development, mainly to improve independent product R&D and technological innovation capability, and build self-owned brands; 2. Energy sources that allow for sustainable development in the automobile industry, environmental protection, and safety; 3. industry restructuring.
Against such background, the report elaborates on the present situation and characteristics of China's automobile market, and existing problems. It probes the major areas where agglomeration effect has emerged in the automobile industry. In light of leading carmakers' competition models, competition situation and strategies, it points out investment opportunities in related fields and development zones.
Featuring concise language, full and accurate data, and practical case study, the report analyzes the present situation of investment prospects and problems in the automobile industry in major economic development zones in China. Moreover, it puts forward Our's strategic and investment recommendations to help carmakers, investors, and the industry chain grasp emerging investment opportunities in China's automobile industry.
During 2007-2010, China's automobile industry will be in a crucial period of strategic restructuring. To maintain sustainable development capability, great efforts must be made to address the following three major issues: 1. enterprises' development, mainly to improve independent product R&D and technological innovation capability, and build self-owned brands; 2. Energy sources that allow for sustainable development in the automobile industry, environmental protection, and safety; 3. industry restructuring.
Against such background, the report elaborates on the present situation and characteristics of China's automobile market, and existing problems. It probes the major areas where agglomeration effect has emerged in the automobile industry. In light of leading carmakers' competition models, competition situation and strategies, it points out investment opportunities in related fields and development zones.
Featuring concise language, full and accurate data, and practical case study, the report analyzes the present situation of investment prospects and problems in the automobile industry in major economic development zones in China. Moreover, it puts forward Our's strategic and investment recommendations to help carmakers, investors, and the industry chain grasp emerging investment opportunities in China's automobile industry.

◆ 2006-2007 Annual Report on the Development of China's Logistics Industry [ 2007-03-01 ]
◆ 2006 Annual Report on China’s Shipping Trade [ 2006-06-02 ]
◆ 2006 Annual Report on China’s Shipping Trade [ 2006-06-02 ]
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