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电子元件 电工器材

汽车 摩托 物流运输
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日化产业 洗涤用品

医药产业 中西药品
保健品 医疗器械
医药原料 生物制药

能源产业 电力电池
石油化工 煤燃气水

服装鞋帽 纺织原料
毛皮箱包 饰品珠宝

房产产业 建筑机械
办公家居 建材

传媒印刷 教育文体
旅游宾馆 冶金制造
照明玻璃 机械制造
化工树脂 商贸 农业
造纸 树脂 金融
玩具 其他

2005 Annual Report on China's Banking
Report Type | Price($) | rebate($) | ||
Paper Report | 2000 |
Words | 0 |
PDF Email | 2150 |
pages | 1127 |
PDF CD | Charts | 183 |
All price | 2300 |
Some Sections |

Part One The analysis of banking's investment characteristic and investment characteristic
Chapter One The characteristic analysis of banking invests
Section One The foundation of banking's market sectionalization
First, classification
Second, business classification
Section Two The characteristic analysis of banking invests
First, bank service characteristic
Second, analysis the payback period of investment of banking
Third, investment risk of the banking
Fourth , growth and development potentiality of the banking of our country
Fifth, trade cycle of the banking of our country
Sixth, entry barrier of the banking
Part Two Reform and development of banking
Chapter Two Examine the Chinese banking closely
Section One The overall situation of Chinese banking's development
First, position in financial circles of Chinese banking
Second, general view of Chinese banking
Section Two business facilities form of Bank of China
First, the occupying state of business facilities of bank
Second, the distribution of the Chinese bank agency
Section Three Situation of China's banking
First, situation of the business of bank account of our country
Second, situation of the Chinese bank loan business
Third, situation of the intermediate business of Bank of China
Fourth, bank card business situation of the bank of our country
Fifth, international business situation of the bank of our country
Sixth, business situation of agent of the bank of our country
Seventh, business situation of management of personal money of the bank of our country
Section Four The network bank in China
First, state of development of Chinese network bank
Second, consumer analysis of network bank
Third, the main investigation result of online bank's users
Fourth, the main investigation result of the online bank's potential users
Fifth, network marketing question of the online bank
Section Five Extremely potential rural financial market of China
First, rural financial market situation
Second, development prospect of the rural financial market of China
Section Six Positions and current situations in World Bank industry of Chinese banking
First, position in World Bank industry of Chinese banking
Second, Essential feature of development of Chinese banking
Third, question existing in the Chinese banking develops
Chapter Three The run state of Chinese banking
Section One The run state of Chinese banking in 2004
First, the money supply increases appropriatly , meet the need of the present economic growth
Second, enterprise's deposit increases steadily, resident's savings account growth accelerates
Third, the loan in foreign currency begins to go up , the foreign exchange reserve increases notably, the exchange rate of RMB remains stable
Fourth, the basic currency increases steadily, the excess capital reserve rate of state-run commercial bank is normal
Section Two The run state analysis of Chinese banking in 2005
First, the run analysis of Chinese currency in the first quarter of 2005
Second, banking's prospect forecast of 2005
Third, main characteristic that the assets quality of financial institution raises
Fourth, the runs analysis of the state-run bank
Fifth, the urban commercial bank develops and takes a favorable turn continuously
Sixth, domestic economy and finance trend and monetary policy prediction
Chapter Four The reorganization of Central Bank and the set-up of China Banking Regulatory Comminsion
Section One Central Bank of the weak tendency needs the system reform badly the most
First, foundation and development of the People's Bank of China
Second, the function of the People's Bank of China develops
Section Two Position and acting on of the China Banking Regulatory Commission
First, the set-up of China Banking Regulatory Commission
Second, the function of the China Bankig Regulatory Commission
Third, the implementation of the supervision means and mode
Chapter Five The property right improvement and financing plan of the commercial bank
Section One The meaning that the property right improves in the Chinese banking
First, it helps the commercial bank to get rid of the finance to fetter that the property right is improved
Second, it help the commercial bank to improve management system that the property right is improved
Third, it help the commercial bank to raise the sufficient rate of the capital and reduce the non-performing loan that the property right is improved
Section Two Main way in which the property right improves
First, listed on domestic stock market financing
Second, introduce external investors
Third, introduce the folk capital
Fourth, other ways
Chapter Six The treatment of the non-performing assets of the bank
Section One Objective assessment of potential threat of the bad account
First, scale and origin cause of formation of the bad account:the national debt
Second, risk that the bad account causes to national economy
Section Two Relation between national financial policy and bad account administration
First, the bear way and remedy method of the loss of bad account
Second, some new thinkings of relying on the state finance to manage the bad account
Section Three Current situation and the future of four major property management companies
First, cost-benefit analysis which the property management company runs
Second, the advantage and inferior position of the property management company
Part Three Innovation and competition of banking
Chapter Seven Influence factor of development of Chinese banking
Section One Impact on banking of China's economic development situation
First, impact on banking of the national economic focal point of work of 2005
Second, macroeconomy situation analysis of the first quarter of 2005
Section Two The impact on banking of the development of other financial investment tools
First, popular investment tool --Influence of the fund
Second, market prediction of the fund of 2005
Third, the development of the insurance influences the banking
Fourth, the impacts on deposit of development of bond industry
Fifth, the impact on banking of development of trust business
Sixth,the impact on banking of development of stock market
Seventh, the impact on banking of development of real estate trade
Chapter Eight The composing of Banking's competition pattern
Section One Composition of banking's competition pattern of our country
First, competition pattern overview of Chinese banking
Second, new entrant's impact on competition pattern -- banking admittance
Third, four major specialized banks are in the monopoly position
Fourth, monopolize in the administration of the banking of our country
Section Two Competitive power that can be explored --Retail bank
First, the new change of the developed countries'retail bank
Second, the classification and analysis of the retail banking's products
Third, the current situation and restriction factor of retail business of commercial bank of our country
Fourth, development tactics of the domestic retail trade of commercial bank
Fifth, the retail trade that the interior foreign capitals bank has a contest
Section Three The analysis of running characteristic of five listing banks
First, China Merchants Bank:The retail trade advantage is obvious
Second, Minsheng Bank:Innovation aspires for development
Third, Pudong Development Bank:Realize three major transitions progressively
Fourth, Shenzhen Development Bank:Take the lead in implementing the foreign capitals to merge
Fifth, Huaxia Bank:Listing course of having difficult labour
Chapter Nine Key enterprise's analysis
Section One Bank of China
First, Bank of China gains 20 billion business to develop and present four characteristics in the first quarter of 2005
Second, difficult choice of the overseas listing back of Bank of China
Section Two Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
First, the State Council determines Industrial and Commercial Bank of China implements the shareholding system reform
Second , every deposit , loan balance of the branch within the territory of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
Third, profit-and-loss statement of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
Section Three Construction Bank of China
First, financial situation
Second, asset-liabilities situation
Third, business performance and development
Section Four Agricultural Bank of China
First, Agricultural Bank of China will realize managing the profit of 32 billion yuan in 2004
Second, question that the reform of agricultural bank should be paid attention to
Section Five Bank of Communications
Section Six Ever Bright bank
Section Seven CITIC Industrial Bank
Section Eight China Merchants Bank
Section Nine Minsheng Bank --The business is improved
First, retail trade
Second, company's business
Section Ten Shanghai Pudong Development Bank --The internationalized trend is obvious
Section Eleven Shenzhen Development Bank --Introduce strategic investors
Section Twelve China Industrial Bank
Section Thirteen Huaxia Bank
Section Fourteen Development bank of Guangdong --Support the medium and small enterprise run by the local people especially
Chapter Ten Innovate in order to improve the competitiveness in a more cost-effective manner
Section One Bank competition's edge toll --Innovation
First,competitiveness analysis of Chinese commercial bank of 2004
Second, business innovation of foreign bank
Third, rational choice under the demand and competition pressure
Fourth, innovate the macroscopical effect:Monetary policy and finance'dafety
Fifth, the system is restricted:Main obstacle of products innovation
Sixth, restriction of innovation:Ericsson " changes sides "
Seventh, commercial bank, organization of independent managenment of the trades launch the suggestion of financial innovation
Section Two Innovative great inventory of commercial bank
First, innovation of the loans and deposits business
Second, innovation of the personal assets business
Third, innovation of the intermediate business
Fourth, innovation of other respects
Section Three The construction of banking's run platform
First, the ChinaUnionPay established --Promote the Chinese bank card business
Second, China financial authentication centre is established --Assuare the boat is protected and driven for the network bank
Third, loan guarantee of small and medium-sized enterprises --Another light spot of the loans market
Fourth, await complete the credit grade system
Section Four Management of personal money
First, business of management of personal money in the ascendant
Second, market competition of management of personal money
Third, consumer analysis of management of personal money
Fourth, business characteristic of domestic management of personal money
Section Five Private banking of the transnational bank
First, the market of private bank of Asia and China
Second, what do the foreign private banks all do for the rich?
Third, by what does the private bank keep the customer here?
Fourth, the Chinese and foreign finance grappled had already begun
Section Six International business
First, China's international trade development overview
Second, business objective market of international settlement
Third, international business competition
Fourth, global finance down development trend of international settlement and expand tactics integratively
Section Seven Business of the note
First, question and countermeasure in the market of note of our country
Second, question and suggestion existing in the bank note business
Third, characteristic of market of note of our country of 2004
Fourth, business competition of domestic note
Fifth, influence the restriction factor of business development of note of our country
Sixth, the countermeasure of the development of the note business
Section Eight The bank acts for the business
First, banking insurance
Second, investment securities deposit the business within the territory of QFII
Section Nine Development of the business of the bank card
First, the bank card networks " 314 " in common use the goal is realized in an all-round way
Second, ChinaUnionPay how about reply the international standard
Third, issued volume and holding the consumption situation of the card
Fourth, pattern of market of bank card of our country
Fifth, consumer analysis of Chinese bank card market
Sixth, advanced customer of the credit card business
Seventh, bank card pay system drive e-commerce
Part Four Internationalized trends of banking
Chapter Eleven Bank of China steps up preparation, tackles the challenge
Section One Impact which the banking of our country received of the first year that joining WTO
First, the clause correlated with the banking in WTO
Second, joins WTO to our country banking industry's frontage influence
Third, joins WTO the pressure and the impact which brings to our country banking industry
Fourth, the comparative advantage analysis of Chinese medium and small commercial bank under WTO environment
Section Two Capital sufficient rate unceasing enhancement
First, the Barthel agreement and its to commercial bank's limit
Second, Member of the agreement of Basel state
Third, we have very far distances to leave the international standard
Section Three Internationalization of the managerial system
First, route analysis of the internationalization of Chinese banking
Second, main defect on the management system of bank of our country
Chapter Twelve Analysis of current situation of the development of foreign banking
Section One Foreign banking's characteristic in the 21st century
First, management almightization
Second, business globalization
Third, the competition is fierce
Fourth, scale maximization
Fifth, serve and innovatization
Sixth, income pluralism
Seventh, management systematization
Eighth, behavior legalization
Ninth, means modernization
Tenth, establishment of a full-fledged shareholding system of system
Section Two The American banking move towards declines
First, development course of American banking
Second, the system of Bank of America-National Trust & Savings Association moves towards declining
Third, trends of American banking of 2004
Section Three Japanese banking with very heavy predicament
First, Bank of Japan moves towards mixed operation and great merger
Second, reform course of the present Japanese banking
Third, the Japanese banking faces rectifying and improving greatly
Section Four Asian banking while combining
First, the Asian banking quickens the steps of combining
Second, the bad account questions of the banks of various countries of Asia
Section Five New trend of European Union bank
First, capital rank of stock market of European Union banking
Second, new trend of European Union banking
Section Six The drawing lessons and enlightenment of development experience of foreign bank
First, the experience of management of the foreign capitals bank is drawn lessons from
Second, the enlightenment to our country that U.S.A. deals with experience of the non-performing assets of the bank
Third, enlightenment of the privatization of Banco de Maxico
Section Seven The large argue of Chinese and foreign banks
First, cooperate in management of the Chinese and foreign banks
Second, analysis of resident of our country choose to the foreign capitals bank
Third, disparity analysis of Chinese banking and world
Chapter Thirteen State of development in our country of foreign bank
Section One Constant expansion of the foreign bank
First, open process that the agreement stipulates that jions WTO
Second, main expansion means of the foreign capitals bank
Third, the experience of management of risk of foreign capitals bank is their security expanded
Section Two The capital permeation of the foreign bank
First, the foreign capitals bank participates in Bank of China by shares:Win-win pattern
Second, the capital advantage of the foreign capitals bank is their edge tolls which expand the market
Third, the foreign capitals bank utilizes the technological advantage to grab the customer
Section Three The compare of intermediate business between China and foreign-funded commercial bank
First, the policy orientation differs
Second, subjective attention degree is different
Third, the commercialized degree is with a wide gap
Fourth, management and administration disparity is great
Fifth, the relative superiority of technological means is obvious
Sixth, variety range greatlies differ from each other
Seventh, scale and income is different condition
Eighth, talent capacity is incomparable
Section Four Resisting the measure rationally of our government and commercial bank
First, kind to the policy treatment of foreign capitals bank in the world
Second, the tactics advice that our country imports foreign capital in the banking
Part Five Trend and countermeasure
Chapter Fourteen The development trend analysis of banking
Section One Development trend of the modern commercial bank
First, the latest monetary policy of Central Bank and the trend of 2005
Second, prospect of Chinese banking of 2005
Third, the financial product expands the aggravation of innovation
Fourth, revolutionary further development of financial network
Fifth, constant break-through of the banking almightinessization
Sixth, the speed of flow , the structure of flowing and the form of flowing of international capital have changed
Seventh, the merger among the banking grows in intensity
Eighth, the nine main trends of Chinese banking development
Section Two The finance holding
First, CITIC holding establishes
Second, history and current situation
Third, world trend
Fourth, countermeasure of China
Section Three Expand the capital market
First, rapid development impacts and challenges to the banking of our country of the capital market
Second, opportunity that the development of capital market brings to commercial bank
Third, the banking develops business of investment bank it is the trend of the times
Fourth, the advantage that the state-run commercial bank launches the business of investment bank
Fifth, thinking that the state-run commercial bank develop the the business of investment bank
Section Four Bank grouping
First, external experience can be drawn lessons from
Second, current situation of the development of the banking of our country
Third, strategic meaning in China's economic development of bank grouping
Section Five The bank's mergence
First, tide of merging of World Bank
Second, the bank of our country jointly merges
Third, the international banking merges tides to the enlightenment of bank of our country
Section Six Dualization development trend of the Chinese banking
First, financing current situation of state-owned enterprise
Second, enterprise run by the local people
Third, enterprise's financing state determines the dualization development trend of the bank
Fourth, dualization trend of the bank
Section Seven Electronic trend of the network
First, electronic process of foreign bank
Second, electronic construction of Bank of China
Section Eight The intermediate business will become the focus of the competition
First, the intermediate business of international bank accounts for banking proportion to improve
Second, traditional business space of Chinese banking will be fewer and fewer
Third, the intermediate business is business fields that the Chinese banking remains to develop , the profit space is very large
Chapter Fifteen The banking's brokenthrough management
Section One Brokenthrough strategy
First, strategic choice of regional development of urban commercial bank
Second, expand the capital market it is the strategic choice of the commercial bank
Section Two Brokenthrough management
First, new mode of bank management of ISO09000
Second, the reforger of banking procedure
Third, risk managerial ability --Key ability of the commercial bank
Fourth, customer relation's management
Section Three Brokenthrough marketing
First, credit marketing of the state-run commercial bank
Second, current situation and countermeasure of commercial bank account marketing
Third, marketing online business tactics and enlightenment of Bank of Montreal
Chapter Sixteen Chance and countermeasure of banking's development
Section One Management tactics analysis of the solely state-owned commercial bank
First, the reorientation of state-run commercial bank
Second, according to management inside the bank
Third, according to market open-up respect
Fourth, tactics that the state-run commercial bank should be market-based to the interest rate
Section Two Management tactics analysis of commercial bank of the shareholding system
First, set up modern company's administration structure, offer the system guarantee for sustainable development
Second, set up the innovative mechanism of finance, offer motive force and source not exhausted for sustainable development
Third, set up the developing platform of intermediate business, offer the business for sustainable development and expand the space
Fourth, set up the modernized technological system with computerizing financial services at the core, offer technical support and technological guarantee for sustainable development
Fifth, set up characteristic financial corporate culture, offer the ideological impetus and intelligence for sustainable development
Section Three Management tactics analysis of urban commercial bank
First, difference that the management tactics of urban commercial bank exist
Second, the main management tactics that urban commercial bank tackles challenge
Third, innovate and will just develop
Fourth, really pay attention to talents
Fifth, implement the company to unite
Section Four Management tactics analysis of rural credit office
First, innovate is a strong weapon of development
Second, handle relation correctly of the support agriculture and fund safety
Third, suit measures to local conditions, quicken the steps of setting up the regional rural commercial bank
Chart:Analysis graph of currency movement index
Chart:the situation table of current currency
Chart:Analysis graph of financial organ service development
Chart:Analysis graph of money market index
Chart:the sorting table of Banking's middle service
Chart:every deposit of domestic financial institution's foreign exchange in January - March of 2005
Chart:RMB every loan of financial institution in January - February of 2005
Chart:Domestic and foreign currency every loan of financial institution in January - March of 2005
Chart:All kinds of profit indexes of commercial bank
Chart:Different expenses indexes of commercial bank
Chart:The time sequence tables of nointerest expenses expenditure (a hundred million yuan ) and rate of increase of commercial bank (% )
Chart:The scale of average assets of commercial bank
Chart:Sketch map of non-performing loan rate of domestic bank
Chart:the statistical form of facilities of our country main commercial bank
Chart:The composing graph of main commercial share of bank agency in our country
Chart:The composing of main special share of trade company of commercial bank of our country
Chart:The composing of the main ATM machine share of commercial bank of our country
Chart:The composing of the main POS machine share of commercial bank of our country
Chart:Distribution table of four major state-run bank agencies of our country
Chart:Branch's distribution map of foreign capitals bank
Chart:Distribution map of representative office of foreign capitals bank
Chart:Source structure chart of deposit of our country
Chart:The loan balance of the top ten provinces and cities of financial institution of our country
Chart:The composing of newly-gained loan organization of our country
Chart:The survey graph of Bank of America-National Trust & Savings Association loses customer's probability
Chart:The contrast graph of main country hold card rate and our country hold card rate
Chart:Operating position sketch map of bank card of our country
Chart:Consumer's attitude toward network bank
Chart:The reason that the customer chooses the network bank
Chart:The customer uses the number of times of different services of network bank averagly per month
Chart:Reason why the customer opens an account in different banks
Chart:Reason why the customer " job-hops "
Chart:The reason that the customer does not use the network bank pays
Chart:Reason why the number of times of investor's investment increases that surf the Net
Chart:Users' purpose that use financial account and the general website of bill inquiry
Chart:Users' purpose that use the whole function financial service website
Chart:Every index rank in 1000 large banks in the world of every large Chinese commercial bank
Chart:International comparision of the non-performing loan rate of state-run bank
Chart:The money supply acceleration rate will obviously fall after rise in 2004
Chart:The sufficient rate of the domestic capital of listing bank and financing plan
Chart:The complexion table of in-poured capital and out-flown capital of financial institution
Chart:Monthly weighted average interest rate tendency picture of money market
Chart:The situation that Central Bank's repurchase trade in April of 2005
Chart:The situation that Central Bank will issue the note by way of invite public bidding in interest rate in April of 2005
Chart:Rate comparison sheet of the fund
Chart:The increase situation that the total share of the fund operate for more than one year
Chart:Increase pictures of Seven fund share rate from June 30 , 2004 to March 31 , 2005
Chart:Share growth rate and relation picture of the scale of fund
Chart:The distribution of fund share of money market at the end of April of 2005
Chart:The relation graph of the fund average return rate and the scale of fund from April to September of 2005
Chart:The structure chart of the investor of fund of money which operate for more than one year
Chart:Holder's amount of the fund of money market and holding share per family ( Seven funds are average)
Chart:The proportion of institutional investor's share and relation picture of the share of investment per family
Chart:The picture that Earning ratio change and average return
of seven funds
Chart:Three fund take earning ratio change situation picture every year will it be one over one year
Chart:Seven fund take earning ratio variance picture every year one
Chart:Index tendency of national debt of Shanghai Stock Exchange
Chart:Central Bank note issue interest rate tendency picture since July 2004
Chart:seven fund bond to net value ( %)
Chart:The relation of fund share of money market and fund bond to net value
Chart:The survey situatin table of the open-ended fund
Chart:Development of fund market of 1998-2004 year
Chart:The American consumptive credit takes the proportion of the personal income
Chart:Citibank's account expenses standard
Chart:Heng Seng Bank and Standard Chartered Bank (HK) invest in product introduction
Chart:Citibank's account product introduction
Chart:Stock right structure of Huaxia Bank before listing
Chart:Ten the first big shareholder's situations of Huaxia Bank before listing
Chart:Every deposit , loan balance of the branch within the territory of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
Chart:Profit-and-loss statement of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
Chart:Operation of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
Chart:The RMB deposit , loan situation of all quarter of the Construction Bank of China of 2003
Chart:Balance sheet of the Construction Bank of China of 2003
Chart:Operation of the Construction Bank of China
Chart:Bank account , loan balance that promote trade and investment
Chart:Shanghai Pudong Development Bank manages the business income of the main products divided according to area
Unit:A thousand yuan
Chart:Business income situation divided according to the business kind
Chart:Business income situation divided according to the regional income
Chart:Bond investment return of the whole bank
Chart:Listing bank financing situation in recent years (including implementing);
Chart:The proportion picture of call deposit of Guangdong Province various banks
Chart:The proportion picture of consumptive loan of Guangdong every bank
Chart:The proportion picture of discount loan of Guangdong every bank
Chart:Virtual innovative products table of banking of Guangdong
Chart:Every bank card function table of Guangdong
Chart:Information table of personal housing loan of every bank
Chart:The survey sketch map of the reason doing shopping on the net of our country
Chart:Sketch map of the situation that American small and medium-sized enterprises survive
Chart:The investigate sketch map in will of consumer's management of personal money
Chart:The investigate sketch map in demand of consumer's management of personal money
Chart:The investigate sketch map of consumers in investment combination
Chart:Proportion of resident taking various kinds of financial assets as main financial investment tool
Chart:The contrasts of average income of the Chinese residents who have invested all kinds of financial instruments
Chart:The investigate sketch map in reason of business demand of consumer's management of personal money
Chart:The investigate sketch map in demand kind of consumer's management of personal money
Chart:The investigate sketch map of the customer demand to the instructor of management of personal money
Chart:Foreign trade top ten of China
Chart:Top ten , foreign trade of China , is it take gross domestic product proportion to export
Chart:China's international account settlement business competition situation
Chart:The Chinese note network has been offered and changed since the first half of the year
Chart:Trust bank of investment securities within the territory of QFII
Chart:The situation that Chinese resident's bank card uses
Chart:The consumption environment's contrast of Chinese and foreign bank cards
Chart:China issued volume the top ten banks
Chart:The credit card market of Bank of China occupies the situation
Chart:Chinese bank card market gives the situation of occupying of the market according to the turnover
Chart:The Chinese bank card business card trades the rank
Chart:Rank of amount of consumption of business card of the Chinese bank card
Chart:Rank of the balance of deposits of business card of the Chinese bank card
Chart:Carter of Bank of China invites the distribution situation of every bank of trade company
Chart:ATM occupy situation of China main credit card company
Chart:POS occupy situation of China main credit card company
Chart:The top ten area and Proportions accounted for of China bank card issued volume
Chart:China issued volume the top ten between area and proportion that account for
Chart:State of consumer's age of the bank card
Chart:Consumer's academic situation of the bank card
Chart:Chinese residents hold the card and consume the main field
Chart:Consumers faces the subject matter that use the bank card
Chart:Chinese residents handle the purpose of the credit card
Chart:Every bank of member state supervises the authorities and makes the loan and classifies regular power
Chart:Categorised method of the many loan to the same debtor
Chart:Capital list of stock market of European Union bank
Chart:Ratio chart of foreign capitals bank in residents of our country choose
Chart:The ratio chart that residents handle the deposit and housing loan business in the foreign capitals bank mainly
Chart:The comparison sheet of capital state of Chinese commercial bank and international bank
Chart:The comparison sheet of assets quality state of Chinese commercial bank and international bank
Chart:The comparison sheet of profitable state of Chinese commercial bank and international bank
Chart:The comparison sheet of comprehensive management level of Chinese commercial bank and international bank
Chart:The comparison sheet of mobile state of Chinese commercial bank and international bank
Chart:The business time table of the foreign capitals bank manages RMB
Chart:Non-performing loan situation of the bank system
Chart:The policy position that some banks of main country district are to is operated separately
Chart:The action and effect of our country some bank march toward business of investment bank of field
Chart:World Bank's card trade state picture
Chart:The policy position of some banks of main country district are to that is operated seperately
Chart:The action and effect that China some bank march toward business of investment bank of field
Chapter One The characteristic analysis of banking invests
Section One The foundation of banking's market sectionalization
First, classification
Second, business classification
Section Two The characteristic analysis of banking invests
First, bank service characteristic
Second, analysis the payback period of investment of banking
Third, investment risk of the banking
Fourth , growth and development potentiality of the banking of our country
Fifth, trade cycle of the banking of our country
Sixth, entry barrier of the banking
Part Two Reform and development of banking
Chapter Two Examine the Chinese banking closely
Section One The overall situation of Chinese banking's development
First, position in financial circles of Chinese banking
Second, general view of Chinese banking
Section Two business facilities form of Bank of China
First, the occupying state of business facilities of bank
Second, the distribution of the Chinese bank agency
Section Three Situation of China's banking
First, situation of the business of bank account of our country
Second, situation of the Chinese bank loan business
Third, situation of the intermediate business of Bank of China
Fourth, bank card business situation of the bank of our country
Fifth, international business situation of the bank of our country
Sixth, business situation of agent of the bank of our country
Seventh, business situation of management of personal money of the bank of our country
Section Four The network bank in China
First, state of development of Chinese network bank
Second, consumer analysis of network bank
Third, the main investigation result of online bank's users
Fourth, the main investigation result of the online bank's potential users
Fifth, network marketing question of the online bank
Section Five Extremely potential rural financial market of China
First, rural financial market situation
Second, development prospect of the rural financial market of China
Section Six Positions and current situations in World Bank industry of Chinese banking
First, position in World Bank industry of Chinese banking
Second, Essential feature of development of Chinese banking
Third, question existing in the Chinese banking develops
Chapter Three The run state of Chinese banking
Section One The run state of Chinese banking in 2004
First, the money supply increases appropriatly , meet the need of the present economic growth
Second, enterprise's deposit increases steadily, resident's savings account growth accelerates
Third, the loan in foreign currency begins to go up , the foreign exchange reserve increases notably, the exchange rate of RMB remains stable
Fourth, the basic currency increases steadily, the excess capital reserve rate of state-run commercial bank is normal
Section Two The run state analysis of Chinese banking in 2005
First, the run analysis of Chinese currency in the first quarter of 2005
Second, banking's prospect forecast of 2005
Third, main characteristic that the assets quality of financial institution raises
Fourth, the runs analysis of the state-run bank
Fifth, the urban commercial bank develops and takes a favorable turn continuously
Sixth, domestic economy and finance trend and monetary policy prediction
Chapter Four The reorganization of Central Bank and the set-up of China Banking Regulatory Comminsion
Section One Central Bank of the weak tendency needs the system reform badly the most
First, foundation and development of the People's Bank of China
Second, the function of the People's Bank of China develops
Section Two Position and acting on of the China Banking Regulatory Commission
First, the set-up of China Banking Regulatory Commission
Second, the function of the China Bankig Regulatory Commission
Third, the implementation of the supervision means and mode
Chapter Five The property right improvement and financing plan of the commercial bank
Section One The meaning that the property right improves in the Chinese banking
First, it helps the commercial bank to get rid of the finance to fetter that the property right is improved
Second, it help the commercial bank to improve management system that the property right is improved
Third, it help the commercial bank to raise the sufficient rate of the capital and reduce the non-performing loan that the property right is improved
Section Two Main way in which the property right improves
First, listed on domestic stock market financing
Second, introduce external investors
Third, introduce the folk capital
Fourth, other ways
Chapter Six The treatment of the non-performing assets of the bank
Section One Objective assessment of potential threat of the bad account
First, scale and origin cause of formation of the bad account:the national debt
Second, risk that the bad account causes to national economy
Section Two Relation between national financial policy and bad account administration
First, the bear way and remedy method of the loss of bad account
Second, some new thinkings of relying on the state finance to manage the bad account
Section Three Current situation and the future of four major property management companies
First, cost-benefit analysis which the property management company runs
Second, the advantage and inferior position of the property management company
Part Three Innovation and competition of banking
Chapter Seven Influence factor of development of Chinese banking
Section One Impact on banking of China's economic development situation
First, impact on banking of the national economic focal point of work of 2005
Second, macroeconomy situation analysis of the first quarter of 2005
Section Two The impact on banking of the development of other financial investment tools
First, popular investment tool --Influence of the fund
Second, market prediction of the fund of 2005
Third, the development of the insurance influences the banking
Fourth, the impacts on deposit of development of bond industry
Fifth, the impact on banking of development of trust business
Sixth,the impact on banking of development of stock market
Seventh, the impact on banking of development of real estate trade
Chapter Eight The composing of Banking's competition pattern
Section One Composition of banking's competition pattern of our country
First, competition pattern overview of Chinese banking
Second, new entrant's impact on competition pattern -- banking admittance
Third, four major specialized banks are in the monopoly position
Fourth, monopolize in the administration of the banking of our country
Section Two Competitive power that can be explored --Retail bank
First, the new change of the developed countries'retail bank
Second, the classification and analysis of the retail banking's products
Third, the current situation and restriction factor of retail business of commercial bank of our country
Fourth, development tactics of the domestic retail trade of commercial bank
Fifth, the retail trade that the interior foreign capitals bank has a contest
Section Three The analysis of running characteristic of five listing banks
First, China Merchants Bank:The retail trade advantage is obvious
Second, Minsheng Bank:Innovation aspires for development
Third, Pudong Development Bank:Realize three major transitions progressively
Fourth, Shenzhen Development Bank:Take the lead in implementing the foreign capitals to merge
Fifth, Huaxia Bank:Listing course of having difficult labour
Chapter Nine Key enterprise's analysis
Section One Bank of China
First, Bank of China gains 20 billion business to develop and present four characteristics in the first quarter of 2005
Second, difficult choice of the overseas listing back of Bank of China
Section Two Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
First, the State Council determines Industrial and Commercial Bank of China implements the shareholding system reform
Second , every deposit , loan balance of the branch within the territory of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
Third, profit-and-loss statement of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
Section Three Construction Bank of China
First, financial situation
Second, asset-liabilities situation
Third, business performance and development
Section Four Agricultural Bank of China
First, Agricultural Bank of China will realize managing the profit of 32 billion yuan in 2004
Second, question that the reform of agricultural bank should be paid attention to
Section Five Bank of Communications
Section Six Ever Bright bank
Section Seven CITIC Industrial Bank
Section Eight China Merchants Bank
Section Nine Minsheng Bank --The business is improved
First, retail trade
Second, company's business
Section Ten Shanghai Pudong Development Bank --The internationalized trend is obvious
Section Eleven Shenzhen Development Bank --Introduce strategic investors
Section Twelve China Industrial Bank
Section Thirteen Huaxia Bank
Section Fourteen Development bank of Guangdong --Support the medium and small enterprise run by the local people especially
Chapter Ten Innovate in order to improve the competitiveness in a more cost-effective manner
Section One Bank competition's edge toll --Innovation
First,competitiveness analysis of Chinese commercial bank of 2004
Second, business innovation of foreign bank
Third, rational choice under the demand and competition pressure
Fourth, innovate the macroscopical effect:Monetary policy and finance'dafety
Fifth, the system is restricted:Main obstacle of products innovation
Sixth, restriction of innovation:Ericsson " changes sides "
Seventh, commercial bank, organization of independent managenment of the trades launch the suggestion of financial innovation
Section Two Innovative great inventory of commercial bank
First, innovation of the loans and deposits business
Second, innovation of the personal assets business
Third, innovation of the intermediate business
Fourth, innovation of other respects
Section Three The construction of banking's run platform
First, the ChinaUnionPay established --Promote the Chinese bank card business
Second, China financial authentication centre is established --Assuare the boat is protected and driven for the network bank
Third, loan guarantee of small and medium-sized enterprises --Another light spot of the loans market
Fourth, await complete the credit grade system
Section Four Management of personal money
First, business of management of personal money in the ascendant
Second, market competition of management of personal money
Third, consumer analysis of management of personal money
Fourth, business characteristic of domestic management of personal money
Section Five Private banking of the transnational bank
First, the market of private bank of Asia and China
Second, what do the foreign private banks all do for the rich?
Third, by what does the private bank keep the customer here?
Fourth, the Chinese and foreign finance grappled had already begun
Section Six International business
First, China's international trade development overview
Second, business objective market of international settlement
Third, international business competition
Fourth, global finance down development trend of international settlement and expand tactics integratively
Section Seven Business of the note
First, question and countermeasure in the market of note of our country
Second, question and suggestion existing in the bank note business
Third, characteristic of market of note of our country of 2004
Fourth, business competition of domestic note
Fifth, influence the restriction factor of business development of note of our country
Sixth, the countermeasure of the development of the note business
Section Eight The bank acts for the business
First, banking insurance
Second, investment securities deposit the business within the territory of QFII
Section Nine Development of the business of the bank card
First, the bank card networks " 314 " in common use the goal is realized in an all-round way
Second, ChinaUnionPay how about reply the international standard
Third, issued volume and holding the consumption situation of the card
Fourth, pattern of market of bank card of our country
Fifth, consumer analysis of Chinese bank card market
Sixth, advanced customer of the credit card business
Seventh, bank card pay system drive e-commerce
Part Four Internationalized trends of banking
Chapter Eleven Bank of China steps up preparation, tackles the challenge
Section One Impact which the banking of our country received of the first year that joining WTO
First, the clause correlated with the banking in WTO
Second, joins WTO to our country banking industry's frontage influence
Third, joins WTO the pressure and the impact which brings to our country banking industry
Fourth, the comparative advantage analysis of Chinese medium and small commercial bank under WTO environment
Section Two Capital sufficient rate unceasing enhancement
First, the Barthel agreement and its to commercial bank's limit
Second, Member of the agreement of Basel state
Third, we have very far distances to leave the international standard
Section Three Internationalization of the managerial system
First, route analysis of the internationalization of Chinese banking
Second, main defect on the management system of bank of our country
Chapter Twelve Analysis of current situation of the development of foreign banking
Section One Foreign banking's characteristic in the 21st century
First, management almightization
Second, business globalization
Third, the competition is fierce
Fourth, scale maximization
Fifth, serve and innovatization
Sixth, income pluralism
Seventh, management systematization
Eighth, behavior legalization
Ninth, means modernization
Tenth, establishment of a full-fledged shareholding system of system
Section Two The American banking move towards declines
First, development course of American banking
Second, the system of Bank of America-National Trust & Savings Association moves towards declining
Third, trends of American banking of 2004
Section Three Japanese banking with very heavy predicament
First, Bank of Japan moves towards mixed operation and great merger
Second, reform course of the present Japanese banking
Third, the Japanese banking faces rectifying and improving greatly
Section Four Asian banking while combining
First, the Asian banking quickens the steps of combining
Second, the bad account questions of the banks of various countries of Asia
Section Five New trend of European Union bank
First, capital rank of stock market of European Union banking
Second, new trend of European Union banking
Section Six The drawing lessons and enlightenment of development experience of foreign bank
First, the experience of management of the foreign capitals bank is drawn lessons from
Second, the enlightenment to our country that U.S.A. deals with experience of the non-performing assets of the bank
Third, enlightenment of the privatization of Banco de Maxico
Section Seven The large argue of Chinese and foreign banks
First, cooperate in management of the Chinese and foreign banks
Second, analysis of resident of our country choose to the foreign capitals bank
Third, disparity analysis of Chinese banking and world
Chapter Thirteen State of development in our country of foreign bank
Section One Constant expansion of the foreign bank
First, open process that the agreement stipulates that jions WTO
Second, main expansion means of the foreign capitals bank
Third, the experience of management of risk of foreign capitals bank is their security expanded
Section Two The capital permeation of the foreign bank
First, the foreign capitals bank participates in Bank of China by shares:Win-win pattern
Second, the capital advantage of the foreign capitals bank is their edge tolls which expand the market
Third, the foreign capitals bank utilizes the technological advantage to grab the customer
Section Three The compare of intermediate business between China and foreign-funded commercial bank
First, the policy orientation differs
Second, subjective attention degree is different
Third, the commercialized degree is with a wide gap
Fourth, management and administration disparity is great
Fifth, the relative superiority of technological means is obvious
Sixth, variety range greatlies differ from each other
Seventh, scale and income is different condition
Eighth, talent capacity is incomparable
Section Four Resisting the measure rationally of our government and commercial bank
First, kind to the policy treatment of foreign capitals bank in the world
Second, the tactics advice that our country imports foreign capital in the banking
Part Five Trend and countermeasure
Chapter Fourteen The development trend analysis of banking
Section One Development trend of the modern commercial bank
First, the latest monetary policy of Central Bank and the trend of 2005
Second, prospect of Chinese banking of 2005
Third, the financial product expands the aggravation of innovation
Fourth, revolutionary further development of financial network
Fifth, constant break-through of the banking almightinessization
Sixth, the speed of flow , the structure of flowing and the form of flowing of international capital have changed
Seventh, the merger among the banking grows in intensity
Eighth, the nine main trends of Chinese banking development
Section Two The finance holding
First, CITIC holding establishes
Second, history and current situation
Third, world trend
Fourth, countermeasure of China
Section Three Expand the capital market
First, rapid development impacts and challenges to the banking of our country of the capital market
Second, opportunity that the development of capital market brings to commercial bank
Third, the banking develops business of investment bank it is the trend of the times
Fourth, the advantage that the state-run commercial bank launches the business of investment bank
Fifth, thinking that the state-run commercial bank develop the the business of investment bank
Section Four Bank grouping
First, external experience can be drawn lessons from
Second, current situation of the development of the banking of our country
Third, strategic meaning in China's economic development of bank grouping
Section Five The bank's mergence
First, tide of merging of World Bank
Second, the bank of our country jointly merges
Third, the international banking merges tides to the enlightenment of bank of our country
Section Six Dualization development trend of the Chinese banking
First, financing current situation of state-owned enterprise
Second, enterprise run by the local people
Third, enterprise's financing state determines the dualization development trend of the bank
Fourth, dualization trend of the bank
Section Seven Electronic trend of the network
First, electronic process of foreign bank
Second, electronic construction of Bank of China
Section Eight The intermediate business will become the focus of the competition
First, the intermediate business of international bank accounts for banking proportion to improve
Second, traditional business space of Chinese banking will be fewer and fewer
Third, the intermediate business is business fields that the Chinese banking remains to develop , the profit space is very large
Chapter Fifteen The banking's brokenthrough management
Section One Brokenthrough strategy
First, strategic choice of regional development of urban commercial bank
Second, expand the capital market it is the strategic choice of the commercial bank
Section Two Brokenthrough management
First, new mode of bank management of ISO09000
Second, the reforger of banking procedure
Third, risk managerial ability --Key ability of the commercial bank
Fourth, customer relation's management
Section Three Brokenthrough marketing
First, credit marketing of the state-run commercial bank
Second, current situation and countermeasure of commercial bank account marketing
Third, marketing online business tactics and enlightenment of Bank of Montreal
Chapter Sixteen Chance and countermeasure of banking's development
Section One Management tactics analysis of the solely state-owned commercial bank
First, the reorientation of state-run commercial bank
Second, according to management inside the bank
Third, according to market open-up respect
Fourth, tactics that the state-run commercial bank should be market-based to the interest rate
Section Two Management tactics analysis of commercial bank of the shareholding system
First, set up modern company's administration structure, offer the system guarantee for sustainable development
Second, set up the innovative mechanism of finance, offer motive force and source not exhausted for sustainable development
Third, set up the developing platform of intermediate business, offer the business for sustainable development and expand the space
Fourth, set up the modernized technological system with computerizing financial services at the core, offer technical support and technological guarantee for sustainable development
Fifth, set up characteristic financial corporate culture, offer the ideological impetus and intelligence for sustainable development
Section Three Management tactics analysis of urban commercial bank
First, difference that the management tactics of urban commercial bank exist
Second, the main management tactics that urban commercial bank tackles challenge
Third, innovate and will just develop
Fourth, really pay attention to talents
Fifth, implement the company to unite
Section Four Management tactics analysis of rural credit office
First, innovate is a strong weapon of development
Second, handle relation correctly of the support agriculture and fund safety
Third, suit measures to local conditions, quicken the steps of setting up the regional rural commercial bank
Chart:Analysis graph of currency movement index
Chart:the situation table of current currency
Chart:Analysis graph of financial organ service development
Chart:Analysis graph of money market index
Chart:the sorting table of Banking's middle service
Chart:every deposit of domestic financial institution's foreign exchange in January - March of 2005
Chart:RMB every loan of financial institution in January - February of 2005
Chart:Domestic and foreign currency every loan of financial institution in January - March of 2005
Chart:All kinds of profit indexes of commercial bank
Chart:Different expenses indexes of commercial bank
Chart:The time sequence tables of nointerest expenses expenditure (a hundred million yuan ) and rate of increase of commercial bank (% )
Chart:The scale of average assets of commercial bank
Chart:Sketch map of non-performing loan rate of domestic bank
Chart:the statistical form of facilities of our country main commercial bank
Chart:The composing graph of main commercial share of bank agency in our country
Chart:The composing of main special share of trade company of commercial bank of our country
Chart:The composing of the main ATM machine share of commercial bank of our country
Chart:The composing of the main POS machine share of commercial bank of our country
Chart:Distribution table of four major state-run bank agencies of our country
Chart:Branch's distribution map of foreign capitals bank
Chart:Distribution map of representative office of foreign capitals bank
Chart:Source structure chart of deposit of our country
Chart:The loan balance of the top ten provinces and cities of financial institution of our country
Chart:The composing of newly-gained loan organization of our country
Chart:The survey graph of Bank of America-National Trust & Savings Association loses customer's probability
Chart:The contrast graph of main country hold card rate and our country hold card rate
Chart:Operating position sketch map of bank card of our country
Chart:Consumer's attitude toward network bank
Chart:The reason that the customer chooses the network bank
Chart:The customer uses the number of times of different services of network bank averagly per month
Chart:Reason why the customer opens an account in different banks
Chart:Reason why the customer " job-hops "
Chart:The reason that the customer does not use the network bank pays
Chart:Reason why the number of times of investor's investment increases that surf the Net
Chart:Users' purpose that use financial account and the general website of bill inquiry
Chart:Users' purpose that use the whole function financial service website
Chart:Every index rank in 1000 large banks in the world of every large Chinese commercial bank
Chart:International comparision of the non-performing loan rate of state-run bank
Chart:The money supply acceleration rate will obviously fall after rise in 2004
Chart:The sufficient rate of the domestic capital of listing bank and financing plan
Chart:The complexion table of in-poured capital and out-flown capital of financial institution
Chart:Monthly weighted average interest rate tendency picture of money market
Chart:The situation that Central Bank's repurchase trade in April of 2005
Chart:The situation that Central Bank will issue the note by way of invite public bidding in interest rate in April of 2005
Chart:Rate comparison sheet of the fund
Chart:The increase situation that the total share of the fund operate for more than one year
Chart:Increase pictures of Seven fund share rate from June 30 , 2004 to March 31 , 2005
Chart:Share growth rate and relation picture of the scale of fund
Chart:The distribution of fund share of money market at the end of April of 2005
Chart:The relation graph of the fund average return rate and the scale of fund from April to September of 2005
Chart:The structure chart of the investor of fund of money which operate for more than one year
Chart:Holder's amount of the fund of money market and holding share per family ( Seven funds are average)
Chart:The proportion of institutional investor's share and relation picture of the share of investment per family
Chart:The picture that Earning ratio change and average return
of seven funds
Chart:Three fund take earning ratio change situation picture every year will it be one over one year
Chart:Seven fund take earning ratio variance picture every year one
Chart:Index tendency of national debt of Shanghai Stock Exchange
Chart:Central Bank note issue interest rate tendency picture since July 2004
Chart:seven fund bond to net value ( %)
Chart:The relation of fund share of money market and fund bond to net value
Chart:The survey situatin table of the open-ended fund
Chart:Development of fund market of 1998-2004 year
Chart:The American consumptive credit takes the proportion of the personal income
Chart:Citibank's account expenses standard
Chart:Heng Seng Bank and Standard Chartered Bank (HK) invest in product introduction
Chart:Citibank's account product introduction
Chart:Stock right structure of Huaxia Bank before listing
Chart:Ten the first big shareholder's situations of Huaxia Bank before listing
Chart:Every deposit , loan balance of the branch within the territory of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
Chart:Profit-and-loss statement of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
Chart:Operation of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
Chart:The RMB deposit , loan situation of all quarter of the Construction Bank of China of 2003
Chart:Balance sheet of the Construction Bank of China of 2003
Chart:Operation of the Construction Bank of China
Chart:Bank account , loan balance that promote trade and investment
Chart:Shanghai Pudong Development Bank manages the business income of the main products divided according to area
Unit:A thousand yuan
Chart:Business income situation divided according to the business kind
Chart:Business income situation divided according to the regional income
Chart:Bond investment return of the whole bank
Chart:Listing bank financing situation in recent years (including implementing);
Chart:The proportion picture of call deposit of Guangdong Province various banks
Chart:The proportion picture of consumptive loan of Guangdong every bank
Chart:The proportion picture of discount loan of Guangdong every bank
Chart:Virtual innovative products table of banking of Guangdong
Chart:Every bank card function table of Guangdong
Chart:Information table of personal housing loan of every bank
Chart:The survey sketch map of the reason doing shopping on the net of our country
Chart:Sketch map of the situation that American small and medium-sized enterprises survive
Chart:The investigate sketch map in will of consumer's management of personal money
Chart:The investigate sketch map in demand of consumer's management of personal money
Chart:The investigate sketch map of consumers in investment combination
Chart:Proportion of resident taking various kinds of financial assets as main financial investment tool
Chart:The contrasts of average income of the Chinese residents who have invested all kinds of financial instruments
Chart:The investigate sketch map in reason of business demand of consumer's management of personal money
Chart:The investigate sketch map in demand kind of consumer's management of personal money
Chart:The investigate sketch map of the customer demand to the instructor of management of personal money
Chart:Foreign trade top ten of China
Chart:Top ten , foreign trade of China , is it take gross domestic product proportion to export
Chart:China's international account settlement business competition situation
Chart:The Chinese note network has been offered and changed since the first half of the year
Chart:Trust bank of investment securities within the territory of QFII
Chart:The situation that Chinese resident's bank card uses
Chart:The consumption environment's contrast of Chinese and foreign bank cards
Chart:China issued volume the top ten banks
Chart:The credit card market of Bank of China occupies the situation
Chart:Chinese bank card market gives the situation of occupying of the market according to the turnover
Chart:The Chinese bank card business card trades the rank
Chart:Rank of amount of consumption of business card of the Chinese bank card
Chart:Rank of the balance of deposits of business card of the Chinese bank card
Chart:Carter of Bank of China invites the distribution situation of every bank of trade company
Chart:ATM occupy situation of China main credit card company
Chart:POS occupy situation of China main credit card company
Chart:The top ten area and Proportions accounted for of China bank card issued volume
Chart:China issued volume the top ten between area and proportion that account for
Chart:State of consumer's age of the bank card
Chart:Consumer's academic situation of the bank card
Chart:Chinese residents hold the card and consume the main field
Chart:Consumers faces the subject matter that use the bank card
Chart:Chinese residents handle the purpose of the credit card
Chart:Every bank of member state supervises the authorities and makes the loan and classifies regular power
Chart:Categorised method of the many loan to the same debtor
Chart:Capital list of stock market of European Union bank
Chart:Ratio chart of foreign capitals bank in residents of our country choose
Chart:The ratio chart that residents handle the deposit and housing loan business in the foreign capitals bank mainly
Chart:The comparison sheet of capital state of Chinese commercial bank and international bank
Chart:The comparison sheet of assets quality state of Chinese commercial bank and international bank
Chart:The comparison sheet of profitable state of Chinese commercial bank and international bank
Chart:The comparison sheet of comprehensive management level of Chinese commercial bank and international bank
Chart:The comparison sheet of mobile state of Chinese commercial bank and international bank
Chart:The business time table of the foreign capitals bank manages RMB
Chart:Non-performing loan situation of the bank system
Chart:The policy position that some banks of main country district are to is operated separately
Chart:The action and effect of our country some bank march toward business of investment bank of field
Chart:World Bank's card trade state picture
Chart:The policy position of some banks of main country district are to that is operated seperately
Chart:The action and effect that China some bank march toward business of investment bank of field

In 2005, is China enters world the fourth year. The reform, the innovation and the internationalization were still the our country banking industry's three big subjects. Does not dare to reform, our country bank truly becomes the pursue profit maximization with difficulty the commercial bank, will be going to endanger China to pass the achievement which more than 20 years reform will obtain and endangers Chinese economy later the growth; Not eagerly innovates, our country bank obtains the competitive ability with difficulty in day by day keen competition which continues, is going to continue to pace back and forth in the low level profit management level; Does not dare the internationalization, our country bank with difficulty under in the WTO frame whole world money market the survival and the development, is going to endanger our country the international competition ability. How will the Chinese banking industry reform? How innovates? How internationalizes? When can the Chinese banking industry only then both and be greatly strong?
This memoir closely revolves the reform, the innovation and the internationalization these three subjects, to the international banking industry market development condition, our country banking industry's reform and the development present situation, our country banking industry's innovation and the competition pattern and so on has carried on the thorough analysis, and after joined WTO the opportunity and the challenge, banking industry's internationalization question and so on advancement, banking industry's development tendency and strategy has carried on the discussion.
This memoir closely revolves the reform, the innovation and the internationalization these three subjects, to the international banking industry market development condition, our country banking industry's reform and the development present situation, our country banking industry's innovation and the competition pattern and so on has carried on the thorough analysis, and after joined WTO the opportunity and the challenge, banking industry's internationalization question and so on advancement, banking industry's development tendency and strategy has carried on the discussion.

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